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Doncaster Metropolitan Borough Council

Tree preservation zone

Reference Name Tree preservation order Tree preservation zone type Geometry Point Notes Organisation Entry date Start date End date
DMBC/TPO/00008/A1 Doncaster Borough Council Tree Preservation Order (No.8) 1979 Dunsville area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.035337 53.557658,-1.035027 53.558037,-1.035286 53.558111,-1.035453 53.557802,-1.035556 53.557672,-1.035658 53.557601,-1.035766 53.557280,-1.035768 53.557161,-1.035337 53.557658))) POINT (-1.035422 53.557706) Area to the north of the grass road which connects Green Lane and Park Lane, Dunsville, Doncaster 2024-08-16
DMBC/TPO/00420/A1 Doncaster Borough Council Tree Preservation Order (No.420) 2022 Beacon Ridge, Common Lane, Clifton, area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.219395 53.463380,-1.219373 53.463446,-1.219354 53.463572,-1.219367 53.463772,-1.220399 53.463497,-1.220104 53.463161,-1.219826 53.463190,-1.219509 53.463131,-1.219395 53.463380))) POINT (-1.219792 53.463429) All of the mixed deciduous trees within A1. Trees within land adjoining Beacon Ridge, Common Lane (Title number SYK432915). 2024-08-16
DMBC/TPO/00206/W24 Doncaster Borough Council Tree Preservation Order (No.206) 1997 Armthorpe / Cantley / Auckley / Blax woodland MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.039569 53.497844,-1.038481 53.498599,-1.038173 53.498834,-1.037786 53.499152,-1.037225 53.499663,-1.036393 53.500459,-1.036294 53.500546,-1.035414 53.501222,-1.035312 53.501393,-1.035405 53.501424,-1.035932 53.501008,-1.036520 53.500644,-1.037363 53.500043,-1.037790 53.500213,-1.037956 53.500268,-1.038160 53.500032,-1.038363 53.499848,-1.038433 53.499817,-1.038531 53.499794,-1.038731 53.499781,-1.039554 53.499854,-1.039811 53.499852,-1.039831 53.499842,-1.040100 53.499559,-1.040146 53.499488,-1.038479 53.499137,-1.038324 53.499112,-1.038343 53.499067,-1.038587 53.498859,-1.039198 53.498441,-1.039374 53.498300,-1.039740 53.497980,-1.039569 53.497844))) POINT (-1.038163 53.499572) Crow Pool Plantation located to the south of Brockholes Lane, Cantley. SE 63090007 2024-08-16
DMBC/TPO/00206/W26 Doncaster Borough Council Tree Preservation Order (No.206) 1997 Armthorpe / Cantley / Auckley / Blax woodland MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.046528 53.491950,-1.046409 53.491914,-1.045645 53.492301,-1.045560 53.492329,-1.045233 53.492469,-1.044168 53.492897,-1.044132 53.492868,-1.044096 53.492882,-1.044594 53.493158,-1.046188 53.492155,-1.046528 53.491950))) POINT (-1.045154 53.492632) Located to the northwest of Hayfield Lodge Farm, Cantley. SK 63050000 2024-08-16
DMBC/TPO/00423/G1 Doncaster Borough Council Tree Preservation Order (No.423) 2022 Kearsley Brook/March Gate group MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.226914 53.480394,-1.227186 53.480511,-1.227209 53.480485,-1.226932 53.480375,-1.226914 53.480394))) POINT (-1.227067 53.480444) Northeast boundary of Conisbrough Motor Co, Sheffield Road, Conisbrough. Doncaster, DN12 2BZ with Brook Square. 2024-08-16
DMBC/TPO/00423/A1 Doncaster Borough Council Tree Preservation Order (No.423) 2022 Kearsley Brook/March Gate area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.227571 53.480175,-1.227259 53.480481,-1.227211 53.480486,-1.227184 53.480514,-1.227322 53.480576,-1.227357 53.480572,-1.227736 53.480160,-1.227571 53.480175))) POINT (-1.227456 53.480372) Land to the northwest of Conisbrough Motor Co, Sheffield Road, Conisbrough. Doncaster, DN12 2BZ between Kearsley Brook 2024-08-16
DMBC/TPO/00421/A1 Doncaster Borough Council Tree Preservation Order (No.421) 2022 Woodstock and South St Martins Ave area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.021421 53.434858,-1.021333 53.435238,-1.022209 53.435341,-1.022349 53.434836,-1.021442 53.434764,-1.021421 53.434858))) POINT (-1.021839 53.435044) Within Woodstock, Doncaster Road and Land On The South Side Of St Martins Avenue, Bawtry. 2024-08-16
DMBC/TPO/00421/G1 Doncaster Borough Council Tree Preservation Order (No.421) 2022 Woodstock and South St Martins Ave group MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.021407 53.435259,-1.021407 53.435270,-1.021424 53.435279,-1.022203 53.435374,-1.022221 53.435362,-1.022212 53.435343,-1.021415 53.435249,-1.021407 53.435259))) POINT (-1.02182 53.435312) Pollard Lime trees within grass verge south of St Martins Avenue. 2024-08-16
DMBC/TPO/00421/G2 Doncaster Borough Council Tree Preservation Order (No.421) 2022 Woodstock and South St Martins Ave group MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.021557 53.435351,-1.021549 53.435356,-1.022373 53.435466,-1.022388 53.435466,-1.022396 53.435456,-1.022389 53.435435,-1.021609 53.435344,-1.021577 53.435342,-1.021557 53.435351))) POINT (-1.022015 53.435405) Pollard Lime trees within grass verge north of St Martins Avenue OS of Martin House. 2024-08-16
DMBC/TPO/00427/W1 City of Doncaster Tree Preservation Order (No.427) 2023 Woodland off Plantation Avenue, Bessacarr, D woodland MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.054569 53.492991,-1.054677 53.493049,-1.054826 53.493062,-1.054999 53.492917,-1.055271 53.493027,-1.055257 53.492967,-1.055284 53.492896,-1.055370 53.492825,-1.055281 53.492789,-1.055306 53.492762,-1.055400 53.492802,-1.055597 53.492708,-1.055682 53.492685,-1.055723 53.492650,-1.055749 53.492602,-1.055760 53.492540,-1.054833 53.492090,-1.054626 53.492406,-1.054720 53.492437,-1.054695 53.492475,-1.054591 53.492442,-1.054326 53.492906,-1.054569 53.492991))) POINT (-1.055 53.492622) The area of woodland within the rear gardens of nos 6 - 12 Plantation Avenue 2024-08-16
DMBC/TPO/00433/G2 City of Doncaster Council Tree Preservation Order (No.433) 2024 156 Bawtry Road, Bessacarr group MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.080350 53.501029,-1.080399 53.501060,-1.080488 53.501015,-1.080436 53.500983,-1.080350 53.501029))) POINT (-1.080419 53.501022) 2024-08-16
DMBC/TPO/00433/G3 City of Doncaster Council Tree Preservation Order (No.433) 2024 156 Bawtry Road, Bessacarr group MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.080014 53.501362,-1.080065 53.501395,-1.080408 53.501239,-1.080351 53.501207,-1.080014 53.501362))) POINT (-1.08021 53.5013) 2024-08-16
DMBC/TPO/00433/G1 City of Doncaster Council Tree Preservation Order (No.433) 2024 156 Bawtry Road, Bessacarr group MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.079897 53.501239,-1.079951 53.501274,-1.080256 53.501126,-1.080212 53.501090,-1.079897 53.501239))) POINT (-1.080077 53.501183) 2024-08-16

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