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London Borough of Camden

Brownfield land

Reference Name Site address Deliverable Hazardous substances Hectares MinNetDwellings Minimum net dwellings Maximum net dwellings Ownership status Planning permission date Planning permission type Planning permission history Planning permission status Site plan URL Point Notes OrganisationLabel Organisation Entry date Start date End date
LBCBLR074 LBCBLR074 9-13 Grape Street London WC2H 8ED yes 0.02 6 6 Unknown ownership 2015-03-31 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.125622 51.5164) Erection of roof extension and change of use from office and photographic studios (Class B1), gymnasium (Class D2) and gallery (Class D1) to Class B1 at basement level and Class B1/A1 at ground floor level with 6 x residential units on part ground and upper floors (Class C3) and associated works. Application reference: 2015/0695/P. Decision dated: 31/03/2015 2025-03-09 2017-12-22 2023-11-01
LBCBLR067 LBCBLR067 Land at Kiln Place (Blocks 1-64 65-80 81-96 97-104 105-116 117-164; entrance ways into 81-96; land between 81-96 and 117-164; land between Kiln Place and Meru Close; land to east of Kiln Place and playground between blocks 65-80 and 81-96) London yes 0.28 15 15 Unknown ownership 2015-03-31 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.150275 51.55398) Development of 15 residential units on 6 sites across Kiln Place estate, following demolition of foyer entrances and refuse storage area for blocks 1-64, 65-80, 81-96, 97-104, 105-116, 117-164 Kiln Place along with provision of new pathway and front entrances into lower maisonettes of 81-96 Kiln Place, enlargement and improvement of playground & landscaping, and other associated works. Planning applciation reference: 2014/6697/P. Decision dated: 31-03-2015 2025-03-09 2017-12-22 2023-11-01
LBCBLR030 LBCBLR030 41 Fortess Road London NW5 1AD yes 0.02 6 6 Unknown ownership 2015-03-31 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.140938 51.553787) Reconfiguration and extension of existing building retaining existing gabled facade (currently arranged as 3 self contained flats) to provide 2 x studios, 3 x 1-bed, 3 x 2-bed and 1 x 3-bed self-contained flats; following demolition of the existing 3-storey rear extension and replacement with a 5 storey extension including new basement. (Class C3). Planning application reference: 2013/3877/P. Decision dated: 07/08/2013 2025-03-09 2017-12-22 2023-11-01
LBCBLR055 LBCBLR055 19-21 Great Queen Street London WC2B 5BE yes 0.03 5 5 Unknown ownership 2014-12-12 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.121089 51.515765) Partial demolition and re-build involving the erection of a single storey roof extension; and a three-storey rear extension for mixed use development comprising the retention of retail on the basement and ground floors and the change of use of the upper floors (1st to 5th) from offices (Class B1(a) to 4 x 3 bed residential units (Class C3) Planning application reference: 2014/4958/P. Decision dated: 19-08-2014 2025-03-09 2017-12-22 2023-11-01
LBCBLR022 LBCBLR022 Selkirk House, 166 High Holborn, 1 Museum Street, 10-12 Museum Street, 35-41 New Oxford Street and 16A-18 West Central Street, London WC1A 1JR yes 0.54 50 50 not owned by a public authority 2017-05-16 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.12516 51.516558) Partly in Site 18 in Camden Site Allocations Local Development Document (2013). 2025-03-09 2017-12-22
LBCBLR082 LBCBLR082 Clifford Pugh House, 5-7 Lancaster Grove, NW3 4HE yes 0.1 15 15 Unknown ownership 2016-06-27 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.171371 51.546688) Erection of six storey building (including basement and accommodation in roof space) to provide 15 flats (Class C3) (7x 1-bed, 1x 2-bed, 4x 2-bed and 3x 3-bed) with erection of glazed veranda, 2 gazebos, and store to garden and front boundary wall, following demolition of existing student accommodation (Class Sui Generis) and front boundary wall. Application reference: 2015/2366/P. Decision dated: 27/06/2016 2025-03-09 2017-12-22 2023-11-01
LBCBLR081 LBCBLR081 61 - 65 Charlotte Street London W1T 4PF yes 0.05 6 6 Unknown ownership 2016-01-08 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.136458 51.51976) Erection of mansard roof extension at 4th floor level, rear extension at lower ground & ground floor levels, with creation of 6 x flats (2 x one-bedroom/studio, 2 x two bedroom, 2 x three-bedroom) on the upper floors, office accommodation at ground and lower ground floors and shopfront alterations. Application reference: 2015/1746/P. Decision dated: 08/01/2016 2025-03-09 2017-12-22 2023-11-01
LBCBLR043 LBCBLR043 Station House, Lower Ground & Ground Floors, 9-13 Swiss Terrace Belsize Road London NW6 4RR yes 0.02 6 6 Unknown ownership 2014-04-08 other permissioned POINT(-0.175694 51.543716) Change of use from office (Class B1a) to 6 self-contained residential units (Class C3) comprising 2 x studios and 4 x 1 bed flats at lower ground & ground floor levels. Planning application: 2014/5817/P. Decision dated: 19-09-2014 2025-03-09 2017-12-22 2023-11-01
LBCBLR024 LBCBLR024 Network Building, 95-100 Tottenham Court Road and 76-80 Whitfield Street and 88 Whitfield Streeet, London W1T 0.21 0 0 not owned by a public authority 2022-04-12 other permissioned POINT(-0.136642 51.522234) Outline application for demolition of office building (95-100 TCR & 76-80 Whitfield St) and 7 flats (88 Whitfield Street) and construction of a new building to provide for a maximum of 17746 sqm (GIA) of 'commercial business and service' floorspace (use Class E) along with details of access, scale and landscaping and other works incidental to the application. Details of layout and appearance are reserved. Planning application reference: 2020/5624/P. Decision dated: 12/04/2022. Planning permission has been granted for a wholly non-residential scheme with housing to be delivered off-site. The former Tottenham Mews Day Hospital is being developed to replace existing homes and provide additional homes. 2025-03-09 2017-12-22
LBCBLR088 LBCBLR088 Rear of 110 Gloucester Avenue London NW1 8HXÂ yes 0.03 12 12 Unknown ownership 2015-07-24 other permissioned POINT(-0.153978 51.541944) Change of use from offices (Class B1) to residential (Class C3) comprising 12 flats. Planning reference: 2015/3057/P. Decision dated: 24/07/2015. 2025-03-09 2017-12-22 2023-11-01
LBCBLR050 LBCBLR050 34A-36 Kilburn High Road London NW6 5UA yes 0.09 5 5 Unknown ownership 2015-07-27 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.191616 51.536957) Erection of an additional storey to provide 5 x additional residential units. Planning application reference: 2014/2786/P. Decision dated: 20-05-2014. Allowed at appeal (APP/X5210/W/14/3001424, decision dated: 27 July 2015). 2025-03-09 2017-12-22 2023-11-01
LBCBLR086 LBCBLR086 Centre Heights 137 Finchley Road London NW3 6JG yes 0.01 14 14 Unknown ownership 2016-03-24 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.175606 51.543818) Part two, part three storey extension to Centre Heights building to create 5no. (3 bed) residential units (use class C3) with associated roof gardens. Relocation of 7 no. telecommunications antennae at roof level and single storey rear extension to existing retail units to create an additional 130sqm of retail (A2 use class) floorspace. Demolition of existing multi-storey car park to the rear of existing building and erection of two to four storeys mews development to create 9no. residential units (use class C3) together with hard and soft landscaping, refuse and recycling facilities and cycle parking. Application reference: 2015/2997/P. Decision dated: 24/03/2016 2025-03-09 2017-12-22 2023-11-01
LBCBLR071 LBCBLR071 140-146 Camden Street London NW1 9PF yes 0.16 36 36 Unknown ownership 2019-09-10 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.140104 51.541325) Variation of condition 2 (approved plans) and removal of condition 12 (lifetime homes) of planning permission ref. 2017/1407/P (dated 28/11/19) for Demolition of existing buildings and erection of 1 - 8 storey building (plus basement excavation) comprising 2,026sqm of commercial floorspace (flexible B1 use class) and 52 residential units with associated landscaping, namely to amend housing mix; internal reconfiguration to create larger unit sizes and reduce cores; relocation of wheelchair unit, plant, refuse and cycle store and associated elevational alterations at ground floor level Application reference: 2019/3403/P. Decision dated: 10/09/2019 2025-03-09 2017-12-22 2023-11-01
LBCBLR023 LBCBLR023 Kentish Town Fire Station, 20 Highgate Road 0.01 35 35 owned by a public authority Not permissioned POINT(-0.119397 51.523431) Site 41 in Camden Site Allocations Local Development Document (2013). Redevelopment of the site to provide a mix of uses. Development will be expected to: Safeguard the provision of fire station facilities or support alternative local fire service and facility provision; Optimise the potential of the site to provide new housing while minimising potential conflicts between residential and other uses; Provide an acceptable standard of residential accommodation for any new homes proposed for the site; Ensure that the amenity of nearby residential occupiers is maintained; Provide an appropriate level of affordable housing, in line with adopted council policies; Explore the potential to link up with existing and emerging developments to form a decentralised energy network; Retain existing trees and take opportunities to incorporate soft landscaping. 2025-03-09 2017-12-22
LBCBLR020 LBCBLR020 1-5 Hanway Place and 6-17 Tottenham Court Road, London, W1T 1BF & others 0.25 15 15 not owned by a public authority Not permissioned POINT(-0.131535 51.517228) Opportunity site (10) identified in the Fitzrovia Area Action Plan (2014). Redevelopment could provide around 3,000sqm of additional floorspace, an element of which could include housing. The Council’s preferred approach is a mix of uses with a retail frontage on Tottenham Court Road and provision of permanent self-contained housing, including an appropriate contribution to affordable housing. Any additional non-residential floorspace should be matched by an equal addition to floorspace for permanent self-contained housing (in Use Class C3), subject to relevant development plan policy criteria for mixed-use development. 2025-03-09 2017-12-22
LBCBLR092 LBCBLR092 20-21 King's Mews London WC1N 2JB yes 0.02 7 7 Unknown ownership 2016-11-21 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.114244 51.522061) Erection of 3 storey (plus basement) building to provide 7 no. self-contained residential units (1x 1-bed, 6x 2-bed ), following the demolition of the existing 2 storey garage building. Planning reference: 2016/1093/P. Decision dated: 21/11/2016 2025-03-09 2017-12-22 2023-11-01
LBCBLR027 LBCBLR027 112-116 New Oxford Street London WC1A 1HH yes 0.02 6 6 Unknown ownership 2014-04-02 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.129328 51.51669) Erection of roof extension, alterations to windows on rear facade and change of use of second to sixth floors from offices (Class B1) to provide 6 self-contained flats (1 x 1 bedroom, 3 x 2 bedroom and 2 x 3 bedroom) (Class C3). Planning application reference: 2013/0121/P. Decision dated: 02/04/2014 2025-03-09 2017-12-22 2023-11-01
LBCBLR093 LBCBLR093 152-156 Kentish Town Road London NW1 9QB yes 0.09 8 8 Unknown ownership 2016-11-21 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.141343 51.546582) Replacement of existing building with a four storey (plus basement) mixed use building comprising retail (A1 Use Class) at ground and basement level and office space (B1 Use Class) and Dental Practice (D1 Use Class at first floor level) with 8 residential units (5x2bed and 3x3bed) on upper floors. Planning reference: 2016/1372/P. Decision dated: 21/11/2016 2025-03-09 2017-12-22 2023-11-01
LBCBLR078 LBCBLR078 The Mamelon Tower 149 Grafton Road London NW5 4AY yes 0.02 5 5 Unknown ownership 2016-05-03 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.149954 51.550859) Change of use of upper floors from ancillary public house accommodation (A4) to 5 (3 x 1Bed, 2 x 2Bed) self-contained flats (Class C3); erection of 2 storey side extension on South - East (Queen's Crescent) elevation at first and second floor levels and mansard roof extension with associated fenestration alterations. Application reference: 2015/1211/P. Decision dated: 03/05/2016 2025-03-09 2017-12-22 2023-11-01
LBCBLR061 LBCBLR061 4 - 5 Loveridge Mews London NW6 2DP yes 0.01 5 5 Unknown ownership 2014-11-05 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.202391 51.546255) Erection of mansard roof extension comprising 3 bed flat (Class C3) and alterations to fenestration of existing office building (Class B1a) Planning application reference: 2014/5547/P. Decision dated: 11-09-2014 2025-03-09 2017-12-22 2023-11-01
LBCBLR095 LBCBLR095 58 West End Lane London NW6 2NE yes 0.06 14 14 Unknown ownership 2017-01-17 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.192256 51.543656) Erection of 2 storey rear extension; erection of 2 x dormer windows to rear roofslope; 3 x rooflights to front roofslope; and conversion of existing 16 x studio flats into 5 x 2 bedroom flats, 1 x 1 bedroom flat and 8 x studio flats. Planning application reference: 2016/4441/P. Decision dated:17/01/2017 2025-03-09 2017-12-22 2023-11-01
LBCBLR080 LBCBLR080 The Cock Tavern 23 Phoenix Road London NW1 1HB yes 0.03 5 5 Unknown ownership 2016-04-06 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.131419 51.531198) Retention of basement and ground floor public house (A4) along with first floor function room; change of use to upper floors and a loft conversion to create 5 self-contained residential (C3) units (1x1 bed, 3x2 bed and 1x3 bed); two storey rear extension, construction of dormers, other external improvements to the building and associated internal works to accommodate the residential use. Application reference: 2015/1496/P. Decision dated: 06/04/2016 2025-03-09 2017-12-22 2023-11-01
LBCBLR060 LBCBLR060 Land Adjoining no 42 Falkland Road London NW5 2PX yes 0.03 6 6 Unknown ownership 2015-10-27 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.138395 51.551811) Amendment to mansard roof and erection of additional dormers on front and rear elevations; Installation of railings to rear windows and 2nd floor front windows; Relocation of 2nd floor side window; and Alterations to internal layouts as approved by planning permission 2014/5539/P dated 27/10/15 (as amended by 2022/1406/P dated 30/05/2023 and 2016/6445/P dated 7/4/17 ) for 'erection of part 1 storey plus mansard and part 3 storey building, plus basement, to provide 6 x flats'. Planning application reference: 2023/4922/P. Decision dated: 05/12/2023 2025-03-09 2017-12-22 2023-11-01
LBCBLR057 LBCBLR057 Ryland House 24/24a Ryland Road London NW5 3EH yes 0.01 10 10 Unknown ownership 2014-10-03 other permissioned POINT(-0.146138 51.547877) Conversion of part of the ground floor, and the first and second floors from Class B1(a) offices to Class C3 residential comprising 10 selfcontained flats. Planning application reference: 2014/5139/P. Decision dated: 03-10-2014 2025-03-09 2017-12-22 2023-11-01
LBCBLR076 LBCBLR076 17 & 25-27 Ferdinand Street, London, NW1 8EU yes 0.01 10 10 Unknown ownership 2021-09-23 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.150003 51.543654) Variation of condition 2 (approved plans) and condition 4b (glass balustrade) of planning permission 2019/3429/P dated 09/09/2020 as a variation to planning permission 2015/0925/P dated 27/11/2015 for the `Erection of additional 4th and 5th floors, 5 storey extension to courtyard (west) elevation, single storey extension to east elevation all at 17 and 27 Ferdinand Street and redevelopment of 25 Ferdinand Street to create 5 storey building to provide 10 additional residential units (9 units already in situ) and Class B1a office floorspace?, namely to replace the approved glass balustrade on fourth floor with steel railings. Planning application reference: 2020/5512/P. Decision dated: 23 September 2021 2025-03-09 2017-12-22
LBCBLR032 LBCBLR032 100, 100a and 100b Chalk Farm Road London NW1 8EH yes 0.29 63 63 Unknown ownership 2015-03-27 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.151076 51.543034) Redevelopment of site to create a mixed-use development comprising 57 market flats (13x1beds, 28x2beds and 16x3beds), 6 affordable flats (3x3 bed social rented, 3x1 bed intermediate), new office, retail and restaurant units with associated works to highways and landscaping; following demolition of existing buildings and car park. Planning application reference: 2013/5403/P. Decision dated: 27/03/2015 2025-03-09 2017-12-22 2023-11-01
LBCBLR017 LBCBLR017 Kentish Town Police Station, 10A,12A, 14 Holmes Road 0.4 80 80 owned by a public authority Not permissioned POINT(-0.142019 51.549707) Site 40 in Camden Site Allocations Local Development Document (2013). Police facilities or new mixed use development including police facilities, permanent (C3) residential (including affordable housing), and/or other community uses. Development will be expected to: Preserve the listed police station building on the site and not harm the setting of this building; Maximise the potential of the site to provide new housing (including affordable housing); Provide new green space and children’s play space; Be designed to limit the potential for noise disturbance from the industrial uses to the rear to any new residential accommodation on the site. 2025-03-09 2017-12-22
LBCBLR073 LBCBLR073 Marine Ices 4-8a Haverstock Hill & 45-47 Crogsland Road London NW3 2BL yes 0.07 19 19 Unknown ownership 2016-12-22 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.152588 51.5442) Demolition of existing buildings, with retention of facade at 45-47 Crogsland Road and construction of a part 4/part 5 storey building with basement comprising flexible use of cinema (class D2) at basement and ground level with ancillary restaurant and bar (class A3/A4) at ground level or retail class (class A1 at basement and ground floor level and 19 residential dwellings (8 x 1 bed, 9 x 2 bed and 2 x 3 bed units) on upper floors with associated cycle parking, amenity space and refuse and recycling storage. Application reference: 2015/0487/P. Decision date: 22/12/2016 2025-03-09 2017-12-22 2023-11-01
LBCBLR031 LBCBLR031 10 Gate Street London WC2 yes 0.01 4 4 Unknown ownership 2014-09-15 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.119016 51.517275) The erection of a seven storey rear extension on Little Turnstile and mansard roof extension in association with change of use of office (B1a) and restaurant (A3) to residential 2 x 1 bedroom unit and 2 x 2 bedroom unit (C3) and flexible A1/A3 use at low Planning application search: 2013/4980/P. Decision dated: 15/09/2014 2025-03-09 2017-12-22 2023-11-01
LBCBLR084 LBCBLR084 113 Regents Park Road London NW1 8UR yes 0.03 6 6 Unknown ownership 2015-07-14 other permissioned POINT(-0.155863 51.542526) Change of use of first and second floors from office (Class B1a) to 6 (2x one bed and 4x two beds)residential units (Class C3). Application reference: 2015/2727/P. Decision dated: 14/07/2015 2025-03-09 2017-12-22 2023-11-01
LBCBLR009 LBCBLR009 Goldsmiths House and adjoining land, Cumberland Market Estate, Park Village East/Augustus Street 0.01 60 60 not owned by a public authority Not permissioned POINT(-0.119397 51.523431) Site 15 in Camden Site Allocations Local Development Document (2013). Provision of permanent (Class C3) residential development, including affordable housing, if it can be demonstrated that it is no longer appropriate to provide a hostel on the site; reprovision and expansion of existing community hall and publicly accessible open space. 2025-03-09 2017-12-22
LBCBLR033 LBCBLR033 Raglan House, 1 Raglan Street London NW5 3DB yes 0.04 5 5 Unknown ownership 2014-06-18 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.14209 51.547845) Change of use of existing day centre (Class D1) to provide 5 (1 x 1 bed and 4 x 2-bed) residential flats (Class C3) and associated external works including the demolition of the existing first floor conservatory to provide private amenity space. Planning application reference: 2013/6025/P. Decision dated: 18/06/2014 2025-03-09 2017-12-22 2023-11-01
LBCBLR019 LBCBLR019 Land Bounded by 50-57 High Holborn, (including Brownlow House High Holborn House & Caroline House) 18-25 Hand Court , 45-51 Bedford Row & Brownlow Street, London WC1V 6RL 0.37 44 44 not owned by a public authority 2011-10-27 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.115237 51.518607) Mixed use redevelopment of the site involving the demolition of Caroline House, 18-22 Hand Court and parts of High Holborn House, retention of facade and rebuild of part of High Holborn House facing High Holborn and the facade of 23 Hand Court and rear of High Holborn House (49-51 Bedford Row), Brownlow House and 45-48 Bedford Row. The erection of a new eight storey (plus two level basement and roof plant floor) building to accommodate A1 (Retail) floorspace and flexible A3/A4 (Restaurant/Drinking Establishment) at ground floor level together with new B1 (Office) space. Conversion of 46-48 Bedford Row to create 3x single family dwellings, change of use and extension of existing B1 (office) space to form 15x residential units within, 45 Bedford Row and 49-51 Bedford Row; conversion and extension of Brownlow House to provide 10x residential units (affordable housing); Redevelopment of 23 Hand Court to provide 22 student units in place of 6x existing residential units; new servicing access from Brownlow Street, and various public realm works to Brownlow Street, Bedford Row and Hand Court. Planning application reference: 2009/0675/P. Decision dated: 07/07/2009. Site 20 in Camden Site Allocations Local Development Document (2013). 2025-03-09 2017-12-22
LBCBLR014 LBCBLR014 57-71 Pratt Street, 10-15 Georgiana Street and Royal College Street 0.34 40 40 not owned by a public authority Not permissioned POINT(-0.136872 51.539388) Site 36 in Camden Site Allocations Local Development Document (2013). Mixed use development of the site to provide a new electricity sub station (if required), employment and/or community floor space and new permanent (class C3) residential accommodation. Development will be expected to:• Optimise the potential of the site to provide new housing (including affordable housing) while minimising potential conflicts between residential and other uses• Contain active street frontages and improve the relationship between the site and surrounding area.• Contribute towards the upgrade of existing public open spaces in the area and subject to the scale of residential development proposed provide a new green space and children’s play space.• Be of a scale form and appearance which respects the character and setting of the listed buildings in Georgiana Street and listed All Saints Greek Orthodox church in Pratt Street• Enhance the routes between Kings Cross and Camden Town and through to the canal• Provide infrastructure for supporting local energy generation on site and/or connections to existing or future networks where feasible 2025-03-09 2017-12-22
LBCBLR028 LBCBLR028 Tybald Estate, New North Street, London, WC1N 3JT yes 2.02 56 56 Unknown ownership 2022-10-14 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.120085 51.520858) Demolition of existing storage sheds and infill development on the existing Tybalds Estate including erection of three blocks, two mews terraces, and conversion of the lower ground floor of three existing blocks to provide a total of 56 residential homes (Class C3) comprising 28 affordable and 28 market units with associated community space, alterations to existing residential block entrances, provision of a lift to existing Devonshire Court, refuse facilities, public realm improvements, alterations to parking layout, cycle parking, landscaping and associated works. Planning application reference: 2021/3580/P. Decision dated: 14 October 2022 2025-03-09 2017-12-22
LBCBLR045 LBCBLR045 46, 47 & 47a Bedford Row London WC1R 4LR yes 0.03 5 5 Unknown ownership 2014-08-12 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.115498 51.518901) Change of use from office (Class B1) to residential use (Class C3) to provide 5 units (1 x 3 bed house, 1 x 1 bed & 3 x 2 flats), alterations to existing rear extensions including demolition of rear extensions at numbers 46 and 47, replacement of existing front door at No.47 with window, and alterations to railings. Planning application reference: 2014/1628/P. Decision dated: 12-08-2014. 2025-03-09 2017-12-22 2023-11-01
LBCBLR058 LBCBLR058 16 Rochester Mews London NW1 9JB yes 0.03 5 5 Unknown ownership 2015-03-30 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.137136 51.543732) Demolition of existing Class B1/B8 unit and erection of a 4 storey building containing replacement business space (Class B1/B8) on ground floor and five self-contained flats (Class C3) plus balconies on 1st-3rd floors. Planning application reference: 2014/5510/P. Decision dated: 30/03/2015 2025-03-09 2017-12-22 2023-11-01
LBCBLR029 LBCBLR029 8-10 Southampton Row and 1 Fisher Street, London, WC1B 4AE yes 0.01 9 9 not owned by a public authority 2020-07-09 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.12003 51.51835) Change of use of 8-10 Southampton Row from temporary Crossrail offices (B1) to hotel with ancillary bar and restaurant (C1), together with erection of an 8 storey building at 1 Fisher Street, containing 9 self-contained residential units (C3) and hotel floorspace connected to 8-10 Southampton Row (85 hotel rooms in total across the site), following demolition of part of rear façade and other internal and external alterations to 8-10 Southampton Row. Installation of associated plant, refuse and cycle storage areas. Planning application reference: 2019/2536/P. Decision dated: 9 July 2020 2025-03-09 2017-12-22
LBCBLR047 LBCBLR047 112-116 New Oxford Street London WC1A 1HH yes 0.02 9 9 Unknown ownership 2015-02-27 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.129285 51.516682) Change of use of second to ninth floor from offices to 9 residential units including erection of two storey roof extension and stone parapet wall along new oxford street following demolition of existing roof plant structure and part of perimeter roof slab and installation of windows to Bainbridge Street elevation. Planning application reference: 2013/0121/P. Decision dated: 15-01-2013. 2025-03-09 2017-12-22 2023-11-01
LBCBLR063 LBCBLR063 Land bounded by Grafton Terrace, Maitland Park Villas and Maitland Park, containing Existing TRA Hall and Garages; and Land adjacent to Maitland Park Villas containing existing Aspen House gymnasium and garages. yes 0.96 77 77 Unknown ownership 2020-09-25 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.156577 51.54895) Variation of conditions 2 (approved plans and documents), 4 (sample panel of brickwork), 7 (SUDS), 8 (contamination), 10 (hard and soft landscaping), 21 (Home Quality Mark), 22 (CMP), 26 (levels plans), 28 (local employment), 29 (local procurement), 31 (energy efficiency and renewables plan), 34 (solar PV and green roofs) and 39 (substation) of planning permission 2014/5840/P, dated 31/03/2015 (as amended by 2015/6696/P, dated 14/04/2016 and 2019/4998/P, dated 25/09/2020) (for: provision of residential units and replacement Tenants and Residents Association hall across two sites with associated multi-use games area, landscape and associated works, following demolition of Aspen House, gymnasium and garages at Maitland Park Villas and TRA Hall and garages on Grafton Terrace): namely, to amend the play provision strategy. Planning application reference: 2022/0007/P. Decision dated: 01/02/2023 2025-03-09 2017-12-22 2023-11-01
LBCBLR021 LBCBLR021 Arthur Stanley House, 44-50 Tottenham St, W1 yes 0.11 9 9 not owned by a public authority 2016-10-13 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.137313 51.519981) Refurbishment of the existing eight storey Arthur Stanley House (ground plus seven storeys, with two lower ground floor levels), reconfiguration of the seventh floor and extension at the rear of the building and construction of a four storey plus basement new build element to the rear facing Tottenham Mews to enable a change of use from healthcare (Class D1) to a mixed use development comprising office floorspace (Class B1), flexible office (Class B1)/ healthcare (Class D1) floorspace at ground and first floor levels and 10 residential units (Class C3) (2 x 1 bed (private); 6 x 2 bed (private); 2 x 3 bed (social rented)) and associated landscaping fronting Tottenham Mews. Planning application reference: 2017/4306/P. Decision dated: 30/08/2018 2025-03-09 2017-12-22 2023-11-01
LBCBLR018 LBCBLR018 202-212 Regents Park Road, (Round House Carpark) Chalk Farm Road 0.33 30 30 not owned by a public authority Not permissioned POINT(-0.152783 51.543419) Site 33 in Camden Site Allocations Local Development Document (2013). A mixed use development to provide a range of arts, entertainment and cultural uses alongside studios, workshop space and housing(permanent C3). Development will be expected to:• Preserve or enhance the setting of the Grade II* listed Roundhouse and improve views from Regents Canal conservation area and the surrounding area• Optimise the potential of the site to provide new housing (including affordable housing) while minimising potential conflicts between residential and other uses• Ensure that any proposed residential units are designed to minimise potential noise and vibration disturbance from the adjacent railway lines.• Exhibit a particularly high standard of design in terms of scale, buildings, public spaces and accessibility to complement the high quality refurbishment of the Roundhouse and its distinct form and character• Positively contribute to and integrate with town centre and streetscape improvements and initiatives• Maintain effective access and servicing to the adjacent Roundhouse• Positively and creatively manage the impacts of activities and events on the local neighbourhood• Ensure that the public transport network and local infrastructure in general has the capacity to serve the activities, events and travel demand generated by development 2025-03-09 2017-12-22 2023-11-01
LBCBLR037 LBCBLR037 51 Fitzjohn's Avenue London NW3 6PH yes 0.14 8 8 Unknown ownership 2015-03-30 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.176504 51.551014) Basement excavation with associated alterations, removal of rear conservatories, extension at 5th floor, replacement of dormer window with door, alterations to fenestration and conversion from 13 to 21 flats (7x1 bed, 12x2 bed,2x3 bed). Planning application reference: 2013/7379/P. Decision dated: 30/03/2015 2025-03-09 2017-12-22 2023-11-01
LBCBLR026 LBCBLR026 167-177 Shaftesbury Avenue London WC2H 8JB yes 0.05 6 6 Unknown ownership 2015-02-16 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.127499 51.514873) Commencement of works in accordance with condition 1 (within three years from date of permission) of planning permission ref 2012/2774/P, granted 16/02/2015/P, for change of use at 167 -177 Shaftsbury Avenue; first floor level from offices (Class B1a) to six self-contained residential units (Class C3) comprising of 2 x 2 bedroom and 4 x 1 bedroom flats plus associated internal and external alterations to include a new ground level louvred, bin store door. Planning application reference: 2016/3331/P. Decision dated: 27/07/2016 2025-03-09 2017-12-22
LBCBLR096 LBCBLR096 1A Highgate Road London NW5 1JY yes 0.06 13 13 Unknown ownership 2016-11-17 other permissioned POINT(-0.14194 51.55177) Change of use from warehouse (Class B8) to 13 self-contained residential units (Class C3). Planning reference: 2016/5336/P. Decision dated: 17/11/2016 2025-03-09 2017-12-22 2023-11-01
LBCBLR025 LBCBLR025 13 St Cross Street London EC1N 8UB yes 0.02 8 8 Unknown ownership 2016-03-24 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.106531 51.520939) Erection of a seven storey plus basement building to create eight self contained flats (1 x 1 bedroom, 6 x 2 bedroom and 1 x 3 bedroom) on existing vacant land (Class C3). Planning application reference: 2011/1433/P, appeal decision dated: 24/03/2016 2025-03-09 2017-12-22 2023-11-01
LBCBLR052 LBCBLR052 22 Tower Street London WC2H 9NS yes 0.08 22 22 Unknown ownership 2014-11-26 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.127665 51.513385) Change of use and conversion from offices (B1) to 22 residential units (C3) comprising 3 x studio units, 12 x one-bed units, 5 x two-bed units and 2 x three-bed unit including removal of exiting orangery and replacement with new two storey structure. Planning application reference: 2014/3425/P. Decision dated: 26/11/2014. 2025-03-09 2017-12-22 2023-11-01
LBCBLR117 LBCBLR117 51 Calthorpe Street, London, WC1X 0HH yes 0.06 8 8 not owned by a public authority 2022-01-26 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.113993 51.525984) Change of use from offices (Class B1a) to create a mixed use scheme of office use (Class B1a) and 8 self-contained flats (Class C3) (2x 1 bed, 4x 2 bed and 2x 3 bed); mansard roof extension to main building; roof extension to rear part of building; creation of internal mezzanine floors; excavation to create basement; associated works. Planning application reference: 2018/1142/P. Decision dated: 26 January 2022 2025-03-09 2023-11-01
LBCBLR115 LBCBLR115 Former Royal National Throat, Nose And Ear Hospital Site, 330 Gray's Inn Road (and fronting Swinton Street and Wicklow Street) London WC1 yes 0.61 76 76 Unknown ownership 2022-07-20 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.118638 51.529184) Redevelopment of the former Royal National Throat, Nose and Ear Hospital site, comprising: Retention of 330 Gray's Inn Road and a two storey extension above for use as hotel (5 above ground storeys in total), demolition of all other buildings, the erection of a part 13 part 9 storey building plus upper and lower ground floors (maximum height of 15 storeys) for use as a hotel (including a cafe and restaurant); covered courtyard; external terraces; erection of a 7 storey building plus upper and lower ground floors (maximum height of 9 storeys) for use as office together with terraces; erection of a 10 storey building plus upper and lower ground floors (maximum height of 12 storeys) for use as residential on Wicklow Street and office space at lower ground and basement floors; erection of a 5 storey building plus upper and lower ground floors (maximum height of 7 storeys) for use as residential on Swinton Street and associated residential amenity space; together with a gymnasium; new basement; rooftop and basement plant; servicing; cycle storage and facilities; refuse storage; landscaping and other ancillary and associated works. Planning application reference: 2020/5593/P. Decision dated: 20/07/2022 2025-03-09 2023-11-01
LBCBLR123 LBCBLR123 294-295 High Holborn London WC1V 7JG yes 0.03 10 10 not owned by a public authority 2018-08-15 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-0.114954 51.517898) Non-Material Amendment to facilitate removal of retail use in basement; change of internal layouts on residential floors 3, 4, 5 and 6 and enclosure of small area of balconies on floors 7 and 8 granted under reference 2017/1827/P dated 15/08/18 for 'Erection of a 9 storey building comprising retail use (Classes A1-A3) at basement and ground floor levels, office use (Class B1) at first and second floor levels and 10 residential units (6 x 1-bed and 4 x 2-bed) (use class C3) above including plant and associated works.'. Planning application reference: 2020/2937/P. Decision dated: 15 August 2018 2025-03-09 2023-11-01

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