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Doncaster Metropolitan Borough Council

Tree preservation zone

Reference Name Tree preservation order Tree preservation zone type Geometry Point Notes Organisation Entry date Start date End date
DMBC/TPO/00208/G18 Doncaster Borough Council Tree Preservation Order (No.208) 1997 Sprotbrough Village group MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.190770 53.509019,-1.190675 53.509022,-1.190706 53.509216,-1.190797 53.509213,-1.190770 53.509019))) POINT (-1.190737 53.509117) Within the front garden of The Spinney, Boat Lane. SE 53760168. 2024-08-16
DMBC/TPO/00208/G8 Doncaster Borough Council Tree Preservation Order (No.208) 1997 Sprotbrough Village group MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.187560 53.511647,-1.187559 53.511689,-1.187644 53.511693,-1.187645 53.511648,-1.187560 53.511647))) POINT (-1.187602 53.511669) Within the curtilage of The Gardens situated between the house and the southern boundary of St Mary's Church, Main Street. SE 53970197. 2024-08-16
DMBC/TPO/00208/G17 Doncaster Borough Council Tree Preservation Order (No.208) 1997 Sprotbrough Village group MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.190745 53.509305,-1.190724 53.509332,-1.190850 53.509315,-1.190950 53.509280,-1.190891 53.509232,-1.190745 53.509275,-1.190745 53.509305))) POINT (-1.190835 53.509283) Within the front garden of The Spinney, Boat Lane. SE 53760170. 2024-08-16
DMBC/TPO/00208/G19 Doncaster Borough Council Tree Preservation Order (No.208) 1997 Sprotbrough Village group MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.190551 53.509510,-1.190552 53.509471,-1.190537 53.509462,-1.190262 53.509478,-1.190276 53.509532,-1.190551 53.509510))) POINT (-1.190407 53.509495) Within the front garden of Deincourt, Boat Lane. SE 53780172. 2024-08-16
DMBC/TPO/00208/G4 Doncaster Borough Council Tree Preservation Order (No.208) 1997 Sprotbrough Village group MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.193957 53.511876,-1.194065 53.511948,-1.194127 53.511859,-1.194107 53.511856,-1.193957 53.511876))) POINT (-1.19405 53.511893) Within the front garden of Lane Cottage, New Lane. SE 53540198. 2024-08-16
DMBC/TPO/00208/G6 Doncaster Borough Council Tree Preservation Order (No.208) 1997 Sprotbrough Village group MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.189046 53.511845,-1.189063 53.511762,-1.188983 53.511753,-1.188966 53.511839,-1.189046 53.511845))) POINT (-1.189014 53.5118) Within the curtilage of St Mary's Church Hall, adjacent to the eastern boundary. SE 53870198. 2024-08-16
DMBC/TPO/00208/G7 Doncaster Borough Council Tree Preservation Order (No.208) 1997 Sprotbrough Village group MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.188467 53.512339,-1.188436 53.512345,-1.188480 53.512444,-1.188053 53.512536,-1.188072 53.512557,-1.188519 53.512459,-1.188467 53.512339))) POINT (-1.188329 53.512473) Within the area of public open space located to the north west of St Mary's Church, Main Street. SE 53920206. 2024-08-16
DMBC/TPO/00208/G1 Doncaster Borough Council Tree Preservation Order (No.208) 1997 Sprotbrough Village group MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.196346 53.513248,-1.196263 53.513161,-1.196227 53.513173,-1.196306 53.513263,-1.196346 53.513248))) POINT (-1.196286 53.513212) Within the public verge adjacent to the eastern boundary of 3 Folder Lane. SE 53390213. 2024-08-16
DMBC/TPO/00208/G10 Doncaster Borough Council Tree Preservation Order (No.208) 1997 Sprotbrough Village group MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.186091 53.511035,-1.186120 53.511095,-1.186456 53.511035,-1.186427 53.510981,-1.186091 53.511035))) POINT (-1.186271 53.511037) Within the curtilage of The Gardens, Boat Lane adjacent to the eastern boundary of the site. SE 54050194. 2024-08-16
DMBC/TPO/00208/G13 Doncaster Borough Council Tree Preservation Order (No.208) 1997 Sprotbrough Village group MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.189823 53.510154,-1.189749 53.510136,-1.189672 53.510246,-1.189752 53.510258,-1.189823 53.510154))) POINT (-1.189748 53.510199) Within the curtilage of The Beeches, Spinney Hill, adjacent to the south eastern boundary . SE 53830180. 2024-08-16
DMBC/TPO/00208/G15 Doncaster Borough Council Tree Preservation Order (No.208) 1997 Sprotbrough Village group MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.190805 53.509809,-1.190875 53.509819,-1.190907 53.509715,-1.191019 53.509632,-1.190964 53.509602,-1.190832 53.509696,-1.190805 53.509809))) POINT (-1.190893 53.509709) Within the front and side garden of No 2 Scott Hill. SE 53750174. 2024-08-16
DMBC/TPO/00209/G1 Doncaster Borough Council Tree Preservation Order (No.209) 1998 Warmsworth, Sprotbrough, Marr and Br group MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.179345 53.523720,-1.179206 53.523683,-1.178374 53.523213,-1.178209 53.523462,-1.178425 53.523678,-1.178662 53.523835,-1.179345 53.523720))) POINT (-1.178666 53.52357) Located to the east of the A1(M) and southwest of Cusworth Hall. Remnant of a wood marked on maps as Long Plantation. SE 545033. 2024-08-16
DMBC/TPO/00209/G2 Doncaster Borough Council Tree Preservation Order (No.209) 1998 Warmsworth, Sprotbrough, Marr and Br group MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.188919 53.507509,-1.188838 53.507533,-1.188449 53.508031,-1.188468 53.508079,-1.188567 53.508127,-1.188647 53.508128,-1.188727 53.508104,-1.189077 53.507618,-1.189078 53.507570,-1.189018 53.507522,-1.188919 53.507509))) POINT (-1.18877 53.507824) Situated to the east side of the island in the River Don, close to Sprotbrough Bridge. SE 538015. 2024-08-16
DMBC/TPO/00211/G5 Doncaster Borough Council Tree Preservation Order (No.211) 1998 Wadworth group MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.148237 53.469175,-1.148469 53.469165,-1.148514 53.469127,-1.148309 53.468797,-1.148253 53.468787,-1.148073 53.468802,-1.148060 53.468814,-1.148068 53.468857,-1.148203 53.468910,-1.148230 53.468937,-1.148252 53.469037,-1.148231 53.469066,-1.148166 53.469118,-1.148181 53.469161,-1.148237 53.469175))) POINT (-1.148299 53.468992) On the western boundary of Wadworth Hall, adjacent to Wadworth Hall Lane. SK 5663 9726. 2024-08-16
DMBC/TPO/00211/G6 Doncaster Borough Council Tree Preservation Order (No.211) 1998 Wadworth group MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.153745 53.471788,-1.154363 53.471847,-1.154387 53.471847,-1.154408 53.471831,-1.154384 53.471811,-1.153981 53.471768,-1.153757 53.471755,-1.153729 53.471764,-1.153725 53.471773,-1.153745 53.471788))) POINT (-1.154069 53.471799) Within the hedge on the southern boundary of Wadworth Woodhouse, Wood House Lane. SK 5625 9755. 2024-08-16
DMBC/TPO/00211/G7 Doncaster Borough Council Tree Preservation Order (No.211) 1998 Wadworth group MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.151983 53.461510,-1.151987 53.461517,-1.152075 53.461513,-1.152829 53.461359,-1.152750 53.461320,-1.152587 53.461276,-1.152380 53.461203,-1.152149 53.461184,-1.152081 53.461165,-1.151906 53.461154,-1.151983 53.461510))) POINT (-1.152262 53.461332) Adjacent to Jastel and the junction of Long Gate (B6094) and Wilsic Road. SK 5638 9640. 2024-08-16
DMBC/TPO/00217/G5 Doncaster Borough Council Tree Preservation Order (No.217) 2000 Conisbrough group MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.220136 53.483263,-1.220603 53.483091,-1.220635 53.483063,-1.219912 53.483239,-1.220094 53.483382,-1.220122 53.483358,-1.220126 53.483342,-1.220125 53.483332,-1.220105 53.483319,-1.220101 53.483297,-1.220136 53.483263))) POINT (-1.220192 53.483217) Eastern and southern boundaries of no 118 Doncaster Road. 2024-08-16
DMBC/TPO/00217/G7 Doncaster Borough Council Tree Preservation Order (No.217) 2000 Conisbrough group MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.226747 53.482360,-1.226765 53.482271,-1.226248 53.482214,-1.226180 53.482422,-1.226151 53.482591,-1.226166 53.482738,-1.226190 53.482790,-1.226225 53.482820,-1.226283 53.482836,-1.226307 53.482836,-1.226353 53.482813,-1.226360 53.482778,-1.226264 53.482774,-1.226248 53.482746,-1.226238 53.482633,-1.226240 53.482534,-1.226292 53.482315,-1.226747 53.482360))) POINT (-1.226362 53.482433) Along eastern and southern boundaries of The Terrace Education Centre (Low Road frontage). 2024-08-16
DMBC/TPO/00217/G3 Doncaster Borough Council Tree Preservation Order (No.217) 2000 Conisbrough group MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.215458 53.484972,-1.215474 53.484993,-1.215526 53.485017,-1.215556 53.485018,-1.215586 53.485006,-1.215514 53.484887,-1.215506 53.484885,-1.215494 53.484896,-1.215467 53.484940,-1.215458 53.484972))) POINT (-1.215516 53.484962) Rear garden of no 164 Doncaster Road. 2024-08-16
DMBC/TPO/00217/G6 Doncaster Borough Council Tree Preservation Order (No.217) 2000 Conisbrough group MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.222714 53.482411,-1.222734 53.482437,-1.222918 53.482395,-1.222937 53.482374,-1.222939 53.482351,-1.222900 53.482319,-1.222836 53.482317,-1.222806 53.482336,-1.222799 53.482371,-1.222714 53.482411))) POINT (-1.22284 53.482375) Front garden of 'Castle View', Doncaster Road. 2024-08-16
DMBC/TPO/00217/G8 Doncaster Borough Council Tree Preservation Order (No.217) 2000 Conisbrough group MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.226895 53.482378,-1.226861 53.482366,-1.226833 53.482366,-1.226815 53.482372,-1.226811 53.482381,-1.226756 53.482822,-1.226814 53.482855,-1.226856 53.482866,-1.227257 53.482873,-1.227292 53.482866,-1.227306 53.482854,-1.227308 53.482826,-1.227277 53.482804,-1.226939 53.482795,-1.226894 53.482774,-1.226910 53.482402,-1.226895 53.482378))) POINT (-1.226926 53.482696) Within the curtilage of The Terrace Education Centre along the western boundary (Castle Avenue frontage). 2024-08-16
DMBC/TPO/00217/G9 Doncaster Borough Council Tree Preservation Order (No.217) 2000 Conisbrough group MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.226599 53.482909,-1.226559 53.482909,-1.226535 53.482928,-1.226785 53.483027,-1.227018 53.483171,-1.227111 53.483260,-1.227145 53.483264,-1.227167 53.483253,-1.227171 53.483243,-1.227155 53.483217,-1.227112 53.483173,-1.226913 53.483039,-1.226820 53.482989,-1.226679 53.482932,-1.226599 53.482909))) POINT (-1.226885 53.483071) Within the curtilage of The Terrace Education Centre along Castle Hill frontage. 2024-08-16
DMBC/TPO/00217/G1 Doncaster Borough Council Tree Preservation Order (No.217) 2000 Conisbrough group MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.213963 53.483603,-1.213381 53.483592,-1.213355 53.483598,-1.213344 53.483607,-1.213344 53.483622,-1.213392 53.483636,-1.213919 53.483644,-1.213968 53.483635,-1.213980 53.483624,-1.213977 53.483610,-1.213963 53.483603))) POINT (-1.213659 53.483618) Rear garden of nos 54 and 54a Drake Head Lane. 2024-08-16
DMBC/TPO/00217/G11 Doncaster Borough Council Tree Preservation Order (No.217) 2000 Conisbrough group MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.227034 53.482304,-1.227459 53.482357,-1.227569 53.482115,-1.227011 53.482024,-1.226963 53.482122,-1.226918 53.482115,-1.226907 53.482136,-1.226887 53.482135,-1.226873 53.482157,-1.226837 53.482279,-1.227034 53.482304))) POINT (-1.227206 53.482195) Within the curtilage of The Terrace Education Centre to east of building. 2024-08-16
DMBC/TPO/00217/G12 Doncaster Borough Council Tree Preservation Order (No.217) 2000 Conisbrough group MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.229069 53.482739,-1.229041 53.482729,-1.229005 53.482741,-1.228988 53.483006,-1.228962 53.483246,-1.228979 53.483288,-1.228999 53.483302,-1.229043 53.483312,-1.229169 53.483292,-1.229177 53.483278,-1.229159 53.483263,-1.229052 53.483263,-1.229030 53.483248,-1.229069 53.482739))) POINT (-1.229027 53.483055) Eastern boundary of St Peter's Church (High Street frontage). 2024-08-16
DMBC/TPO/00217/G16 Doncaster Borough Council Tree Preservation Order (No.217) 2000 Conisbrough group MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.224165 53.486046,-1.224155 53.486036,-1.224131 53.486033,-1.224112 53.486036,-1.224101 53.486053,-1.224241 53.486402,-1.224220 53.486459,-1.224175 53.486487,-1.224080 53.486519,-1.224073 53.486540,-1.224103 53.486562,-1.224254 53.486550,-1.224320 53.486530,-1.224350 53.486506,-1.224165 53.486046))) POINT (-1.224217 53.486356) Along western and northern boundary of Castle Grove House, adjacent to Don Street. 2024-08-16
DMBC/TPO/00217/G18 Doncaster Borough Council Tree Preservation Order (No.217) 2000 Conisbrough group MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.227696 53.485201,-1.227829 53.485123,-1.227829 53.485102,-1.227711 53.485027,-1.227687 53.485022,-1.227639 53.485034,-1.227517 53.485114,-1.227517 53.485131,-1.227548 53.485159,-1.227651 53.485203,-1.227696 53.485201))) POINT (-1.227673 53.485115) North east quadrant of the curtilage of The Dale Residential Home, Dale Road. 2024-08-16
DMBC/TPO/00217/G19 Doncaster Borough Council Tree Preservation Order (No.217) 2000 Conisbrough group MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.228991 53.485121,-1.228952 53.485073,-1.228831 53.485134,-1.228789 53.485169,-1.228718 53.485205,-1.228581 53.485257,-1.228293 53.485313,-1.228221 53.485318,-1.228191 53.485310,-1.228157 53.485284,-1.228160 53.485120,-1.228128 53.485087,-1.228081 53.485072,-1.228041 53.485081,-1.228016 53.485100,-1.228005 53.485190,-1.227989 53.485200,-1.227937 53.485202,-1.227811 53.485181,-1.227775 53.485188,-1.227754 53.485279,-1.227765 53.485309,-1.227787 53.485320,-1.228316 53.485442,-1.228310 53.485470,-1.228316 53.485487,-1.228365 53.485521,-1.228615 53.485596,-1.228647 53.485597,-1.228666 53.485583,-1.228657 53.485510,-1.228662 53.485481,-1.228760 53.485360,-1.228820 53.485330,-1.228935 53.485311,-1.228947 53.485303,-1.228911 53.485157,-1.228991 53.485121))) POINT (-1.228391 53.485324) Northern section of the curtilage of The Dale Residential Home, Dale Road. 2024-08-16
DMBC/TPO/00217/G20 Doncaster Borough Council Tree Preservation Order (No.217) 2000 Conisbrough group MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.229465 53.485836,-1.229397 53.485720,-1.229374 53.485712,-1.229353 53.485715,-1.229345 53.485727,-1.229349 53.485736,-1.229411 53.485838,-1.229441 53.485847,-1.229465 53.485836))) POINT (-1.229403 53.485779) Highway frontage of 'Lyndhurst', Station Road. 2024-08-16
DMBC/TPO/00217/G21 Doncaster Borough Council Tree Preservation Order (No.217) 2000 Conisbrough group MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.229882 53.486061,-1.229915 53.486030,-1.229835 53.486013,-1.229783 53.486017,-1.229863 53.486109,-1.229983 53.486224,-1.230019 53.486217,-1.230027 53.486207,-1.230016 53.486184,-1.229882 53.486061))) POINT (-1.229908 53.486111) Front garden of no 7 'Gramer Villa', Station Road. 2024-08-16
DMBC/TPO/00217/G22 Doncaster Borough Council Tree Preservation Order (No.217) 2000 Conisbrough group MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.230077 53.486302,-1.230331 53.486176,-1.230317 53.486165,-1.230290 53.486165,-1.230100 53.486254,-1.230082 53.486254,-1.230046 53.486236,-1.230016 53.486246,-1.230077 53.486302))) POINT (-1.230165 53.486235) North eastern boundary of no 7 'Gramer Villa', Station Road. 2024-08-16
DMBC/TPO/00217/G23 Doncaster Borough Council Tree Preservation Order (No.217) 2000 Conisbrough group MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.229652 53.484946,-1.229628 53.484944,-1.229615 53.484963,-1.229765 53.485140,-1.229833 53.485203,-1.229990 53.485375,-1.230102 53.485477,-1.230132 53.485482,-1.230152 53.485476,-1.230160 53.485461,-1.229797 53.485107,-1.229652 53.484946))) POINT (-1.229894 53.485233) West side of access road leading off Elm Green Lane to no 5 Station Road. 2024-08-16
DMBC/TPO/00217/G24 Doncaster Borough Council Tree Preservation Order (No.217) 2000 Conisbrough group MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.232478 53.482997,-1.232514 53.482993,-1.232527 53.482981,-1.232517 53.482845,-1.232493 53.482828,-1.232457 53.482830,-1.232441 53.482840,-1.232437 53.482854,-1.232444 53.482983,-1.232478 53.482997))) POINT (-1.232481 53.482913) Front garden of no 80 Elm Green Lane. 2024-08-16
DMBC/TPO/00217/G25 Doncaster Borough Council Tree Preservation Order (No.217) 2000 Conisbrough group MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.227334 53.481652,-1.227310 53.481660,-1.227355 53.481818,-1.227395 53.481828,-1.227427 53.481818,-1.227542 53.481652,-1.227382 53.481648,-1.227334 53.481652))) POINT (-1.227411 53.481721) Within land to east of Chapel Croft, New Hill. 2024-08-16
DMBC/TPO/00217/G28 Doncaster Borough Council Tree Preservation Order (No.217) 2000 Conisbrough group MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.227847 53.480224,-1.227833 53.480184,-1.227811 53.480182,-1.227709 53.480289,-1.227709 53.480300,-1.227747 53.480305,-1.227799 53.480296,-1.227847 53.480224))) POINT (-1.227785 53.480251) On land to west of Kearsley Brook adjacent to the south eastern boundary of 'Brooklyn', Marchgate. 2024-08-16
DMBC/TPO/00217/G29 Doncaster Borough Council Tree Preservation Order (No.217) 2000 Conisbrough group MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.229709 53.485882,-1.229723 53.485875,-1.229730 53.485853,-1.229601 53.485650,-1.229499 53.485471,-1.229473 53.485454,-1.229435 53.485456,-1.229425 53.485468,-1.229665 53.485865,-1.229709 53.485882))) POINT (-1.229579 53.485666) Front garden of no 5 Station Road. 2024-08-16
DMBC/TPO/00266/G1 Doncaster Borough Council Tree Preservation Order (No.266) 2004 Land Adjacent to Rowan Close, Hayfie group MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.013882 53.489918,-1.013902 53.489918,-1.013926 53.489906,-1.013947 53.489883,-1.013959 53.489859,-1.013969 53.489797,-1.013962 53.489749,-1.013943 53.489699,-1.013927 53.489685,-1.013895 53.489677,-1.013867 53.489682,-1.013863 53.489694,-1.013890 53.489747,-1.013896 53.489801,-1.013891 53.489873,-1.013875 53.489887,-1.013874 53.489906,-1.013882 53.489918))) POINT (-1.01392 53.489793) East of Rowan Close. 2024-08-16
DMBC/TPO/00266/G2 Doncaster Borough Council Tree Preservation Order (No.266) 2004 Land Adjacent to Rowan Close, Hayfie group MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.013885 53.489630,-1.013913 53.489620,-1.013929 53.489601,-1.013934 53.489578,-1.013905 53.489253,-1.013886 53.489236,-1.013846 53.489231,-1.013817 53.489245,-1.013813 53.489264,-1.013845 53.489603,-1.013853 53.489617,-1.013885 53.489630))) POINT (-1.013874 53.489428) East of rear garden of Stirling House, Rowan Close. 2024-08-16
DMBC/TPO/00287/G1 Doncaster Borough Council Tree Preservation Order (No.287) 2006 Forecourts, Old Village Street, Burg group MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.192382 53.601087,-1.192397 53.601078,-1.192413 53.601039,-1.192359 53.600965,-1.192360 53.600911,-1.192381 53.600881,-1.192421 53.600849,-1.192675 53.600671,-1.192681 53.600645,-1.192671 53.600624,-1.192651 53.600609,-1.192597 53.600597,-1.192556 53.600608,-1.192379 53.600690,-1.192213 53.600719,-1.192163 53.600734,-1.192137 53.600754,-1.192127 53.600784,-1.192140 53.600903,-1.192113 53.600972,-1.192132 53.601031,-1.192211 53.601086,-1.192256 53.601098,-1.192321 53.601104,-1.192382 53.601087))) POINT (-1.192339 53.600843) Within the southern segments of the garden. 2024-08-16
DMBC/TPO/00317/G2 Doncaster Borough Council Tree Preservation Order (No.317) 2008 Poplar House / Elmhurst, York Road, group MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.176067 53.548279,-1.176041 53.548186,-1.175302 53.548281,-1.175262 53.548292,-1.175246 53.548311,-1.175245 53.548356,-1.175286 53.548488,-1.175360 53.548617,-1.175394 53.548660,-1.175483 53.548645,-1.175480 53.548601,-1.175443 53.548472,-1.175369 53.548364,-1.176067 53.548279))) POINT (-1.175559 53.54836) Standing within the curtilage of Elmhurst immediately to the north and west side of the entrance drive. 2024-08-16
DMBC/TPO/00323/G1 Doncaster Borough Council Tree Preservation Order (No.323) 2008 Nos. 88-90 Thorne Road, Edenthorpe group MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.071048 53.551484,-1.071053 53.551449,-1.071023 53.551393,-1.070996 53.551375,-1.070963 53.551380,-1.070929 53.551426,-1.070914 53.551466,-1.070913 53.551510,-1.070933 53.551525,-1.070972 53.551522,-1.071020 53.551512,-1.071048 53.551484))) POINT (-1.070981 53.551456) On Thorne Road frontage to the west of T1. 2024-08-16
DMBC/TPO/00323/G2 Doncaster Borough Council Tree Preservation Order (No.323) 2008 Nos. 88-90 Thorne Road, Edenthorpe group MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.071233 53.551418,-1.071307 53.551349,-1.071306 53.551324,-1.071261 53.551278,-1.071217 53.551259,-1.071166 53.551263,-1.071141 53.551295,-1.071129 53.551358,-1.071074 53.551422,-1.071075 53.551456,-1.071158 53.551459,-1.071233 53.551418))) POINT (-1.071191 53.551361) On Thorne Road frontage to the west of G1. 2024-08-16
DMBC/TPO/00323/G3 Doncaster Borough Council Tree Preservation Order (No.323) 2008 Nos. 88-90 Thorne Road, Edenthorpe group MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.070073 53.550824,-1.070034 53.550781,-1.069991 53.550764,-1.069950 53.550762,-1.069922 53.550779,-1.069914 53.550808,-1.069946 53.550854,-1.070022 53.550872,-1.070058 53.550861,-1.070076 53.550839,-1.070073 53.550824))) POINT (-1.069993 53.550817) On the eastern boundary of the site adjacent to rear boundary of no.4 Parklands. 2024-08-16
DMBC/TPO/00323/G4 Doncaster Borough Council Tree Preservation Order (No.323) 2008 Nos. 88-90 Thorne Road, Edenthorpe group MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.070135 53.550739,-1.070213 53.550733,-1.070245 53.550716,-1.070240 53.550670,-1.070169 53.550622,-1.070122 53.550608,-1.070090 53.550565,-1.070060 53.550545,-1.070025 53.550536,-1.069989 53.550545,-1.069968 53.550570,-1.069980 53.550598,-1.070038 53.550631,-1.070079 53.550697,-1.070135 53.550739))) POINT (-1.070111 53.550644) Within rear garden of no.1 Parklands adjacent to the shared boundary of the site. 2024-08-16
DMBC/TPO/00323/G6 Doncaster Borough Council Tree Preservation Order (No.323) 2008 Nos. 88-90 Thorne Road, Edenthorpe group MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.070872 53.550884,-1.070862 53.550861,-1.070817 53.550828,-1.070734 53.550826,-1.070702 53.550841,-1.070689 53.550863,-1.070712 53.550900,-1.070761 53.550932,-1.070799 53.550940,-1.070867 53.550921,-1.070878 53.550904,-1.070872 53.550884))) POINT (-1.070785 53.55088) Adjacent to western boundary of the site to the north of G5. 2024-08-16
DMBC/TPO/00334/G1 Doncaster Borough Council Tree Preservation Order (No.334) 2009 Nos.1 Lyndale Avenue and 32 Thorne R group MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.075274 53.548517,-1.075331 53.548503,-1.075344 53.548462,-1.075282 53.548374,-1.075236 53.548340,-1.074890 53.548177,-1.074843 53.548164,-1.074799 53.548159,-1.074743 53.548164,-1.074703 53.548178,-1.074679 53.548196,-1.074676 53.548218,-1.074685 53.548239,-1.074731 53.548274,-1.074943 53.548381,-1.075187 53.548492,-1.075274 53.548517))) POINT (-1.075017 53.548328) Standing along the boundary between No.1 Lyndale Avenue and No.32 Thorne Road, Edenthorpe. 2024-08-16
DMBC/TPO/00341/G1 Doncaster Borough Council Tree Preservation Order (No.341) 2009 Land Rear Of 25 St Wilfrid's Road, B group MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.086363 53.512695,-1.086415 53.512673,-1.086523 53.512651,-1.086549 53.512635,-1.086579 53.512580,-1.086570 53.512562,-1.086552 53.512547,-1.086509 53.512532,-1.086411 53.512539,-1.086366 53.512560,-1.086294 53.512613,-1.086274 53.512617,-1.086209 53.512603,-1.086112 53.512530,-1.086059 53.512512,-1.086014 53.512511,-1.085943 53.512523,-1.085916 53.512537,-1.085906 53.512555,-1.085908 53.512600,-1.085923 53.512621,-1.085942 53.512635,-1.086006 53.512657,-1.086117 53.512670,-1.086228 53.512718,-1.086330 53.512710,-1.086363 53.512695))) POINT (-1.086232 53.512612) Within the curtilage of 23 and 25 St Wilfrid's Road, Bessacarr; situated along the boundaries dividing No. 25 St Wilfrid's Road from No.23 St Wilfrid's Road and Nos. 34 and 40A Cantley Lane. 2024-08-16
DMBC/TPO/00361/G1 Doncaster Borough Council Tree Preservation Order (No.361) 2013 Site of 16 Roman Road, Bennetthorpe group MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.119283 53.518798,-1.119331 53.518784,-1.119356 53.518753,-1.119357 53.518717,-1.119339 53.518697,-1.119317 53.518678,-1.119276 53.518664,-1.119212 53.518659,-1.119146 53.518678,-1.119133 53.518712,-1.119134 53.518733,-1.119164 53.518771,-1.119219 53.518794,-1.119283 53.518798))) POINT (-1.119246 53.518728) Within the curtilage of 16 Roman Road, Bennetthorpe; standing as a linear group adjacent to the boundary with Roman Road, between T1 and T2. 2024-08-16
74/24/DRDC/18/A20 Doncaster Rural District Council Tree Preservation Order (No.18) 1972 Campsall with Sutton area MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.187879 53.607390,-1.188152 53.607610,-1.188299 53.607263,-1.187879 53.607390))) POINT (-1.18811 53.607421) O.S. Field 8262. O.S. Sheet SE.5212 and 5312. 1960 Edition. 2024-08-16
DMBC/TPO/00212/G1 Doncaster Borough Council Tree Preservation Order (No.212) 1998 Stainton group MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.171002 53.438415,-1.170976 53.438423,-1.170981 53.438443,-1.171098 53.438539,-1.171126 53.438542,-1.171141 53.438535,-1.171137 53.438519,-1.171002 53.438415))) POINT (-1.171058 53.438481) In the front garden of Penny Hill, Holme Hall Lane. On the west bank of Ruddle Dyke. SK 55169383. 2024-08-16

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