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Doncaster Metropolitan Borough Council

Tree preservation zone

Reference Name Tree preservation order Tree preservation zone type Geometry Point Notes Organisation Entry date Start date End date
DMBC/TPO/00301/G7 Doncaster Borough Council Tree Preservation Order (No.301) 2009 Tickhill Lindrick group MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.116192 53.429365,-1.116101 53.429427,-1.116070 53.429468,-1.116055 53.429504,-1.116064 53.429525,-1.116089 53.429531,-1.116174 53.429529,-1.116265 53.429500,-1.116372 53.429399,-1.116378 53.429354,-1.116338 53.429318,-1.116254 53.429315,-1.116228 53.429326,-1.116192 53.429365))) POINT (-1.116222 53.429427) Standing on the grass verge at the junction of Worksop Road and West Gate. 2024-08-16
DMBC/TPO/00301/G9 Doncaster Borough Council Tree Preservation Order (No.301) 2009 Tickhill Lindrick group MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.116321 53.429065,-1.116389 53.429046,-1.116441 53.429013,-1.116470 53.428971,-1.116475 53.428945,-1.116467 53.428921,-1.116452 53.428899,-1.116420 53.428875,-1.116313 53.428841,-1.116261 53.428843,-1.116205 53.428861,-1.116164 53.428897,-1.116178 53.429028,-1.116233 53.429062,-1.116321 53.429065))) POINT (-1.11631 53.428953) Standing in an area of land between Worksop Road and Lindrick; adjacent to St Mary's Bridge to the south of the Paper Mill Dyke. 2024-08-16
DMBC/TPO/00301/G11 Doncaster Borough Council Tree Preservation Order (No.301) 2009 Tickhill Lindrick group MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.116443 53.428334,-1.116495 53.428363,-1.116595 53.428349,-1.116691 53.428324,-1.116889 53.428225,-1.116946 53.428173,-1.116947 53.428135,-1.116852 53.428098,-1.116626 53.428206,-1.116485 53.428263,-1.116448 53.428296,-1.116443 53.428334))) POINT (-1.116701 53.428238) Standing within the curtilage of Glendene, Lindrick; adjacent to the western boundary near the junction of Worksop Road and Lindrick. 2024-08-16
DMBC/TPO/00301/G15 Doncaster Borough Council Tree Preservation Order (No.301) 2009 Tickhill Lindrick group MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.112401 53.427526,-1.112445 53.427515,-1.112457 53.427501,-1.112448 53.427472,-1.112371 53.427411,-1.112321 53.427404,-1.112293 53.427411,-1.112291 53.427437,-1.112308 53.427467,-1.112365 53.427512,-1.112401 53.427526))) POINT (-1.112372 53.427464) Standing within the curtilage of Lindrick House, Lindrick; adjacent to the eastern boundary with Water Lane approximately 25m south of the junction of Lindrick, Lindrick Lane and Water Lane. 2024-08-16
DMBC/TPO/00302/G5 Doncaster Borough Council Tree Preservation Order (No.302) 2009 Tickhill West group MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.121663 53.428318,-1.121597 53.428294,-1.121543 53.428305,-1.121448 53.428297,-1.121400 53.428273,-1.121261 53.428238,-1.120945 53.428196,-1.120896 53.428210,-1.120902 53.428247,-1.120931 53.428263,-1.121086 53.428301,-1.121333 53.428331,-1.121361 53.428342,-1.121330 53.428363,-1.121304 53.428393,-1.121343 53.428430,-1.121407 53.428426,-1.121518 53.428382,-1.121598 53.428384,-1.121670 53.428351,-1.121663 53.428318))) POINT (-1.121298 53.428305) Standing within the curtilage of The Friary Cottage, Rotherham Road; on the northern bank of the Paper Mill Dyke adjacent to the northern boundary with Rotherham Road. 2024-08-16
DMBC/TPO/00302/G9 Doncaster Borough Council Tree Preservation Order (No.302) 2009 Tickhill West group MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.120437 53.428148,-1.120423 53.428111,-1.120378 53.428101,-1.120212 53.428078,-1.120164 53.428086,-1.120152 53.428103,-1.120153 53.428139,-1.120175 53.428154,-1.120304 53.428184,-1.120354 53.428182,-1.120420 53.428161,-1.120437 53.428148))) POINT (-1.120289 53.428131) Standing within the curtilage of The Friary Cottage, Rotherham Road; on the northern bank of the Paper Mill Dyke adjacent to the eastern boundary with Friary Close. 2024-08-16
DMBC/TPO/00302/G10 Doncaster Borough Council Tree Preservation Order (No.302) 2009 Tickhill West group MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.119508 53.427681,-1.119445 53.427723,-1.119266 53.427772,-1.119224 53.427809,-1.119241 53.427844,-1.119312 53.427888,-1.119392 53.427894,-1.119768 53.427849,-1.119892 53.427819,-1.120090 53.427731,-1.120167 53.427669,-1.120108 53.427617,-1.120047 53.427579,-1.119937 53.427591,-1.119846 53.427619,-1.119722 53.427632,-1.119508 53.427681))) POINT (-1.119705 53.427745) Standing within the curtilage of Friary Close, Rotherham Road; to the south of the Paper Mill Dyke adjacent to the southern boundary with Friars' Lane. 2024-08-16
DMBC/TPO/00302/G11 Doncaster Borough Council Tree Preservation Order (No.302) 2009 Tickhill West group MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.119120 53.428840,-1.119034 53.428877,-1.119001 53.428901,-1.119003 53.428934,-1.119024 53.428957,-1.119118 53.428971,-1.119214 53.428958,-1.119376 53.428922,-1.119537 53.428872,-1.119663 53.428846,-1.119776 53.428810,-1.119806 53.428778,-1.119803 53.428742,-1.119784 53.428714,-1.119732 53.428709,-1.119588 53.428730,-1.119441 53.428775,-1.119343 53.428783,-1.119159 53.428823,-1.119120 53.428840))) POINT (-1.119401 53.428842) Standing within the curtilage of The Friary, Rotherham Road; within the front garden adjacent to the northern boundary with Rotherham Road. 2024-08-16
DMBC/TPO/00302/G12 Doncaster Borough Council Tree Preservation Order (No.302) 2009 Tickhill West group MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.119762 53.428629,-1.119720 53.428599,-1.119669 53.428583,-1.119513 53.428569,-1.119429 53.428593,-1.119338 53.428657,-1.119335 53.428681,-1.119367 53.428701,-1.119559 53.428701,-1.119695 53.428676,-1.119751 53.428656,-1.119762 53.428629))) POINT (-1.119545 53.42864) Standing within the curtilage of The Friary, Rotherham Road; within the front garden in the centre of the driveway approximately 15m south of Rotherham Road. 2024-08-16
DMBC/TPO/00302/G13 Doncaster Borough Council Tree Preservation Order (No.302) 2009 Tickhill West group MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.119269 53.428725,-1.119219 53.428718,-1.119183 53.428727,-1.119117 53.428727,-1.119105 53.428710,-1.119130 53.428682,-1.119126 53.428646,-1.119083 53.428624,-1.119037 53.428624,-1.118996 53.428675,-1.119027 53.428737,-1.118998 53.428779,-1.119037 53.428829,-1.119076 53.428844,-1.119143 53.428833,-1.119275 53.428791,-1.119292 53.428757,-1.119269 53.428725))) POINT (-1.119118 53.428747) Standing within the curtilage of The Friary, Rotherham Road; within the front garden to the east of the entrance driveway approximately 7m south of Rotherham Road. 2024-08-16
DMBC/TPO/00302/G14 Doncaster Borough Council Tree Preservation Order (No.302) 2009 Tickhill West group MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.119304 53.427890,-1.119237 53.427823,-1.119185 53.427829,-1.119083 53.427868,-1.118864 53.427896,-1.118830 53.427919,-1.118820 53.427944,-1.118854 53.427997,-1.118884 53.428016,-1.118934 53.428022,-1.119070 53.428015,-1.119232 53.427969,-1.119301 53.427933,-1.119304 53.427890))) POINT (-1.119068 53.427932) Standing within the curtilage of The Friary, Rotherham Road; to the south of the Paper Mill Dyke adjacent to the western boundary with Friary Close and the southern boundary with Friars' Lane. 2024-08-16
DMBC/TPO/00012/G10 Doncaster Borough Council Tree Preservation Order (No.12) 1982 Wheatley Hills group MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.102546 53.536719,-1.102530 53.536727,-1.102509 53.536814,-1.102510 53.536833,-1.102553 53.536854,-1.102575 53.536840,-1.102588 53.536750,-1.102579 53.536736,-1.102546 53.536719))) POINT (-1.102549 53.536788) Within the curtilage of the rear garden of 75 The Grove. 2024-08-16
DMBC/TPO/00097/G1 Doncaster Borough Council Tree Preservation Order (No.97) 1992 Sutton Road, Kirk Sandall group MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.064412 53.564478,-1.064513 53.564466,-1.064475 53.564352,-1.064435 53.564342,-1.064363 53.564348,-1.064412 53.564478))) POINT (-1.064439 53.564408) Within the frontage of the Sutton Road Church site (north western boundary). 2024-08-16
DMBC/TPO/00097/G2 Doncaster Borough Council Tree Preservation Order (No.97) 1992 Sutton Road, Kirk Sandall group MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.064299 53.564140,-1.064400 53.564129,-1.064325 53.563916,-1.064249 53.563897,-1.064209 53.563901,-1.064299 53.564140))) POINT (-1.064306 53.564018) Within the frontage of the Sutton Road Church site (south western boundary). 2024-08-16
DMBC/TPO/00102/G1 Doncaster Borough Council Tree Preservation Order (No.102) 1992 Crookhill Road, Conisbrough group MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.213760 53.480201,-1.213658 53.480269,-1.214633 53.480788,-1.214669 53.480756,-1.214680 53.480714,-1.213760 53.480201))) POINT (-1.214168 53.480485) Along the eastern road frontage of the former hospital site adjacent Crookhill Road. From GR.52219851 to 52279846. 2024-08-16
DMBC/TPO/00102/G3 Doncaster Borough Council Tree Preservation Order (No.102) 1992 Crookhill Road, Conisbrough group MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.214706 53.481734,-1.214705 53.481790,-1.214755 53.481797,-1.215558 53.481256,-1.215449 53.481196,-1.214940 53.481527,-1.214706 53.481734))) POINT (-1.215119 53.481485) Along the north western boundary of the former hospital site. From GR.52169857 to 52219863. 2024-08-16
DMBC/TPO/00125/G2 Doncaster Borough Council Tree Preservation Order (No.125) 1993 Whiphill Top Lane, Branton group MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.031226 53.512224,-1.031211 53.512192,-1.031187 53.512183,-1.031155 53.512185,-1.030447 53.512363,-1.030067 53.512489,-1.029535 53.512680,-1.029519 53.512692,-1.029522 53.512711,-1.029530 53.512725,-1.029590 53.512735,-1.030538 53.512397,-1.031214 53.512236,-1.031226 53.512224))) POINT (-1.030336 53.51245) Situated within the hedgerow on the southern boundary of field No.3622 adjacent to Kilham Lane, Branton, Doncaster, South Yorkshire. OS Grid Reference: SE 6440218. 2024-08-16
DMBC/TPO/00125/G1 Doncaster Borough Council Tree Preservation Order (No.125) 1993 Whiphill Top Lane, Branton group MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.032100 53.512546,-1.032085 53.512530,-1.032053 53.512439,-1.032023 53.512431,-1.031973 53.512444,-1.031970 53.512460,-1.032004 53.512541,-1.032031 53.512584,-1.032218 53.512805,-1.032262 53.512817,-1.032295 53.512804,-1.032303 53.512794,-1.032100 53.512546))) POINT (-1.032123 53.512626) Situated on the western boundary of field No.3622 adjacent to Whiphill Top Lane, Branton, Doncaster, South Yorkshire. OS Grid Reference: SE 64280221. 2024-08-16
DMBC/TPO/00137/G4 Doncaster Borough Council Tree Preservation Order (No.137) 1994 Cusworth View, Sprotbrough group MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.169390 53.524338,-1.169665 53.524230,-1.169586 53.524174,-1.169303 53.524285,-1.169009 53.524414,-1.168630 53.524552,-1.168704 53.524609,-1.169059 53.524478,-1.169390 53.524338))) POINT (-1.169152 53.524393) Within the field adjacent to the rear boundary of Crusader Drive / Valiant Gardens, Sprotbrough. 2024-08-16
DMBC/TPO/00176/G1 Doncaster Borough Council Tree Preservation Order (No.176) 1996 Tranmoor Lane, Armthorpe group MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.055816 53.529444,-1.055809 53.529221,-1.055852 53.529163,-1.055862 53.529087,-1.055974 53.528732,-1.055840 53.528708,-1.055724 53.529122,-1.055694 53.529360,-1.055714 53.529454,-1.055816 53.529444))) POINT (-1.055814 53.529066) Rear of nos. 1-19 Mulberry Way. 2024-08-16
DMBC/TPO/00190/G7 Doncaster Borough Council Tree Preservation Order (No.190) 1998 Doncaster College Annex, Ellers Road group MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.095136 53.508705,-1.095206 53.508690,-1.095221 53.508678,-1.095222 53.508662,-1.095050 53.508271,-1.095035 53.508262,-1.095010 53.508264,-1.094891 53.508316,-1.094876 53.508338,-1.094882 53.508386,-1.094887 53.508408,-1.094923 53.508466,-1.095116 53.508697,-1.095136 53.508705))) POINT (-1.095047 53.508475) Located in the public open space to the north of house No.5 Lawnswood Court, Bessacarr. SE 60110168. 2024-08-16
DMBC/TPO/00198/G2 Doncaster Borough Council Tree Preservation Order (No.198) 1998 St. Wilfrid's Church and Vicarage, C group MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.071633 53.506927,-1.071643 53.506919,-1.071636 53.506908,-1.071531 53.506870,-1.071467 53.506860,-1.071427 53.506869,-1.071414 53.506876,-1.071410 53.506888,-1.071436 53.506943,-1.071448 53.506952,-1.071466 53.506955,-1.071633 53.506927))) POINT (-1.07151 53.506908) Located adjacent to the western boundary of the Vicarage. SE 61670153. 2024-08-16
DMBC/TPO/00204/G1 Doncaster Borough Council Tree Preservation Order (No.204) 1997 Cantley Manor Avenue / Woodcross Ave group MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.063411 53.503556,-1.063278 53.503598,-1.063335 53.503629,-1.063589 53.503729,-1.063696 53.503792,-1.063866 53.503872,-1.063919 53.503910,-1.064299 53.504016,-1.064416 53.503995,-1.064445 53.503978,-1.064477 53.503943,-1.064480 53.503913,-1.064466 53.503887,-1.064426 53.503867,-1.063555 53.503564,-1.063411 53.503556))) POINT (-1.063932 53.50379) Within the open space adjacent to Woodcross Avenue. SE 62180120. 2024-08-16
DMBC/TPO/00204/G6 Doncaster Borough Council Tree Preservation Order (No.204) 1997 Cantley Manor Avenue / Woodcross Ave group MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.066335 53.504771,-1.066324 53.504753,-1.066302 53.504740,-1.066270 53.504738,-1.066224 53.504754,-1.066199 53.504772,-1.066166 53.504810,-1.066145 53.504863,-1.066144 53.504884,-1.066163 53.504918,-1.066191 53.504930,-1.066255 53.504921,-1.066288 53.504892,-1.066324 53.504826,-1.066335 53.504771))) POINT (-1.066239 53.504834) Within the open space adjacent Temple Gardens. SE 62040131. 2024-08-16
DMBC/TPO/00204/G7 Doncaster Borough Council Tree Preservation Order (No.204) 1997 Cantley Manor Avenue / Woodcross Ave group MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.066491 53.504775,-1.066483 53.504765,-1.066431 53.504750,-1.066407 53.504755,-1.066383 53.504774,-1.066373 53.504838,-1.066429 53.504851,-1.066489 53.504837,-1.066506 53.504823,-1.066510 53.504808,-1.066491 53.504775))) POINT (-1.066438 53.504802) Within the open space adjacent the rear of No.23 Stone Font Grove. SE 62010130. 2024-08-16
DMBC/TPO/00204/G8 Doncaster Borough Council Tree Preservation Order (No.204) 1997 Cantley Manor Avenue / Woodcross Ave group MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.066527 53.504733,-1.066550 53.504762,-1.066634 53.504788,-1.066945 53.504793,-1.067030 53.504849,-1.067086 53.504857,-1.067125 53.504853,-1.067162 53.504835,-1.067277 53.504746,-1.067290 53.504728,-1.067309 53.504643,-1.067292 53.504600,-1.066930 53.504429,-1.066745 53.504348,-1.066704 53.504337,-1.066668 53.504344,-1.066569 53.504440,-1.066581 53.504462,-1.066599 53.504472,-1.066718 53.504509,-1.066527 53.504733))) POINT (-1.066911 53.504623) Within the open space adjacent the rear garden of No.10 Woodlea Gardens. SE 61910128. 2024-08-16
DMBC/TPO/00204/G9 Doncaster Borough Council Tree Preservation Order (No.204) 1997 Cantley Manor Avenue / Woodcross Ave group MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.067733 53.505577,-1.067478 53.505458,-1.066990 53.505486,-1.066971 53.505499,-1.066960 53.505520,-1.066960 53.505538,-1.067052 53.505692,-1.067466 53.505702,-1.067704 53.505645,-1.067718 53.505635,-1.067731 53.505609,-1.067733 53.505577))) POINT (-1.067331 53.505583) Within the open space adjacent Cantley Manor Avenue and Stone Font Grove. SE 61950139. 2024-08-16
DMBC/TPO/00205/G3 Doncaster Borough Council Tree Preservation Order (No.205) 1997 Grange Road, Bessacarr group MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.073265 53.500759,-1.073390 53.500893,-1.073876 53.500778,-1.073735 53.500574,-1.073265 53.500759))) POINT (-1.07358 53.500746) Within the rear garden of No.3 Grange Court. SE 61550084. 2024-08-16
DMBC/TPO/00213/G3 Doncaster Borough Council Tree Preservation Order (No.213) 1998 Wilsic Hall group MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.152306 53.456190,-1.152309 53.456147,-1.152152 53.456201,-1.152116 53.456205,-1.151586 53.456209,-1.151546 53.456232,-1.151541 53.456256,-1.151589 53.456278,-1.151629 53.456280,-1.152185 53.456253,-1.152257 53.456235,-1.152286 53.456216,-1.152306 53.456190))) POINT (-1.151919 53.456231) Located to the west of Wilsic Hall adjacent to some outbuildings. SK 5643 9588. 2024-08-16
DMBC/TPO/00240/G9 Doncaster Borough Council Tree Preservation Order (No.240) 2000 242/244 Cantley Lane, Cantley group MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.062011 53.508321,-1.062069 53.508329,-1.062092 53.508323,-1.062109 53.508303,-1.062104 53.508289,-1.062084 53.508277,-1.062034 53.508273,-1.062000 53.508293,-1.062000 53.508308,-1.062011 53.508321))) POINT (-1.062054 53.508301) Within the front garden of 244 Cantley Lane. 2024-08-16
DMBC/TPO/00247/G2 Doncaster Borough Council Tree Preservation Order (No.247) 2001 Ex-Glassmaker Public House, Doncaste group MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.071483 53.564463,-1.071324 53.564631,-1.071321 53.564642,-1.071329 53.564657,-1.071343 53.564667,-1.071391 53.564660,-1.071540 53.564491,-1.071539 53.564476,-1.071523 53.564461,-1.071483 53.564463))) POINT (-1.071431 53.564565) Along eastern boundary of site on grass verge adjacent to curtilage of no.1 Glade View. 2024-08-16
DMBC/TPO/00247/G3 Doncaster Borough Council Tree Preservation Order (No.247) 2001 Ex-Glassmaker Public House, Doncaste group MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.071170 53.564899,-1.071368 53.564947,-1.071413 53.564944,-1.071641 53.564827,-1.071727 53.564772,-1.071735 53.564757,-1.071728 53.564743,-1.071706 53.564743,-1.071404 53.564830,-1.071342 53.564840,-1.071313 53.564831,-1.071295 53.564805,-1.071328 53.564717,-1.071327 53.564701,-1.071319 53.564695,-1.071303 53.564699,-1.071215 53.564755,-1.071136 53.564839,-1.071131 53.564865,-1.071137 53.564882,-1.071170 53.564899))) POINT (-1.071383 53.56484) Northern section of site. 2024-08-16
DMBC/TPO/00298/G4 Doncaster Borough Council Tree Preservation Order (No.298) 2009 Tickhill Central group MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.111122 53.430628,-1.110436 53.430643,-1.110329 53.430654,-1.110312 53.430671,-1.110312 53.430690,-1.110323 53.430701,-1.110376 53.430709,-1.110552 53.430711,-1.111205 53.430705,-1.111235 53.430688,-1.111244 53.430662,-1.111219 53.430638,-1.111122 53.430628))) POINT (-1.11079 53.430672) Standing within the curtilages of 5-10 Bride Church Lane; within the rear gardens adjacent to the southern boundary with St Mary's Croft. 2024-08-16
DMBC/TPO/00298/G6 Doncaster Borough Council Tree Preservation Order (No.298) 2009 Tickhill Central group MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.106994 53.432120,-1.106958 53.432139,-1.106953 53.432166,-1.106977 53.432194,-1.107024 53.432211,-1.107180 53.432229,-1.107204 53.432220,-1.107220 53.432201,-1.107205 53.432182,-1.107030 53.432118,-1.106994 53.432120))) POINT (-1.107076 53.432177) Standing within the curtilage of 25 Sunderland Street; within the rear garden adjacent to the southern boundary. 2024-08-16
DMBC/TPO/00365/G1 Doncaster Borough Council Tree Preservation Order (No.365) 2014 Thorne Coronation Club, King Edward group MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.958658 53.616971,-0.958661 53.616986,-0.958677 53.617000,-0.958720 53.617006,-0.958785 53.616996,-0.958826 53.616969,-0.958859 53.616936,-0.958863 53.616902,-0.958834 53.616832,-0.958795 53.616799,-0.958689 53.616743,-0.958549 53.616738,-0.958508 53.616754,-0.958497 53.616785,-0.958511 53.616814,-0.958542 53.616835,-0.958555 53.616861,-0.958535 53.616883,-0.958539 53.616914,-0.958569 53.616938,-0.958637 53.616947,-0.958658 53.616971))) POINT (-0.958685 53.616865) Within the curtilage of Thorne Coronation Club, King Edward Road, Thorne: standing at the north western end of the club driveway between nos. 98 and 100 King Edward Road. 2024-08-16
DMBC/TPO/00365/G4 Doncaster Borough Council Tree Preservation Order (No.365) 2014 Thorne Coronation Club, King Edward group MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.957644 53.616337,-0.957762 53.616416,-0.957847 53.616427,-0.957923 53.616422,-0.957959 53.616386,-0.957950 53.616324,-0.957891 53.616280,-0.957765 53.616212,-0.957695 53.616204,-0.957622 53.616215,-0.957591 53.616246,-0.957593 53.616285,-0.957644 53.616337))) POINT (-0.957776 53.616317) Within the curtilage of Thorne Coronation Club, King Edward Road, Thorne: standing at the south western end of the club driveway between the driveway and car park. 2024-08-16
DMBC/TPO/00377/G1 Doncaster Borough Council Tree Preservation Order (No.377) 2015 Cherry Grange, Pickering Road, Bent group MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.146157 53.557355,-1.146202 53.557361,-1.146304 53.557357,-1.146351 53.557324,-1.146854 53.557255,-1.146921 53.557254,-1.146978 53.557235,-1.146992 53.557222,-1.146995 53.557205,-1.146974 53.557173,-1.146864 53.557161,-1.146297 53.557237,-1.146258 53.557249,-1.146217 53.557283,-1.146184 53.557293,-1.146060 53.557282,-1.146036 53.557286,-1.146028 53.557298,-1.146026 53.557313,-1.146043 53.557336,-1.146067 53.557347,-1.146157 53.557355))) POINT (-1.146522 53.557259) Standing within the curtilage of Cherry Grange, Pickering Road, Bentley: forming a linear group along the northern boundary. 2024-08-16
DMBC/TPO/00389/G1 Doncaster Borough Council Tree Preservation Order (No.389) 2017 Doncaster Racecourse Leger Way In group MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.106012 53.518748,-1.106257 53.518794,-1.106293 53.518786,-1.106317 53.518766,-1.106327 53.518746,-1.106304 53.518711,-1.106127 53.518675,-1.105889 53.518651,-1.105704 53.518615,-1.105660 53.518614,-1.105634 53.518620,-1.105624 53.518630,-1.105665 53.518665,-1.105859 53.518733,-1.105919 53.518732,-1.106012 53.518748))) POINT (-1.105999 53.518703) At the western apex of the Racecourse site near the A18/A638 junction; standing adjacent to the southern boundary with Bawtry Road (A638), running west from the track boundary to the emergency access gate. 2024-08-16
DMBC/TPO/00391/G1 Doncaster Borough Council Tree Preservation Order (No.391) 2017 Elmfield House South Parade Donca group MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.123822 53.520459,-1.123836 53.520484,-1.123911 53.520497,-1.123981 53.520494,-1.124031 53.520474,-1.124046 53.520448,-1.124036 53.520367,-1.124097 53.520308,-1.124095 53.520276,-1.124178 53.520212,-1.124179 53.520184,-1.124136 53.520148,-1.124084 53.520133,-1.123897 53.520140,-1.123853 53.520148,-1.123826 53.520163,-1.123804 53.520182,-1.123787 53.520237,-1.123751 53.520245,-1.123739 53.520214,-1.123670 53.520193,-1.123632 53.520193,-1.123588 53.520210,-1.123544 53.520211,-1.123566 53.520186,-1.123551 53.520167,-1.123491 53.520148,-1.123454 53.520145,-1.123421 53.520159,-1.123350 53.520129,-1.123306 53.520119,-1.123229 53.520117,-1.123193 53.520125,-1.123170 53.520143,-1.123136 53.520143,-1.123103 53.520133,-1.123057 53.520103,-1.123002 53.520091,-1.122947 53.520127,-1.122919 53.520116,-1.122896 53.520096,-1.122885 53.520063,-1.122857 53.520036,-1.122806 53.520019,-1.122694 53.520030,-1.122604 53.520012,-1.122573 53.519996,-1.122556 53.519954,-1.122526 53.519932,-1.122481 53.519905,-1.122413 53.519888,-1.122338 53.519885,-1.122277 53.519898,-1.122241 53.519926,-1.122212 53.519994,-1.122300 53.520074,-1.122597 53.520184,-1.122680 53.520193,-1.122847 53.520237,-1.123011 53.520308,-1.123309 53.520375,-1.123455 53.520461,-1.123566 53.520483,-1.123634 53.520482,-1.123778 53.520457,-1.123822 53.520459))) POINT (-1.123277 53.520222) In the curtilage of Elmfield House; on the north side of the entrance drive between Hall Cross Hill, the Cenotaph and the Register Office. 2024-08-16
DMBC/TPO/00391/G2 Doncaster Borough Council Tree Preservation Order (No.391) 2017 Elmfield House South Parade Donca group MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.123440 53.520047,-1.123501 53.520075,-1.123549 53.520085,-1.123617 53.520052,-1.123737 53.520042,-1.123763 53.520031,-1.123800 53.519983,-1.123753 53.519946,-1.123699 53.519930,-1.123609 53.519938,-1.123543 53.519979,-1.123451 53.519987,-1.123432 53.520024,-1.123440 53.520047))) POINT (-1.123616 53.520005) In the curtilage of Elmfield House; on the south side of the entrance drive opposite the car parking and adjacent to the north east corner of Elmfield House. 2024-08-16
74/28/TRDC/01/G2 Thorne Rural District Council Tree Preservation Order (No.1) 1953 Hatfield / Dunsville group MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.012495 53.582033,-1.012484 53.582014,-1.012330 53.581958,-1.011848 53.581739,-1.011799 53.581723,-1.011754 53.581731,-1.011759 53.581752,-1.011790 53.581781,-1.011839 53.581808,-1.012381 53.582025,-1.012481 53.582052,-1.012495 53.582033))) POINT (-1.012096 53.581881) South side Station Road, Dunscroft opposite Bootham Lane junction and within curtilage of property Dunscroft Abbey. Part of O.S. Parcel No.1649. O.S.Sheet, Yorks (W.Riding) 265-16 (1932 Edition). Original schedule specified Mixed Deciduous. 2024-08-16
74/28/TRDC/01/G17 Thorne Rural District Council Tree Preservation Order (No.1) 1953 Hatfield / Dunsville group MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.007224 53.574284,-1.007227 53.574258,-1.007277 53.574180,-1.007315 53.574135,-1.007359 53.574099,-1.007390 53.574041,-1.007401 53.573963,-1.007310 53.573825,-1.007307 53.573716,-1.007322 53.573572,-1.007304 53.573543,-1.007243 53.573518,-1.007186 53.573641,-1.007180 53.573944,-1.007174 53.573944,-1.007177 53.574091,-1.007072 53.574172,-1.006837 53.574317,-1.007224 53.574284))) POINT (-1.007216 53.573986) West side of Doncaster Road, Hatfield at junction with Manor Road and south of property Ash Hill House. Part of O.S. Parcel 1359. O.S.Sheet, Yorks (W.Riding) 277-4 (1930 Edition). Original schedule specified Mixed Deciduous and Coniferous. 2024-08-16
DMBC/TPO/00070/G9 Doncaster Borough Council Tree Preservation Order (No.70) 1991 Christchurch group MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.122587 53.526128,-1.122557 53.526114,-1.122334 53.526251,-1.122328 53.526266,-1.122652 53.526481,-1.122678 53.526465,-1.122366 53.526269,-1.122364 53.526259,-1.122587 53.526128))) POINT (-1.12249 53.526294) Within the gardens of 91 and 93 Thorne Road. 2024-08-16
DMBC/TPO/00070/G10 Doncaster Borough Council Tree Preservation Order (No.70) 1991 Christchurch group MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.122748 53.526733,-1.122783 53.526716,-1.122370 53.526452,-1.122348 53.526463,-1.122342 53.526478,-1.122347 53.526500,-1.122383 53.526525,-1.122748 53.526733))) POINT (-1.12254 53.526587) Within the car park adjacent 95 Thorne Road. 2024-08-16
DMBC/TPO/00070/G12 Doncaster Borough Council Tree Preservation Order (No.70) 1991 Christchurch group MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.123034 53.523663,-1.123075 53.523686,-1.123086 53.523671,-1.123086 53.523652,-1.122841 53.523592,-1.122636 53.523553,-1.122594 53.523555,-1.122570 53.523566,-1.123034 53.523663))) POINT (-1.12284 53.523609) Adjacent 15 Town Field Villas. 2024-08-16
DMBC/TPO/00070/G17 Doncaster Borough Council Tree Preservation Order (No.70) 1991 Christchurch group MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.123609 53.525275,-1.123569 53.525263,-1.123091 53.525568,-1.123043 53.525543,-1.123023 53.525556,-1.123100 53.525597,-1.123609 53.525275))) POINT (-1.123324 53.525435) Within the forecourt of British Coal Offices, Thorne Road. 2024-08-16
DMBC/TPO/00078/G1 Doncaster Borough Council Tree Preservation Order (No.78) 1991 Field No.2461, Carr Lane, Conisbrough group MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.214649 53.472752,-1.214629 53.472723,-1.214560 53.472680,-1.214342 53.472607,-1.214252 53.472589,-1.214202 53.472589,-1.214132 53.472606,-1.214112 53.472624,-1.214141 53.472672,-1.214220 53.472714,-1.214230 53.472732,-1.214269 53.472756,-1.214358 53.472780,-1.214448 53.472799,-1.214528 53.472799,-1.214628 53.472776,-1.214649 53.472752))) POINT (-1.214376 53.472698) Within the centre of Field No.2461. 2024-08-16
DMBC/TPO/00079/G1 Doncaster Borough Council Tree Preservation Order (No.79) 1991 Model Farm, Adwick-le-Street group MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.183915 53.570355,-1.183935 53.570348,-1.183941 53.570336,-1.183894 53.570284,-1.183844 53.570196,-1.183781 53.570039,-1.183479 53.570100,-1.183397 53.570100,-1.183369 53.570107,-1.183361 53.570117,-1.183368 53.570126,-1.183387 53.570128,-1.183731 53.570065,-1.183843 53.570293,-1.183891 53.570351,-1.183915 53.570355))) POINT (-1.183753 53.570172) Within the boundary along Village Street. 2024-08-16
DMBC/TPO/00080/G6 Doncaster Borough Council Tree Preservation Order (No.80) 1991 Old Denaby group MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.275331 53.486596,-1.275313 53.486590,-1.275287 53.486595,-1.275283 53.486603,-1.275297 53.486667,-1.275246 53.486672,-1.275238 53.486683,-1.275242 53.486691,-1.275256 53.486698,-1.275324 53.486696,-1.275348 53.486686,-1.275350 53.486663,-1.275331 53.486596))) POINT (-1.275306 53.486653) Within the front garden of 'Ashmore', Denaby Lane. 2024-08-16
DMBC/TPO/00080/G7 Doncaster Borough Council Tree Preservation Order (No.80) 1991 Old Denaby group MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.275557 53.486673,-1.275566 53.486663,-1.275558 53.486647,-1.275526 53.486641,-1.275428 53.486648,-1.275420 53.486643,-1.275395 53.486563,-1.275358 53.486554,-1.275340 53.486561,-1.275372 53.486682,-1.275382 53.486689,-1.275557 53.486673))) POINT (-1.275426 53.486638) Within the front garden of 'Beralan', Denaby Lane. 2024-08-16

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