Doncaster Metropolitan Borough Council
Tree preservation zone
Reference | Name | Tree preservation order | Tree preservation zone type | Geometry | Point | Notes | Organisation | Entry date | Start date | End date |
DMBC/TPO/00123/G1 | Doncaster Borough Council Tree Preservation Order (No.123) 1994 Thorne Road, Edenthorpe | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.074932 53.548303,-1.075263 53.548473,-1.075314 53.548473,-1.075364 53.548453,-1.075466 53.548382,-1.075486 53.548358,-1.075482 53.548325,-1.075145 53.548156,-1.075100 53.548152,-1.075019 53.548188,-1.074979 53.548220,-1.074942 53.548265,-1.074932 53.548303))) | POINT (-1.075207 53.548314) | With the rear garden of no. 30 Thorne Road, Edenthorpe. | 2024-08-16 | ||||
DMBC/TPO/00123/G3 | Doncaster Borough Council Tree Preservation Order (No.123) 1994 Thorne Road, Edenthorpe | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.075217 53.549265,-1.074914 53.549119,-1.074696 53.549255,-1.074962 53.549404,-1.075217 53.549265))) | POINT (-1.07495 53.549261) | With the front garden of The Laurels, no. 38 Thorne Road, Edenthorpe. | 2024-08-16 | ||||
DMBC/TPO/00123/G4 | Doncaster Borough Council Tree Preservation Order (No.123) 1994 Thorne Road, Edenthorpe | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.074629 53.549498,-1.074503 53.549427,-1.074417 53.549427,-1.074390 53.549456,-1.074394 53.549469,-1.074408 53.549478,-1.074595 53.549526,-1.074614 53.549527,-1.074637 53.549516,-1.074629 53.549498))) | POINT (-1.074509 53.549474) | With the front garden of The Coppice, no. 42 Thorne Road, Edenthorpe. | 2024-08-16 | ||||
DMBC/TPO/00123/G6 | Doncaster Borough Council Tree Preservation Order (No.123) 1994 Thorne Road, Edenthorpe | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.074332 53.549723,-1.074224 53.549662,-1.074133 53.549715,-1.074233 53.549774,-1.074332 53.549723))) | POINT (-1.074231 53.549718) | With the front garden of no. 46 Thorne Road, Edenthorpe. | 2024-08-16 | ||||
DMBC/TPO/00123/G7 | Doncaster Borough Council Tree Preservation Order (No.123) 1994 Thorne Road, Edenthorpe | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.073929 53.549946,-1.074138 53.549836,-1.074015 53.549764,-1.073818 53.549874,-1.073929 53.549946))) | POINT (-1.073976 53.549855) | With the front garden of no. 48 Thorne Road, Edenthorpe. | 2024-08-16 | ||||
DMBC/TPO/00123/G9 | Doncaster Borough Council Tree Preservation Order (No.123) 1994 Thorne Road, Edenthorpe | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.070775 53.551434,-1.070885 53.551522,-1.071068 53.551448,-1.070957 53.551355,-1.070775 53.551434))) | POINT (-1.070922 53.551439) | With the front garden of no. 90 Thorne Road, Edenthorpe. | 2024-08-16 | ||||
DMBC/TPO/00123/G10 | Doncaster Borough Council Tree Preservation Order (No.123) 1994 Thorne Road, Edenthorpe | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.069313 53.551870,-1.069462 53.552052,-1.070048 53.551847,-1.070060 53.551831,-1.070105 53.551814,-1.070135 53.551814,-1.070215 53.551788,-1.070053 53.551625,-1.069313 53.551870))) | POINT (-1.069755 53.551836) | With the front garden of no. 102 Thorne Road, Edenthorpe. | 2024-08-16 | ||||
DMBC/TPO/00210/G1 | Doncaster Borough Council Tree Preservation Order (No.210) 1997 Moat House Hotel, Warmsworth | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.175760 53.498864,-1.175788 53.499007,-1.175930 53.498992,-1.175884 53.498849,-1.175834 53.498726,-1.175805 53.498681,-1.175696 53.498700,-1.175677 53.498713,-1.175717 53.498758,-1.175757 53.498839,-1.175760 53.498864))) | POINT (-1.175812 53.498847) | Within the rear car park of the Moat House Hotel. SE 54760055. | 2024-08-16 | ||||
DMBC/TPO/00210/G2 | Doncaster Borough Council Tree Preservation Order (No.210) 1997 Moat House Hotel, Warmsworth | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.175419 53.498438,-1.175499 53.498421,-1.175512 53.498380,-1.175532 53.498363,-1.175777 53.498286,-1.175874 53.498278,-1.175889 53.498269,-1.175900 53.498245,-1.175991 53.498237,-1.176153 53.498246,-1.176166 53.498183,-1.175952 53.498193,-1.175775 53.498239,-1.175296 53.498391,-1.175239 53.498420,-1.175216 53.498438,-1.175216 53.498450,-1.175218 53.498462,-1.175366 53.498527,-1.175446 53.498502,-1.175469 53.498480,-1.175419 53.498438))) | POINT (-1.175609 53.498344) | Within the rear car park of the Moat House Hotel adjacent to the pond. SE 54790049. | 2024-08-16 | ||||
DMBC/TPO/00210/G4 | Doncaster Borough Council Tree Preservation Order (No.210) 1997 Moat House Hotel, Warmsworth | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.175888 53.498524,-1.176158 53.498420,-1.176158 53.498407,-1.176147 53.498395,-1.176120 53.498391,-1.175833 53.498483,-1.175837 53.498508,-1.175852 53.498519,-1.175888 53.498524))) | POINT (-1.175989 53.498458) | Within the rear car park of the Moat House Hotel adjacent to the pond. SE 54760051. | 2024-08-16 | ||||
DMBC/TPO/00210/G6 | Doncaster Borough Council Tree Preservation Order (No.210) 1997 Moat House Hotel, Warmsworth | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.177226 53.498409,-1.177147 53.498288,-1.177137 53.498237,-1.177120 53.498209,-1.177061 53.498179,-1.176771 53.498163,-1.176489 53.498178,-1.176523 53.498267,-1.176589 53.498382,-1.176640 53.498447,-1.176888 53.498401,-1.176915 53.498442,-1.176967 53.498446,-1.176973 53.498406,-1.177029 53.498397,-1.177086 53.498402,-1.177069 53.498455,-1.177178 53.498460,-1.177199 53.498428,-1.177226 53.498409))) | POINT (-1.176854 53.498301) | Within the rear car park of the Moat House Hotel adjacent to the pond. SE 54700049. | 2024-08-16 | ||||
DMBC/TPO/00210/G7 | Doncaster Borough Council Tree Preservation Order (No.210) 1997 Moat House Hotel, Warmsworth | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.177374 53.498785,-1.177410 53.498776,-1.177249 53.498554,-1.177216 53.498562,-1.177196 53.498577,-1.177186 53.498598,-1.177272 53.498730,-1.177241 53.498750,-1.177199 53.498796,-1.177189 53.498815,-1.177189 53.498842,-1.177235 53.498832,-1.177242 53.498815,-1.177374 53.498785))) | POINT (-1.177281 53.498707) | Within the rear car park of the Moat House Hotel adjacent to the western boundary. SE 54670054. | 2024-08-16 | ||||
DMBC/TPO/00210/G8 | Doncaster Borough Council Tree Preservation Order (No.210) 1997 Moat House Hotel, Warmsworth | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.177242 53.498940,-1.177315 53.498928,-1.177285 53.498881,-1.177210 53.498896,-1.177189 53.498910,-1.177204 53.498929,-1.177242 53.498940))) | POINT (-1.177253 53.498913) | Within the rear car park of the Moat House Hotel adjacent to the western boundary. SE 54670056. | 2024-08-16 | ||||
DMBC/TPO/00214/G4 | Doncaster Borough Council Tree Preservation Order (No.214) 1998 Loversall | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.133421 53.480558,-1.133520 53.480556,-1.133856 53.480573,-1.133891 53.480564,-1.133912 53.480544,-1.133872 53.480525,-1.133777 53.480513,-1.133437 53.480501,-1.133302 53.480524,-1.133291 53.480563,-1.133301 53.480575,-1.133331 53.480584,-1.133366 53.480584,-1.133421 53.480558))) | POINT (-1.133585 53.480539) | Located in the grounds to the south of Loversall Hall. SK 57609855. | 2024-08-16 | ||||
DMBC/TPO/00214/G14 | Doncaster Borough Council Tree Preservation Order (No.214) 1998 Loversall | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.134529 53.482174,-1.134454 53.482143,-1.134415 53.482135,-1.134375 53.482141,-1.134369 53.482156,-1.134369 53.482176,-1.134405 53.482220,-1.134421 53.482220,-1.134529 53.482174))) | POINT (-1.134433 53.482175) | Situated in a belt of trees located to the north of the unmetalled road to St Katharine's Church. SK 57539873. | 2024-08-16 | ||||
DMBC/TPO/00214/G15 | Doncaster Borough Council Tree Preservation Order (No.214) 1998 Loversall | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.134768 53.482349,-1.134780 53.482336,-1.134767 53.482294,-1.134736 53.482287,-1.134686 53.482294,-1.134668 53.482307,-1.134668 53.482318,-1.134768 53.482349))) | POINT (-1.13473 53.482315) | Situated in a belt of trees located to the north of the unmetalled road to St Katharine's Church. SK 57519874. | 2024-08-16 | ||||
DMBC/TPO/00214/G17 | Doncaster Borough Council Tree Preservation Order (No.214) 1998 Loversall | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.132964 53.482994,-1.132997 53.483014,-1.133024 53.482996,-1.133124 53.482900,-1.133132 53.482864,-1.132972 53.482763,-1.132921 53.482754,-1.132850 53.482760,-1.132681 53.482825,-1.132650 53.482857,-1.132656 53.482879,-1.132964 53.482994))) | POINT (-1.132908 53.482871) | Located to the north of St Katharine's Church. SK 57639881. | 2024-08-16 | ||||
DMBC/TPO/00214/G18 | Doncaster Borough Council Tree Preservation Order (No.214) 1998 Loversall | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.132141 53.483204,-1.132201 53.483138,-1.132194 53.483111,-1.132151 53.483096,-1.132118 53.483094,-1.132085 53.483102,-1.131937 53.483233,-1.131944 53.483261,-1.131969 53.483272,-1.132023 53.483277,-1.132060 53.483271,-1.132141 53.483204))) | POINT (-1.132071 53.483187) | Located on the east side of W4. SK 57699884. | 2024-08-16 | ||||
DMBC/TPO/00214/G19 | Doncaster Borough Council Tree Preservation Order (No.214) 1998 Loversall | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.128620 53.481920,-1.128711 53.481943,-1.128902 53.481924,-1.129092 53.481891,-1.129165 53.481859,-1.129171 53.481831,-1.129062 53.481676,-1.128798 53.481489,-1.128696 53.481439,-1.128506 53.481435,-1.128488 53.481440,-1.128476 53.481464,-1.128531 53.481598,-1.128580 53.481886,-1.128620 53.481920))) | POINT (-1.128789 53.481708) | Located approximately 150m to the north east of Low Farm. SK 57919868. | 2024-08-16 | ||||
DMBC/TPO/00214/G20 | Doncaster Borough Council Tree Preservation Order (No.214) 1998 Loversall | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.128148 53.480910,-1.128177 53.480907,-1.128183 53.480893,-1.128175 53.480879,-1.128120 53.480872,-1.128057 53.480882,-1.128065 53.480901,-1.128148 53.480910))) | POINT (-1.128124 53.480891) | Located to the north of Rakes Lane. SK 57959859. | 2024-08-16 | ||||
DMBC/TPO/00214/G21 | Doncaster Borough Council Tree Preservation Order (No.214) 1998 Loversall | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.128269 53.480789,-1.128276 53.480859,-1.128284 53.480870,-1.128325 53.480875,-1.128342 53.480858,-1.128344 53.480786,-1.128338 53.480765,-1.128290 53.480755,-1.128269 53.480789))) | POINT (-1.128308 53.480816) | Located to the north of Rakes Lane. SK 57949858. | 2024-08-16 | ||||
DMBC/TPO/00216/G2 | Doncaster Borough Council Tree Preservation Order (No.216) 2000 Scawsby / Scawthorpe | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.174041 53.544585,-1.174479 53.544921,-1.174509 53.544921,-1.174500 53.544913,-1.174550 53.544879,-1.174553 53.544863,-1.174545 53.544855,-1.173771 53.544273,-1.173598 53.544311,-1.174041 53.544585))) | POINT (-1.174084 53.544572) | Within boundary hedgerow of Broad Axe Field, adjacent to York Road. SE 54830565. | 2024-08-16 | ||||
DMBC/TPO/00216/G3 | Doncaster Borough Council Tree Preservation Order (No.216) 2000 Scawsby / Scawthorpe | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.175046 53.545441,-1.175142 53.545408,-1.174665 53.544939,-1.174641 53.544929,-1.174559 53.544952,-1.174547 53.544942,-1.174537 53.544946,-1.174533 53.544959,-1.174560 53.544994,-1.174857 53.545264,-1.175030 53.545436,-1.175046 53.545441))) | POINT (-1.174833 53.545177) | Within boundary hedgerow of Broad Axe Field, adjacent to York Road. SE 54770571. | 2024-08-16 | ||||
DMBC/TPO/00216/G4 | Doncaster Borough Council Tree Preservation Order (No.216) 2000 Scawsby / Scawthorpe | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.166705 53.541589,-1.166873 53.542094,-1.166963 53.542313,-1.167049 53.542324,-1.167153 53.542310,-1.167182 53.542297,-1.167188 53.542291,-1.167098 53.542078,-1.167020 53.541856,-1.166900 53.541562,-1.166858 53.541554,-1.166778 53.541558,-1.166705 53.541589))) | POINT (-1.166939 53.541947) | Situated in the grounds of Gray and Adams, Doncaster Plant, Motor Body Builders on the eastern boundary of the depot. SE 55310536. | 2024-08-16 | ||||
DMBC/TPO/00216/G6 | Doncaster Borough Council Tree Preservation Order (No.216) 2000 Scawsby / Scawthorpe | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.175257 53.545682,-1.175293 53.545673,-1.175235 53.545602,-1.175199 53.545611,-1.175246 53.545666,-1.175257 53.545682))) | POINT (-1.175246 53.545642) | Within the side garden of South Lodge, York Road. SE 54740575. | 2024-08-16 | ||||
DMBC/TPO/00216/G7 | Doncaster Borough Council Tree Preservation Order (No.216) 2000 Scawsby / Scawthorpe | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.175588 53.545744,-1.175556 53.545752,-1.175625 53.545817,-1.175898 53.545902,-1.175935 53.545856,-1.175642 53.545766,-1.175588 53.545744))) | POINT (-1.17575 53.545826) | Within the rear garden of No.27 The Sycamores. SE 54710578. | 2024-08-16 | ||||
DMBC/TPO/00216/G8 | Doncaster Borough Council Tree Preservation Order (No.216) 2000 Scawsby / Scawthorpe | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.176678 53.546124,-1.176704 53.546115,-1.176717 53.546098,-1.176518 53.546021,-1.176086 53.545898,-1.176049 53.545937,-1.176541 53.546077,-1.176678 53.546124))) | POINT (-1.176377 53.546007) | Within the rear and side garden of No.27 The Sycamores. SE 54670580. | 2024-08-16 | ||||
DMBC/TPO/00216/G9 | Doncaster Borough Council Tree Preservation Order (No.216) 2000 Scawsby / Scawthorpe | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.175460 53.545953,-1.175560 53.545983,-1.175564 53.545976,-1.175522 53.545848,-1.175503 53.545834,-1.175409 53.545798,-1.175401 53.545828,-1.175382 53.545840,-1.175460 53.545953))) | POINT (-1.175476 53.545889) | Within the rear garden of No.27 The Sycamores. SE 54730578. | 2024-08-16 | ||||
DMBC/TPO/00216/G10 | Doncaster Borough Council Tree Preservation Order (No.216) 2000 Scawsby / Scawthorpe | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.175607 53.545998,-1.176107 53.546152,-1.176191 53.546047,-1.175704 53.545895,-1.175607 53.545998))) | POINT (-1.175901 53.546023) | Within the rear garden of No.27 The Sycamores. SE 54700580. | 2024-08-16 | ||||
DMBC/TPO/00216/G11 | Doncaster Borough Council Tree Preservation Order (No.216) 2000 Scawsby / Scawthorpe | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.175809 53.546060,-1.175463 53.545953,-1.175695 53.546303,-1.176010 53.546364,-1.175809 53.546060))) | POINT (-1.17574 53.546169) | Within the rear garden of No.25 The Sycamores. SE 54710581. | 2024-08-16 | ||||
DMBC/TPO/00216/G13 | Doncaster Borough Council Tree Preservation Order (No.216) 2000 Scawsby / Scawthorpe | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.176742 53.546411,-1.176756 53.546390,-1.176722 53.546375,-1.176351 53.546420,-1.176337 53.546443,-1.176370 53.546456,-1.176742 53.546411))) | POINT (-1.176546 53.546416) | Within the front garden of No.25 The Sycamores. SE 54650584. | 2024-08-16 | ||||
DMBC/TPO/00216/G14 | Doncaster Borough Council Tree Preservation Order (No.216) 2000 Scawsby / Scawthorpe | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.175949 53.546712,-1.176263 53.546645,-1.176228 53.546579,-1.176162 53.546559,-1.176098 53.546436,-1.176210 53.546450,-1.176233 53.546436,-1.176233 53.546413,-1.175693 53.546301,-1.175755 53.546403,-1.175849 53.546389,-1.175963 53.546593,-1.175932 53.546681,-1.175949 53.546712))) | POINT (-1.176016 53.546505) | Within the rear garden of No.23 The Sycamores. SE 54690585. | 2024-08-16 | ||||
DMBC/TPO/00216/G15 | Doncaster Borough Council Tree Preservation Order (No.216) 2000 Scawsby / Scawthorpe | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.176050 53.546874,-1.176373 53.546818,-1.176296 53.546687,-1.175974 53.546748,-1.176050 53.546874))) | POINT (-1.176174 53.546782) | Within the rear garden of No.21 The Sycamores. SE 54690588. | 2024-08-16 | ||||
DMBC/TPO/00216/G16 | Doncaster Borough Council Tree Preservation Order (No.216) 2000 Scawsby / Scawthorpe | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.176575 53.546980,-1.176460 53.546808,-1.176054 53.546878,-1.176168 53.547064,-1.176575 53.546980))) | POINT (-1.176312 53.546933) | Within the rear garden of No.19 The Sycamores. SE 54670590. | 2024-08-16 | ||||
DMBC/TPO/00216/G17 | Doncaster Borough Council Tree Preservation Order (No.216) 2000 Scawsby / Scawthorpe | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.177226 53.546815,-1.177239 53.546869,-1.177416 53.546834,-1.177385 53.546783,-1.177226 53.546815))) | POINT (-1.177317 53.546826) | Within the front garden of No.41 The Sycamores. SE 54610589. | 2024-08-16 | ||||
DMBC/TPO/00216/G18 | Doncaster Borough Council Tree Preservation Order (No.216) 2000 Scawsby / Scawthorpe | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.177069 53.547101,-1.177045 53.547105,-1.177034 53.547127,-1.177142 53.547160,-1.177207 53.547211,-1.177233 53.547207,-1.177245 53.547197,-1.177239 53.547175,-1.177158 53.547122,-1.177109 53.547105,-1.177069 53.547101))) | POINT (-1.177147 53.547149) | Within the front garden of No.15 The Sycamores. SE 54620592. | 2024-08-16 | ||||
DMBC/TPO/00216/G21 | Doncaster Borough Council Tree Preservation Order (No.216) 2000 Scawsby / Scawthorpe | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.176998 53.547357,-1.176959 53.547289,-1.176782 53.547317,-1.176694 53.547344,-1.176665 53.547384,-1.176654 53.547420,-1.176656 53.547426,-1.176998 53.547357))) | POINT (-1.176823 53.547354) | Within the rear garden of No.15 The Sycamores extending east into Middle Lodge, York Road. SE 54630594. | 2024-08-16 | ||||
DMBC/TPO/00216/G22 | Doncaster Borough Council Tree Preservation Order (No.216) 2000 Scawsby / Scawthorpe | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.177142 53.547328,-1.177183 53.547316,-1.177218 53.547268,-1.177216 53.547254,-1.177176 53.547249,-1.177135 53.547276,-1.177117 53.547294,-1.177115 53.547308,-1.177130 53.547326,-1.177142 53.547328))) | POINT (-1.177166 53.547288) | Within the front garden of No.15 The Sycamores . SE 54620593. | 2024-08-16 | ||||
DMBC/TPO/00216/G24 | Doncaster Borough Council Tree Preservation Order (No.216) 2000 Scawsby / Scawthorpe | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.176453 53.547550,-1.176851 53.547479,-1.176826 53.547435,-1.176430 53.547508,-1.176453 53.547550))) | POINT (-1.176642 53.547493) | To the south side of Carr Villa, The Sycamores . SE 54640596. | 2024-08-16 | ||||
DMBC/TPO/00216/G25 | Doncaster Borough Council Tree Preservation Order (No.216) 2000 Scawsby / Scawthorpe | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.176544 53.547535,-1.176445 53.547555,-1.176536 53.547721,-1.176638 53.547702,-1.176544 53.547535))) | POINT (-1.176541 53.547629) | York Road frontage of Carr Villa, The Sycamores . SE 54660597. | 2024-08-16 | ||||
DMBC/TPO/00216/G26 | Doncaster Borough Council Tree Preservation Order (No.216) 2000 Scawsby / Scawthorpe | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.176688 53.547727,-1.176588 53.547726,-1.176594 53.547929,-1.176690 53.547925,-1.176688 53.547727))) | POINT (-1.17664 53.547826) | York Road frontage of Brooklands, The Sycamores . SE 54650600. | 2024-08-16 | ||||
DMBC/TPO/00216/G27 | Doncaster Borough Council Tree Preservation Order (No.216) 2000 Scawsby / Scawthorpe | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.176569 53.548176,-1.176730 53.548146,-1.176704 53.547925,-1.176499 53.547962,-1.176569 53.548176))) | POINT (-1.176624 53.548048) | Within the rear garden of No.1 The Sycamores . SE 54640602. | 2024-08-16 | ||||
DMBC/TPO/00216/G28 | Doncaster Borough Council Tree Preservation Order (No.216) 2000 Scawsby / Scawthorpe | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.177005 53.548504,-1.176948 53.548426,-1.176921 53.548431,-1.176874 53.548376,-1.176818 53.548351,-1.176773 53.548351,-1.176664 53.548376,-1.176638 53.548391,-1.176623 53.548412,-1.176668 53.548580,-1.177005 53.548504))) | POINT (-1.176788 53.548461) | Within land to south of Tall Trees, The Sycamores . SE 54640606. | 2024-08-16 | ||||
DMBC/TPO/00216/G30 | Doncaster Borough Council Tree Preservation Order (No.216) 2000 Scawsby / Scawthorpe | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.177417 53.548911,-1.178245 53.548766,-1.178220 53.548721,-1.177581 53.548831,-1.177553 53.548821,-1.177510 53.548772,-1.177492 53.548766,-1.177339 53.548791,-1.177394 53.548864,-1.177417 53.548911))) | POINT (-1.177726 53.548815) | Within curtilage of Scawthorpe Hall. SE 54570610. | 2024-08-16 | ||||
DMBC/TPO/00216/G31 | Doncaster Borough Council Tree Preservation Order (No.216) 2000 Scawsby / Scawthorpe | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.177313 53.548898,-1.176815 53.548987,-1.176855 53.549216,-1.176995 53.549206,-1.176969 53.549014,-1.177312 53.548953,-1.177313 53.548898))) | POINT (-1.176989 53.549043) | Within the front garden of Norcroft, adjacent to York Road. SE 54630613. | 2024-08-16 | ||||
DMBC/TPO/00216/G32 | Doncaster Borough Council Tree Preservation Order (No.216) 2000 Scawsby / Scawthorpe | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.176866 53.549270,-1.176898 53.549462,-1.177062 53.549452,-1.177024 53.549259,-1.176866 53.549270))) | POINT (-1.176963 53.549361) | Within the front garden of Wayside, adjacent to York Road. SE 54630616. | 2024-08-16 | ||||
DMBC/TPO/00216/G33 | Doncaster Borough Council Tree Preservation Order (No.216) 2000 Scawsby / Scawthorpe | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.176900 53.549461,-1.176914 53.549544,-1.176934 53.549558,-1.176970 53.549566,-1.176945 53.549598,-1.176925 53.549602,-1.176934 53.549666,-1.177098 53.549660,-1.177062 53.549452,-1.176900 53.549461))) | POINT (-1.177002 53.549559) | Within the front garden of Stone House, adjacent to York Road. SE 54620620. | 2024-08-16 | ||||
DMBC/TPO/00216/G34 | Doncaster Borough Council Tree Preservation Order (No.216) 2000 Scawsby / Scawthorpe | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.177110 53.549963,-1.177096 53.549660,-1.176934 53.549666,-1.177012 53.550080,-1.177040 53.550103,-1.177083 53.550112,-1.177203 53.550126,-1.177213 53.550121,-1.177216 53.550095,-1.177202 53.550066,-1.177187 53.550053,-1.177127 53.550037,-1.177113 53.550025,-1.177110 53.549963))) | POINT (-1.177053 53.54989) | Within the rear gardens of Nos.1 and 3 Tower Close along York Road frontage. SE 54630624. | 2024-08-16 | ||||
DMBC/TPO/00301/G2 | Doncaster Borough Council Tree Preservation Order (No.301) 2009 Tickhill Lindrick | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.112041 53.428895,-1.112058 53.428883,-1.112058 53.428866,-1.112046 53.428854,-1.111999 53.428830,-1.111959 53.428820,-1.111844 53.428825,-1.111772 53.428846,-1.111727 53.428869,-1.111715 53.428884,-1.111715 53.428903,-1.111726 53.428917,-1.111766 53.428925,-1.111862 53.428904,-1.111974 53.428905,-1.112041 53.428895))) | POINT (-1.111884 53.428871) | Standing within the curtilage of Stonebridge House, Lindrick; adjacent to the northern boundary with Paper Mill Dyke, running approximately 25m west from the north eastern corner. | 2024-08-16 | ||||
DMBC/TPO/00301/G3 | Doncaster Borough Council Tree Preservation Order (No.301) 2009 Tickhill Lindrick | group | MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.113823 53.429277,-1.113919 53.429268,-1.113984 53.429249,-1.114012 53.429223,-1.114009 53.429171,-1.113946 53.429156,-1.113894 53.429165,-1.113810 53.429164,-1.113722 53.429147,-1.113642 53.429144,-1.113574 53.429170,-1.113537 53.429205,-1.113584 53.429246,-1.113823 53.429277))) | POINT (-1.113783 53.42921) | Standing within the curtilage of 43 West Gate; adjacent to the southern boundary with the Paper Mill Dyke. | 2024-08-16 |
Showing rows 1101 to 1150 of 1313