Northumberland County Council
Brownfield land
Reference | Name | Site address | Deliverable | Hazardous substances | Hectares | MinNetDwellings | Minimum net dwellings | Maximum net dwellings | Ownership status | Planning permission date | Planning permission type | Planning permission history | Planning permission status | Site plan URL | Point | Notes | OrganisationLabel | Organisation | Entry date | Start date | End date |
2395 | 2395 | Taits Haulage Yard, Haydon Bridge | 0.51 | 0 | 0 | not owned by a public authority | 2008-04-17 | full planning permission | | permissioned | | POINT(-2.250406 54.971863) | Commercial garage and haulage yard site. The premises had long been utilised for motor vehicle repair and for HGV parking, but has latterly been vacant an disused. Demolition of the existing warehouse required to enable a scheme to progress, along with any necessary remediation due to previous use. Site has been identified for redevelopment for many years. An initial application for residential use was refused in 1991 (T/91/E/78). A revised proposal for clearance and redevelopment was then permitted in outline but lapsed without a start (T/92/E/446). Some time later, another outline permission was granted (T/20030213). Reserved matters were then submitted for demolition of the now vacant buildings and construction 20 homes (T/20070834). The development has been subject to a long-term build-out programme, gradually being delivered over a number of years. Development of 20 dwellings completed in 2017/18. | 2020-12-17 | 2016-06-30 | 2018-11-25 | |||||
2494x | 2494x | Prudhoe Hospital Site (brownfield parcel) | yes | 40.01 | 220 | 220 | owned by a public authority | 2015-11-18 | full planning permission | | permissioned | | POINT(-1.837592 54.954494) | Land and buildings that from part of the Prudhoe Hospital at the edge of the town. Around half of the overall site is brownfield, the remainder open space. This is a former psychiatric hospital that has continued to be occupied by NHS facilities until recent years. The complex includes the Grade II listed Prudhoe Hall (c.1870), which was originally a private home and a church hall before being converted for hospital use. Site now declared surplus and a proposals for a strategic redevelopment of land and buildings is being progressed. This includes parallel provision of new NHS facilities (T/20090634). An initial outline permission clearance and mixed-use redevelopment was granted in 2009 (T/20081020). This early proposal comprised of a new hospital, specialist care village for the elderly, and residential development. Detailed permission was later approved for demolition of the majority of this site, redevelopment with 392 new-build homes, and then 12 further units created through conversion, was permitted in 2016 (14/04160/FUL). Only a small element of the facility will be retained, the Grade II listed Prudhoe Hall, subject of the conversion. Works also include extensive demolition of non-listed buildings and provision of supporting services, facilities and infrastructure, .Site is a mix of brownfield and greenfield land with the former involving redevelopment of existing buildings. Brownfield element (c.20ha) represents around 55% of the site area - a yield of around 220 dwellings can be calculated based on methodological approach. For indicative purposes in the BF Register, the original SHLAA site (ref 2494) is split to reflect brownfield and greenfield elements - total area of 40.01ha. Construction to provide 404 dwellings is now underway., with a long-term build-out programme expected. Delivery to continue over the next 5-years with final completion of the site forecast within the 6-10 year period. | 2020-12-17 | 2016-06-30 | |||||
3034x | 3034x | Hepscott Park (parcel) | yes | 10.93 | 0 | 0 | owned by a public authority | 2017-01-25 | full planning permission | | permissioned | | POINT(-1.651643 55.134753) | Site was originally developed as a convalescence hospital in the 1930s, in latter years had been used as office and educational space by Northumberland County Council, More recently the site has been vacant. The remainder of the site consists of open space. Despite a somewhat peripheral location outside of a defined settlement, it offers opportunity for redevelopment of a substantive site, partly brownfield in nature. Demolition of the redundant buildings is required. Permission in place for clearance and erection of 89 dwellings (16/02336/FUL). Site is a mix of brownfield and greenfield land. Brownfield parcel (3.12ha) represents around 30% of the site area but the new development is limited to the footprint of the former buildings. For indicative purposes in the BF Register, the original SHLAA site (ref 3034) is split to reflect brownfield and greenfield elements - total area of 10.93ha. Overall development complete in 2020/21. | 2021-12-17 | 2016-06-30 | 2021-11-30 | ||||
3053 | 3053 | Hadston Industrial Estate (South), Hadston | 0.42 | 5 | 6 | not owned by a public authority | | pending decision | | POINT(-1.608538 55.296456) | Vacant land that forms part of a larger industrial estate. This particular parcel has been unused for over a decade and comprises of hardstanding and overgrown areas following earlier clearance of former buildings. The southern part of the estate is in control of Homes England and comprises f two parcels that are surplus and available for redevelopment (3052, 3053). Land to the north continues to be occupied by a range of business and a number of commercial and industrial units are in situ. Any partial redevelopment of the site would need to carefully consider the needs of operational employment land to the north and the relationship to adjacent housing. An outline application for demolition and redevelopment for 65 homes was withdrawn in 2018 (17/01887/OUT). This proposal was not progressed but encompassed the two vacant adjacent parcels of land, part of the wider industrial estate (3052, 3053). Landowner still intends to bring the site forward for redevelopment. A revised application for 80 homes has been submitted in 2021 and is currently pending consideration (21/02551/FUL). Currently considered developable later in the plan period. Both deliverability and yield will be reappraised is this current proposal is permitted. | 2021-12-17 | 2019-11-19 | ||||||||
3063 | 3063 | Cottage Hospital, Morpeth | 1.37 | 0 | 0 | owned by a public authority | 2016-02-04 | full planning permission | | permissioned | | POINT(-1.689955 55.158391) | Former cottage hospital site declared surplus and available for redevelopment following closure of the NHS care facility. The complex was extended on a number of occasions of the years to comprise of a number of interconnected buildings, the vast majority being of modern flat-roof design. Demolition of the vacant buildings required. This clearance was enabled following an initial approval (15/01918/DEMGDO). Subsequent permission secured for redevelopment of site with scheme of 24 houses and 15 flats (15/02779/FUL). Development of 39 dwellings completed in 2018/19. | 2020-12-17 | 2016-06-30 | 2019-11-29 | |||||
3318x | 3318x | St Mary's Hospital, Green Lane, Stannington (brownfield parcel) | yes | 56.23 | 178 | 178 | owned by a public authority | 2009-10-21 | full planning permission | | permissioned | | POINT(-1.716827 55.122215) | Extensive former psychiatric hospital site in a rural location, comprising of a range of buildings and associated open space. The facility had originally been built in 1910 and operating for many years until closure in 1996. On becoming surplus to NHS requirements it then stood vacant and unused for a number of years afterwards. A scheme would involve demotion of redundant buildings prior to redevelopment. providing a mixed use scheme. An initial outline permission for residential, commercial and employment development was permitted in 2007 (CM/20060893). The partial clearance of redundant buildings was an aspect of the works. Detailed permission for 172 dwellings, through a combination and conversion and new-build was then approved (CM/20080874). Subsequently a number of further applications have been permitted for additional residential development and the clearance of former hospital buildings, increasing the overall yield to 270 dwellings (11/02980/FUL, 14/03197/FUL, 15/03676/FUL, 16/00221/FUL). The employment and commercial development from the initial outline have been subject to separate detailed applications. Brownfield element (c.10ha) represents around two-thirds of the overall development area - a yield of around 178 dwellings can be calculated based on methodological approach. For indicative purposes in the BF Register, the original SHLAA site (ref 3318x) is split to reflect brownfield and greenfield elements - total area of 56.23ha. Alongside the residential development, the scheme also includes a wide variety of supporting infrastructure, services and facilities. Development has now commenced and completion is forecast within the next 5 years. | 2020-12-17 | 2016-06-30 | |||||
3326 | 3326 | Davidsons of Morpeth, Bridge End | 0.41 | 0 | 0 | not owned by a public authority | 2016-02-03 | full planning permission | | permissioned | | POINT(-1.685663 55.166127) | Former commercial garage site comprising of works, sales showroom and associated land, situated within central Morpeth. Available for redevelopment following relocation of the business to new site. Demolition of the vacant premises and clearance of the site has already ben undertaken. The site has been identified for redevelopment for a long time, with proposals for redevelopment of the site for a care home date back to the 1980s. Subsequently, a number of applications for mixed-use redevelopment were permitted, which included commercial development alongside the residential units, but were not progressed (CM/05/D/879, CM/20061085, 12/00042/FUL). A revised scheme was more recently permitted for construction of 55 retirement units then approved (15/02224/FUL). The proposal was an apartment block comprising of self-contained flats for over-60s, along with an office for the house manager, communal facilities such as a residents’ lounge, a guest suite and gardens. Development of 55 dwellings completed in 2018/19. | 2020-12-17 | 2016-06-30 | 2019-11-29 | |||||
3397x | 3397x | St Georges Hospital, Morpeth (brownfield parcel) | yes | 19.8 | 124 | 124 | owned by a public authority | 2015-06-23 | full planning permission | | permissioned | | POINT(-1.682705 55.175212) | First phase of the strategic redevelopment of St. George's Hospital site. Former psychiatric hospital site to the norther edge of Morpeth, comprising of a range of buildings and extensive areas of green land. The hospital was closed in 1995 and is now surplus to NHS requirements and available for redevelopment. This follows the completion of the new St. George's Hospital facility. Identified for a strategic mixed-use redevelopment. Occupied by the main two-storey former hospital building and wings provided through extension of the facility over the years. There are also a number of additional buildings in situ, including a former Chapel, terraced and single two-storey residential properties, larger administration buildings, and a range of outbuildings. All of these are vacant, are identified for clearance, and require demolition. A hybrid application for 375 dwellings, alongside supporting facilities, was initial approved (14/02750/FUL). This included full permission for demolition of existing hospital buildings and construction of 119 dwellings and outline planning permission for further demolition and the phased redevelopment of site for up to 256 homes along with community, leisure uses and public open space. Two further applications for remain development have since been submitted. The first (phase-1b) is a hybrid application for the construction of 159 dwellings (19/00904/FUL). More recently, an outline application for an extra-care/community well-being facility with up to 80 accommodation units was permitted in March 2021 (19/00903/OUT). Development being delivered as a joint venture. For indicative purposes in the BF Register, the original SHLAA site (ref 3397) is split to reflect brownfield and greenfield elements - total area of 19.8ha. Initial phase-1a is almost completed, with later phases to follow. Construction to continue with final completions anticipated beyond the initial 5 years, reflecting a long-term build-out programme. NB - see separate record for phase-2 (3074). | 2021-12-17 | 2016-06-30 | |||||
3427a | 3427a | Listed Buildings at Police HQ, Ponteland | yes | 1.18 | 22 | 22 | not owned by a public authority | 2018-04-19 | full planning permission | | permissioned | | POINT(-1.75951 55.06027) | Grade II listed building that form part of the former Northumbria Police HQ site. Originally built to provide cottage homes for the children in 1902, the buildings have been utilised for teacher training since 1962 and finally as police offices since 1982. Now surplus, vacant and available for redevelopment as part of the extensive redevelopment of the former police HQ site. This element of the overall scheme is subject to a discreet permission, for alteration and conversion to 22 units (17/03697/FUL). The works are now underway, with first 2 conversion completed in 2020/21, and remainder to be delivered by 2023. NB - see separate record for associated main redevelopment scheme (3427), which is also well underway. | 2021-12-17 | 2019-11-19 | |||||
3493 | 3493 | Ellington (land at) | yes | 14.68 | 400 | 400 | not owned by a public authority | 2015-09-01 | full planning permission | | permissioned | | POINT(-1.5588 55.218749) | Extensive area of land at Ellington Colliery, vacant following final closure in 2006.The pit complex was cleared following this, with all the buildings, outbuildings and associated infrastructure now demolished. Since then, the site has comprised of hardstanding, with an element of demolition waste remaining, but the vast majority being overgrown and neglected. Significant remediation works are necessary as part of a redevelopment scheme. An initial hybrid application for mixed-use development was secured (14/03016/FUL). In addition to the residential development, it includes retail, employment and commercial floorspace. A total of 400 dwellings are due to be built-out in a long-term delivery plan, with four phases expected in due course. Detailed permissions for the first two phases now in place. Initial phase-1 for 99 homes, approved in 2016 (16/02972/REM), but subsequently reduced to 91 units, and then a phase-2 of 95 units in 2018 (18/03001/REM). Construction of the initial phase is now underway. Phase-2 to be commenced in due course with final elements (phase-3 and phase-4) subject to future reserved matters submissions. Delivery to continue over the next 5 years with final completion of the site forecast within the 11-15 year period. | 2021-12-17 | 2016-06-30 | |||||
3642 | 3642 | Druridge View, Main Street, Red Row | 0.14 | 3 | 4 | not owned by a public authority | 2014-05-15 | full planning permission | | permissioned | | POINT(-1.605696 55.289661) | Vacant land that was occupied by a gymnasium, public house and associated flat, all of which were demolished some time ago. The site has been identified for redevelopment for a number of years and there is a complex planning history evident. An initial application for demolition of the gym and bar and construction of 3 dwellings was permitted in 2009 but the scheme was not progressed (CM/20090458). However, the vacant buildings were demolished following this approval. Another proposal for 6 homes was then approved in 2014 (14/00631/FUL). This permission has been partly delivered with 2 bungalows completed. Subsequently, an application for constructing of 3 homes was permitted in 2018 (18/02142/FUL). This is a revised proposal relating to the remainder of the site, amending the initial scheme by replacing 4 bungalows with 2 houses and a bungalow. The initial permission and has been implemented and remains live but the later scheme will also have permission until expiry in 2021. Therefore, either 3 or 4 homes can be built on the rest of the site in due course, depending on which proposal is progressed. As a result of the extant permissions, either 5 or 6 dwellings could eventually be delivered on completion. However, given the complex nature of this revised permission, it is considered a separate proposal. Now classified as a small site in the SHLAA. | 2020-12-17 | 2016-06-30 | 2019-11-29 | |||||
4696 | 4696 | Former Bates Staiths, Malvins Road, Blyth | 0.62 | 0 | 0 | not owned by a public authority | 2012-02-01 | full planning permission | | permissioned | | POINT(-1.531936 55.129907) | Land parcel that is of an unusual shape, which had be vacant for a number of years. This is the alignment of a former industrial railway line, and the strip of land is long and linear in nature, reflecting past use. Infilling of the railway cutting required to enable redevelopment. The original application for 26 houses and 18 apartments was refused, with the appeal then dismissed (B/08/00459/OUT). A revised scheme was then granted in outline in 2012 (10/S/00130/OUT). A detailed application for 58 homes followed (13/02985/FUL). Development of 58 dwellings completed in 2018/19. | 2020-12-17 | 2016-06-30 | 2019-11-29 | |||||
4755 | 4755 | Wellesley Childrens Home, Links Road, Blyth | yes | 11.1 | 0 | 0 | not owned by a public authority | 2012-04-02 | reserved matters approval | | permissioned | | POINT(-1.503287 55.11409) | Former Wellesley Community Home with Education facility operated by Sunderland City Council. The site had provided residential accommodation and education for children, but was declared surplus to local authority requirements. The site had become semi-derelict and overgrown since closure. The unused site comprises 7 semi-derelict former residential blocks, outbuildings and associated playing fields. Identified for redevelopment following demolition of the vacant buildings and clearance of the whole site. Initial outline approval was granted in 2007 and then subsequently extended (B/06/00561/OUT, 10/S/00605/VARYCO), A reserved matters application was granted for demolition of the vacant buildings and construction 394 homes (12/01747/REM). The long-term build-out programme has since followed. Development completed in 2020/21. | 2021-12-17 | 2016-06-30 | 2021-11-30 | ||||
5023 | 5023 | The Hunter's Lodge, Newbiggin-by-the-Sea | 0.18 | 0 | 0 | not owned by a public authority | 2014-10-29 | full planning permission | | permissioned | | POINT(-1.517208 55.188383) | Previous the site of a public house/hotel that had been cleared a number of years ago following closure. Redevelopment of the vacant land enable by two separate but associated consents, delivering an overall scheme of 11 dwellings. An initial application for 5 dwellings was permitted in 2010 (10/S/00291/FUL). This was followed by a further consent for 6 homes, granted afterwards (12/00884/FUL). The two proposals create one contiguous terrace and were considered one scheme. Development of 11 dwellings completed in 2017/18. | 2020-12-17 | 2016-06-30 | 2019-11-29 | |||||
5032 | 5032 | Church Farm, Woodhorn Road | yes | 0.31 | 15 | 15 | not owned by a public authority | 2017-07-13 | full planning permission | | permissioned | | POINT(-1.526445 55.193475) | Previously the site of agricultural buildings but now comprises of overgrown vacant land and areas of hardstanding. Clearance was undertaken at a few years ago and the site is available for redevelopment. The site had not been utilised for farming purposes for some time. Site proposed for redevelopment for many years. An initial outline consent for 8 dwellings lapsed (05/00077/OUT). A revised application for redevelopment with 11 homes was then refused (06/00490/FUL). Some time later, an application for clearance redevelopment for 15 dwellings was secured (12/01397/FUL), This application took a number of years to progress before being approved in 2017. Development now underway and forecast for completion within the next 5 years. | 2020-12-17 | 2019-11-19 | |||||
5061 | 5061 | Windsor First School, Gibson Street, Newbiggin-by-the-Sea | 0.71 | 0 | 0 | not owned by a public authority | 2015-08-04 | full planning permission | | permissioned | | POINT(-1.516092 55.180657) | Originally occupied by a first school, the site was identified as surplus and closed a number of years ago. Demolition of the redundant buildings permitted initially (13/01816/CON). Subsequent application for construction of 24 units permitted in 2017 (16/04102/FUL). Development of 14 dwellings completed in 2017/18. | 2020-12-17 | 2016-06-30 | 2019-11-29 | |||||
5145 | 5145 | Former NCB Workshops (Portland Park), Ellington Road, Ashington | yes | 9.61 | 0 | 0 | not owned by a public authority | 2003-01-24 | full planning permission | | permissioned | | POINT(-1.593369 55.186719) | Former NCB workshops complex, comprising a number of industrial buildings, outbuildings and associated land. Following closure of Ashington Colliery in 1986, the site continued to be utilised as employment land and became a haulage depot for Fergusons. Following relocation of the business to new premises, this site was vacant and available for alternative use Demolition of the former workshop buildings and remediation of the site required prior to redevelopment. An application was allowed on appeal in 2003 for clearance of the site and construction of 357 new homes (00/00213/FUL). The application had originally been refused in 2001. Subsequently application to amend the initial scheme have been permitted since, increasing the final yield to 367 homes. Long-term delivery programme has progressed since initial start in 2004. Overall development completed in 2021/22. | 2021-12-17 | 2016-06-30 | 2021-12-01 | ||||
5147x | 5147x | Northumberland College, Ashington (brownfield parcel) | 7.63 | 45 | 50 | not owned by a public authority | not permissioned | | POINT(-1.55757 55.172323) | Occupied college campus that comprises of existing buildings, land and open space. A range of buildings and outbuildings, for both teaching and supporting facilities, are on site. The site has been highlighted for redevelopment in the past but there has been recent investment in the site to indicate that this not a short-term plan. This may change if a decision was made to relocate the education facility. The adjacent open space would not be suitable for residential development. Mixed site of both brownfield and greenfield land. Brownfield parcel (3.85ha) represents 50% of the site area but lower yield is reflective of development focusing on the footprint of the existing buildings. For indicative purposes in the BF Register, the original SHLAA site (ref 5147) is split to reflect brownfield and greenfield elements - total area of 7.63ha. A number of years ago, an outline application for demolition of the existing college buildings and associated facilities and construction of 250 dwellings was permitted (05/00160/OUT). This lapsed without commencement. This was part of a wider project to relocate the campus to an alternative site. Since then, this plan has been reappraised, and permissions have been granted for improved and extended educational facilities (13/01934/FUL, 16/00307/FUL). Only an element of the site is likely to be available and only the brownfield element would be suitable. The current availability of the site is uncertain. There still may be potential in the long-term but no residential development is forecast within the plan period at present. | 2020-12-17 | 2019-11-19 | |||||||||
6037 | 6037 | The Officers Club Ltd, Bassington Avenue, Cramlington | 5.06 | 0 | 0 | not owned by a public authority | 2014-12-16 | reserved matters approval | | permissioned | | POINT(-1.602188 55.08873) | Former factory comprising 2 main industrial buildings and associated land as part of wider industrial estate. The site was previously been occupied by The Officers Club but had become disused after the business closed. Identified for redevelopment for a mixed-use scheme, with the vacant industrial buildings requiring demolition and clearance. An initial outline application for demolition of the existing factory and construction of 225 dwellings was refused in 2006 (05/00188/OUT). A revised outline permission for mixed-use development was then allowed on appeal (11/02409/OUT). This initial proposal was for two elements, a residential phase of 120 homes and an employment phase providing commercial and industrial floorspace. A reserved matter application for 118 homes followed (14/02894/REM). Development of 118 dwellings completed in 2017/18. | 2020-12-17 | 2016-06-30 | 2019-11-29 | |||||
6839a | 6839a | Eltringham Works, Prudhoe (brownfield parcel) | yes | 1.62 | 50 | 50 | not owned by a public authority | 2020-06-17 | reserved matters approval | | permissioned | | POINT(-1.872292 54.961708) | This land forms part of a wider site that is part occupied by a paint factory with the remainder consisting of vacant areas, greenfield land and also a small number of dwellings. This particular parcel relates to vacant brownfield land, previously occupied by terraced dwellings, although these had been cleared in earlier years. Location to the edge of Prudhoe is somewhat peripheral. Now earmarked for a phased redevelopment for residential use. An initial outline approval for 50 homes was consented (15/03750/OUT). Reserved matters has very recently followed, being permitted in 2020 for a scheme of 48 homes (19/03517/REM). It is understood that this is intended as a phase-1 to a larger development. The extant permission is on brownfield land (1.62ha) which represents around one-third of the wider site. There may be potential for further delivery as an additional phase of development are being considered for the future. Development commenced in April 2021, when a start on site access works was made, and the overall scheme is forecast for completion within the next 5 years. | 2021-12-17 | 2017-12-17 | |||||
8070 | 8070 | Former Greenholme Day Care Centre, Woodhead Lane, Haltwhistle | 0.5 | 0 | 0 | not owned by a public authority | 2015-01-06 | full planning permission | | permissioned | | POINT(-2.464508 54.971885) | Vacant for former day-care centre which had provided specialist support for local residents with additional needs prior to closure. Offers opportunity for redevelopment of land within Haltwhistle once cleared. An application for demolition and redevelopment of the site by construction of 22 homes was permitted (14/01507/FUL). The former centre did not provide an residential units, so is no resulting loss to stock. Development of 22 dwellings completed in 2017/18. | 2020-12-17 | 2016-06-30 | 2019-11-29 | |||||
8071 | 8071 | Longhirst Hall, Longhirst | yes | 0.68 | 0 | 0 | not owned by a public authority | 2017-06-26 | full planning permission | | permissioned | | POINT(-1.650255 55.195131) | Grade II* listed Longhirst Hall, comprising the main building and a range of associated buildings and outbuildings Originally a private residence the site has been utilised for numerous purposes since the 1940s, including for education, as a university facility with associated conference centre and residential accommodation, and latterly as local authority offices. The site became vacant and declared surplus by the Council as it was no longer required. Opportunity existing for conversion to provide residential units, mindful of the listed building designation. Complex scheme for alteration and conversion of the main Hall, former bedroom block, court suite and the former business centre to create a mix of apartments and homes permitted (14/02116/FUL). Further permission granted to amend the initial scheme, changing the number and type of residential units (16/02289/NONMAT, 17/04184/FUL, 17/01618/FUL). The result of these subsequent permissions is that the overall scheme is now for 37 dwellings. The extensive conversion works commenced in 2017 and has been followed by a steady build-out programme due to the nature of the works. Development of 37 dwellings completed in 2020/21. | 2021-12-17 | 2016-06-30 | 2021-12-02 | ||||
8077 | 8077 | Land East Of 26 Station Road, Stannington | 0.81 | 0 | 0 | not owned by a public authority | 2016-03-03 | full planning permission | | permissioned | | POINT(-1.668078 55.126397) | Land formerly utilised for storage and distribution purposes for a nursery and landscape gardening business. After becoming surplus to these requirements the land has been identified for redevelopment. An outline consent for the whole site was initially approved (13/03785/OUT). Two detailed applications were then submitted, totalling 14 dwellings. A reserved matters permission for 8 homes on the northern parcel was granted in 2016 (15/02576/REM). A further application to build 6 additional bungalows on the reminding land to the south of the site was approved in 2018 (17/04162/FUL). Despite being covered by two separate permissions, the site essentially constitutes as a single coherent scheme. Development of 14 dwellings competed in 2018/19. | 2020-12-17 | 2016-06-30 | 2019-11-29 | |||||
9010 | 9010 | Land At North East Of Beechlea, Stannington | 0.23 | 0 | 0 | not owned by a public authority | 2016-04-28 | full planning permission | | permissioned | | POINT(-1.667993 55.110563) | Block of domestic garages within an existing residential area. Identified as surplus to requirements and available for redevelopment. Permission secured clearance of the site and construction of a scheme of 4 houses and 4 bungalows (15/01517/FUL). The scheme will provide homes for affordable rent. Development of 8 dwellings completed in 2017/18 . | 2020-12-17 | 2016-06-30 | 2019-11-29 | |||||
9016 | 9016 | Land West Of 31 St Michaels Lane, Alnwick | yes | 0.05 | 0 | 0 | not owned by a public authority | 2017-12-15 | full planning permission | | permissioned | | POINT(-1.707265 55.412158) | Grade II listed Sion Meeting Hall and the connected non-listed Bethel Chapel. The Sion Hall dates from 1815 and has been utilised for numerous purposes over the years, latterly as a warehouse and commercial premises, although the building had more recently been vacant. Identified as having potential for sensitive redevelopment. Proposal for alteration and conversion of both buildings to create 5 flats permitted (15/02139/FUL). The works involve sub-division of the hall to create 4 apartments and creation of a further apartment within the former chapel. The project include extensive internal and external alterations are involved. A modern unlisted extension would also be demolition. Originally approved in October 2015, site works commenced in 2016 but later paused. Alternative options have since been appraised and an application for conversion of the buildings to a boutique hotel has latterly been permitted in June 2021 (20/02477/FUL). As a result, both permissions remain extant and in theory either project could be delivered at present. However, it has recently been confirmed that the landowner/developer is to progress the hotel scheme, and the proposal for conversion to 5 flats will not be going ahead. While the residential permission will not lapse, any future housing delivery is now completely discounted. | 2021-12-17 | 2019-11-19 | |||||
9020 | 9020 | Land At Crawford Street, Blyth | 0.23 | 0 | 0 | not owned by a public authority | 2016-02-12 | full planning permission | | permissioned | | POINT(-1.52627 55.132022) | Unoccupied site in what has been a largely commercial area of Blyth but which is being increasingly redevelopment for housing. This was originally a small part of the wider Bates Colliery site, but had been unoccupied for over 30 years since closure of the pit. A proposal to provide a block of 16 flats was permitted in 2016 (15/03129/FUL). The residential units (C3) would provide specialised accommodating for vulnerable adults, in a supported living environment. However, they are self-contained 1-bed flats and therefore constitute as individual dwellings. Development of 16 dwellings completed in 2018/19. | 2020-12-17 | 2016-06-30 | 2019-11-29 | |||||
9023 | 9023 | Blyth Valley Venture Workshops, Plessey Road, Blyth | 0.68 | 0 | 0 | not owned by a public authority | 2016-02-03 | full planning permission | | permissioned | | POINT(-1.536325 55.111161) | Site of a substantial building provided light industrial workshops that has been identified as surplus. Once fully vacated, demolition of the redundant building is required. Clearance undertake following an initial consent (14/02455/DEMGDO). This was followed by an application for construction of a mixed scheme of 38 houses, bungalows and apartment on the vacant site subsequently approved (15/02968/FUL). Development of 38 dwellings completed in 2018/19. | 2020-12-17 | 2016-06-30 | 2019-11-29 | |||||
9024 | 9024 | Land To Rear Of The Boatyard, Coquet Street, Amble | 0.14 | 0 | 0 | not owned by a public authority | 2016-07-04 | full planning permission | | permissioned | | POINT(-1.582289 55.336163) | Area of hardstanding that has latterly provided overflow storage space for the adjacent boatyard. No longer required and available for redevelopment. Offers a highly attractive location for new housing at Amble harbour. A higher density flatted scheme may be fitting to maximise the location and potential. Application approved for redevelopment, through construction of a block 8 apartments (15/03472/FUL). Development of 8 dwellings completed in 2018/19. | 2020-12-17 | 2016-06-30 | 2019-11-29 | |||||
9025 | 9025 | Land Of Former The Shieling, Cairns Road, Bellingham | 0.2 | 0 | 0 | not owned by a public authority | 2016-02-05 | full planning permission | | permissioned | | POINT(-2.257481 55.146572) | Site of a former residential care home located within Bellingham, demolished in 2012 following closure. Available for redevelopment and offers a good opportunity to provide new housing in a rural location. A scheme for development of 8 homes on the vacant land has later been permitted (15/01516/FUL). The scheme will provide homes for affordable rent. Development of 8 dwellings completed in 2017/18. | 2020-12-17 | 2016-06-30 | 2019-11-29 | |||||
9029 | 9029 | Albion Court, Albion Way, Blyth | yes | 0.18 | 0 | 0 | not owned by a public authority | 2016-09-01 | full planning permission | | permissioned | | POINT(-1.521412 55.127282) | Former nursing home, unoccupied since earlier closure of the facility. Potential scope for conversion to residential units and/or part demolition and new-build. Permission granted for alteration to provide 7 flats (16/00935/FUL). The units will be provided by conversion of a number of existing buildings, across three sections of the site, including the main building, an off-shoot to the south and a separate detached building to the east. Development of 7 dwellings completed in 2019/20. | 2020-12-17 | 2016-06-30 | |||||
9049 | 9049 | St Paul's Catholic Academy, Doddington Drive, Cramlington | yes | 0.62 | 19 | 19 | not owned by a public authority | 2019-06-17 | full planning permission | | permissioned | | POINT(-1.584985 55.081052) | School site identified as surplus and available for redevelopment following recent closure. The land is occupied by the former school buildings and an associated bungalow for a caretaker, that are to be cleared prior to redevelopment. A scheme will be limited to the brownfield aspect of the site, excluding the adjacent playing fields. Permission has been granted to enable the demolition aspect of the works (18/00376/DEMGDO). In 2019 an application was permitted for building of 19 homes once cleared (16/03567/FUL). With the loss of the existing bungalow, the proposal will result in 18 net additional homes on completion. Scheme commenced with demolition of the school and bungalow, completed in 2019. Housebuilding is well advanced and completion of the overall site is anticipated in 201//22. NB - the loss to stock through demolition of the caretaker's bungalow was accounted for in the 2019/20 monitoring year. | 2020-12-17 | 2019-11-19 | |||||
9068 | 9068 | Golf Club House, Percy Wood Golf Club and Country Retreat, Swarland | 0.76418 | 16 | 16 | not owned by a public authority | | pending decision | | POINT(-1.7463 55.322676) | Land that is part of an established golf club, currently occupied by a club house and car parking. The site is outwith the identified settlement boundary identified in the Local Plan. Whilst availability is dependent on the future operational needs of the golf club, the site has been identified for redevelopment. Clearance of existing buildings would be required. An outline application for redevelopment of the site for 16 homes following demolition works was permitted in January 2021 (19/04108/OUT), Reserved matters will be required to set out the details of the scheme. Recently confirm that the applicant is now actively looking to promote the site to secure a development partner. Following this, and approval of reserved matters, construction will commence. Forecast for completion within the next 5 years. | 2021-12-17 | 2019-11-19 | ||||||||
9076 | 9076 | Woodhorn Motors, Ellington Road, Ashington | 0.341789 | 9 | 10 | not owned by a public authority | not permissioned | | POINT(-1.596342 55.18449) | Commercial garage site that comprises a sales showroom and associated forecourt. Still occupied by the existing business and therefore not immediately available. Demolition and any necessary remediation required before redevelopment through infill. It has previously been indicated that the land may become available for such a scheme, but this will depend on relocation to new premises. An outline application for development of 15 dwellings was submitted but later withdrawn (16/02933/OUT). An existing business remains operating from the site and there has been no recent indication of relocation and/or change in circumstances. There still may be potential in the long-term but no residential development is forecast within the plan period at present. | 2020-12-17 | 2019-11-19 | |||||||||
9083 | 9083 | 4-26 Biverfield Road, West Wylam | 0.308704 | 0 | 0 | not owned by a public authority | not permissioned | | POINT(-1.842182 54.9623) | Existing social housing comprising of 23 homes in two terraces in a residential area. Whilst established, the units have been identified in the past for potential redevelopment. This would be part of a project for renewal of social housing stock. Demolition of the existing dwellings would be required in order to progress a redevelopment project. Not available at the current time and future availability depends on the requirements of the registered provider. It has recently been confirmed that this site is no longer available for a housing scheme. No future residential development is now forecast from the site. | 2020-12-17 | 2019-11-19 | 2020-12-04 | ||||||||
9084 | 9084 | 1-10 Holmdale, Hexham | yes | 0.177527 | 0 | 0 | not owned by a public authority | 2020-03-25 | full planning permission | | permissioned | | POINT(-2.091804 54.968269) | Site of existing 1-bed bungalows within an established residential area. Whilst occupied, the units have been earmarked for potential redevelopment, to provide more suitable dwellings that better meet current housing need.. Demolition would be required in order to enable this, as part of a process of renewal and regeneration of social housing stock. An application for construction of 10 new homes following clearance has been approved in 2020 (19/03638/FUL). With 10 existing units on site, the proposal will have a neutral impact on the dwelling stock. As a result of demolition, no net gain/loss will arise on completion of the project. Scheme commenced with demolition of the redundant housing stock, completed in 2020. Construction of the replacement units commenced shortly afterwards and is forecast for completion in 2021/22. Housebuilding is well advanced and completion of the new-build dwellings is anticipated for 201//22. NB - the loss to stock through demolition of the 10 existing units was accounted for in the 2020/21 monitoring year. | 2021-12-17 | 2019-11-19 | |||||
9093 | 9093 | AJ Cook Court, Ashington | yes | 0.209938 | 0 | 0 | not owned by a public authority | 2019-11-04 | full planning permission | | permissioned | | POINT(-1.575547 55.176844) | Cleared site within existing urban area, previously occupied by sheltered housing scheme, but site now vacant following demolition in 2016. Offers opportunity for urban infill scheme within Ashington. The replacement of the former care home with more suitable dwellings, better meeting current housing need, has now been identified as part of a process of renewal and regeneration of social housing stock. An application for construction of 8 new dwellings was secured in 2019 (19/02032/FUL). Construction works commenced shortly afterwards, with 7 completions identified in 2020/21, leaving a single unit outstanding. However, the developer recently confirmed the outstanding unit was actually completed in October 2020. NB - for monitoring purposes, the completion of this final unit is recorded in 2021/22 to avoid retrospective change to figures. | 2021-12-17 | 2019-11-19 | 2021-12-02 | ||||
9094 | 9094 | Land at Northumberland Close, Ashington | yes | 0.736996 | 0 | 0 | not owned by a public authority | 2018-03-19 | full planning permission | | permissioned | | POINT(-1.591751 55.184065) | Vacant site in an existing residential area, previously occupied by a residential care home. This had comprised of 38 flats for elderly persons, all were 1-bed self-contained units, that were no longer suitable for modern needs. The clearance was part of a project to renew social housing stock. The demolition of the redundant care home was enabled by an initial consent (16/01636/DEMGDO). A subsequent application for redevelopment providing 22 homes has been permitted (17/04048/FUL). The scheme is 12 homes for affordable rent and a further 10 shared ownership properties. Due to the earlier demolition the overall result of the works is for a net loss of 16 homes on completion. Development of 22 dwellings (-16 net) completed in 2019/20. | 2020-12-17 | 2019-11-19 | 2020-12-06 | ||||
9095 | 9095 | Stone Close Garages (East), Seahouses | 0.06863 | 0 | 0 | not owned by a public authority | 2019-03-25 | full planning permission | | permissioned | | POINT(-1.652034 55.578564) | Land occupied by a domestic garage block in an established residential area that have recently been identified as redundant. Incorporated in a proposal for redevelopment in Seahouses, comprising two linked but spatially separate land parcels (9502, 9105). Part of project for renewal and regeneration of social housing stock, replacing existing homes with new units better meeting current housing need,. A proposal for the construction of 9 affordable homes across the two sites permitted in 2019 (18/03787/FUL). The works for this parcel include demolition of the garages and construction of 3 homes. The scheme also includes demolition of existing homes on the related parcel (9502). Development of 9 dwellings (3 net) completed in 2019/20. | 2020-12-17 | 2019-11-19 | 2020-12-06 | |||||
9096 | 9096 | Stone Close Garages (West), Seahouses | 0.046531 | 0 | 0 | not owned by a public authority | not permissioned | | POINT(-1.652535 55.577882) | Site occupied by domestic garages within an existing residential area. Clearance would be required prior to a scheme progressing. Previously identified for potential redevelopment. as part of a wider scheme for renewal of social housing stock in Seahouses. This initial scheme encompassed three spatially independent parcels of land (9095, 9096, 9503). An application for 15 affordable dwellings, following clearance of all sites, was submitted but later withdrawn (18/00887/FUL). A revised proposal, since permitted that excluded this particular parcel. It has recently been confirmed that this site is no longer available for a housing scheme. No future residential development is now forecast from the site. | 2020-12-17 | 2019-11-19 | 2020-12-04 | ||||||||
9100 | 9100 | Green Batt Library, Alnwick | 0.087298 | 4 | 4 | owned by a public authority | 2019-12-23 | full planning permission | | permissioned | | POINT(-1.706063 55.411454) | Historic building of traditional stone construction located within Alnwick town centre, which has recently become vacant. Although not listed, the building is still of heritage significance, and retention is preferred. Dating from 1810, the building had operated as a school until 1921 before being utilised to house the library for the town for many years. Now vacant following the relocation of the library to Alnwick Playhouse in 2019. Available for redevelopment and conversion is considered the most appropriate approach. A proposal for part demolition, alteration, conversion and extension to 4 homes was permitted in December 2019 (19/00078/FUL). The proposal would provide 2 houses and 2 bungalows on completion. The conversion works are yet to commence. NB - following approval, the record falls below the threshold for inclusion in the main SHLAA and is now classified as a small site. | 2020-12-17 | 2019-11-19 | 2020-12-05 | |||||
9104 | 9104 | Land West of Station Road, Hexham | 0.420346 | 12 | 13 | not owned by a public authority | not permissioned | | POINT(-2.095225 54.971496) | Site on edge of town centre currently occupied by a builders yard, with a number of industrial and commercial buildings in situ. This business is still operating from the site, although it has been confirmed that options for relocation and redevelopment are being actively considered by the firm. Demolition and site clearance would be required prior to redevelopment. A scheme of slightly higher yield may be suitable given the location, potentially through a flatted development. Considered to offer potential for redevelopment in medium-term, following relocation of the current use. Recently confirmed by both the landowner and intended developer that the site is available for redevelopment and a scheme is going to be proposed shortly. Currently considered developable later in the plan period. Identified as a preferred allocation in the draft Local Plan (submitted May 2019) and also in the Hexham Neighbourhood Plan. | 2020-12-17 | 2019-11-19 | |||||||||
9110 | 9110 | RS Marshall (Station Road), Haydon Bridge | 0.64 | 16 | 18 | not owned by a public authority | | not permissioned | | POINT(-2.244281 54.976497) | Industrial land at the eastern edge of Haydon Bridge that is currently utilised as a haulage yard. A number of small buildings and containers are present on site, so an element of clearance would be required prior to redevelopment. The rest of the site comprises of hardstanding utilised for open-air storage. Now being actively promoted for redevelopment for a residential scheme by the landowner. An initial outline application for up to 9 dwellings was refused in 2017 (17/03660/OUT). The subsequent appeal was dismissed in 2018. Despite this, it is still considered that an appropriate scheme may be possible for the site in the medium- to longer-term, although it is evident there are issues to overcome. It is understood a revised proposal for redevelopment will be submitted in due course. Currently considered developable later in the plan period. This could be progressed as part of wider scheme alongside/after the adjacent land (9606). However, the sites are in different ownership and there is no proposal for a wider redevelopment at the current time. Identified as a preferred allocation in the draft Local Plan (submitted May 2019). | 2020-12-17 | 2019-11-19 | ||||||||
9114 | 9114 | Land to West of East Farm, Pegswood | 0.18 | 0 | 0 | not owned by a public authority | | not permissioned | | POINT(-1.648609 55.181461) | Currently vacant land following clearance that should be viewed as part of wider proposal (sites 3017, 9114 and 9115). A full application is now pending for conversion of the Grade II listed farm buildings to 2 dwellings, change of use of former shop into cafe, refurbishment of an existing flat and 28 additional dwellings (18/00168/FUL). This proposal relates to SHLAA sites 3017, 9114 and 9115. A previous outline application for approximately 17 dwellings was disposed without determination (15/04203/OUT). Capacity is recorded against the main site (3017). If permitted, the deliverability of the site will be reappraised. | 2019-12-17 | 2019-11-19 | ||||||||
9115 | 9115 | Land to East of East Farm, Pegswood | 0.29 | 0 | 0 | not owned by a public authority | | not permissioned | | POINT(-1.646189 55.181642) | Land that is currently part vacant and part occupied by existing buildings but should be viewed as part of wider proposal (sites 3017, 9114 and 9115). A full application is now pending for conversion of the Grade II listed farm buildings to 2 dwellings, change of use of former shop into cafe, refurbishment of an existing flat and 28 additional dwellings (18/00168/FUL). This proposal relates to SHLAA sites 3017, 9114 and 9115. A previous outline application for approximately 17 dwellings was disposed without determination (15/04203/OUT). Capacity is recorded against the main site (3017). If permitted, the deliverability of the site will be reappraised. | 2019-12-17 | 2019-11-19 | ||||||||
9120 | 9120 | 38 Hide Hill, Berwick-upon-Tweed | yes | 0.043771 | 6 | 6 | not owned by a public authority | 2018-01-30 | full planning permission | | permissioned | | POINT(-2.003179 55.768303) | Town centre office accommodation occupied by a bank at ground-floor level with the upper floors being vacant. Offers opportunity for conversion of the first- and second-floors of the property, bringing redundant floorspace back into use. An increased yield would recognise the likelihood of an apartment scheme, fitting give the central location within Berwick town centre. Planning permission is now in place for conversion of the first and second floors into 6 flats (17/04396/FUL). The bank will remain in situ at ground-floor level and is not impacted by this proposal. After securing planning permission, it is understood the site was sold. Works commenced in September 2020 and are slowly progressing. Forecast for completion within the next years. | 2021-12-17 | 2019-11-19 | |||||
9121 | 9121 | Bog Acre Cottage, Hexham | yes | 0.057244 | 3 | 3 | not owned by a public authority | 2019-09-06 | full planning permission | | permissioned | | POINT(-2.095528 54.967192) | This land is part occupied by an existing cottage with the remainder being vacant. Highlighted for potential redevelopment along with the adjacent site (9121, 9122), offering a good opportunity for a small infill scheme in Hexham. Across the two parcels, the existing dwelling and haulage garage are earmarked for demolition. An initial application was refused for 7 homes after clearance (17/04396/FUL). A revised proposed construction of 5 homes has now been permitted (19/01224/FUL). The approved scheme is for 2 dormer bungalows and 3 townhouses (4 net additions). Clearance was begun in 2020, with a start made on housebuilding in 2021. Developer expects the overall scheme to be completed in 2021/22. NB - demolition element of this development was accounted for in the 2020/21 monitoring year. Sites are also identified as a combined allocation in the Hexham Neighbourhood Plan. | 2021-12-17 | 2019-11-19 | |||||
9122 | 9122 | Haulage Garage, Hexham | yes | 0.036299 | 2 | 2 | not owned by a public authority | 2019-09-06 | full planning permission | | permissioned | | POINT(-2.095968 54.96721) | This land is now disused but had previously be utilised as a haulage depot, comprising a garage building and hardstanding. Highlighted for potential redevelopment along with the adjacent site (9121, 9122), offering a good opportunity for a small infill scheme in Hexham. Across the two parcels, the existing dwelling and haulage garage are earmarked for demolition. An initial application was refused for 7 homes after clearance (17/04396/FUL). A revised proposed construction of 5 homes has now been permitted (19/01224/FUL). The approved scheme is for 2 dormer bungalows and 3 townhouses (4 net additions). Clearance was begun in 2020, with a start made on housebuilding in 2021. Developer expects the overall scheme to be completed in 2021/22. NB - demolition element of this development was accounted for in the 2020/21 monitoring year. Sites are also identified as a combined allocation in the Hexham Neighbourhood Plan. | 2021-12-17 | 2019-11-19 | |||||
9136 | 9136 | Site on Chareway Lane, Hexham | 0.305274 | 0 | 0 | not owned by a public authority | not permissioned | | POINT(-2.108119 54.976768) | Land to the west of Hexham town centre that consists of a warehouse, other associated buildings and hardstanding. Currently leased to a business who operate a builders yard from the site and relocation would be required prior to redevelopment. Demolition of the buildings and clearance of the site also required. Redevelopment could potentially be progressed a part of a group of adjacent sites, all proposed for allocation through the plan process (2040, 3628, 9136). Recently confirmed that the site is being considered for redevelopment, but this is dependent on identification of a new site for the tenant and construction of a new building for use by them. Currently considered developable later in the plan period. The site is identified as a preferred allocation in the draft Local Plan (submitted May 2019) and also in the Hexham Neighbourhood Plan (Site H 1-5). | 2020-12-17 | 2019-11-19 | |||||||||
9137 | 9137 | Priestpopple County Buildings, Hexham | 0.162846 | 6 | 7 | not owned by a public authority | not permissioned | | POINT(-2.096788 54.969928) | Currently occupied by a range of interconnected buildings that are in various uses, comprising traditional structures and more modern extensions. There are businesses operating from the site, including a health/fitness centre, which may require relocation. Demolition of the existing buildings will be required before a scheme can progress. A scheme at a slightly higher yield may be suitable given the central location, potentially through an apartment/flatted scheme. Recently confirmed the site is being actively marketed for redevelopment. Currently considered developable later in the plan period. The site is identified as a preferred allocation in the draft Local Plan (submitted May 2019) and also in the Hexham Neighbourhood Plan (Site H 1-7). | 2020-12-17 | 2019-11-19 | |||||||||
9138 | 9138 | Graves Yard behind Army Reserve Centre, Hexham | 0.180331 | 6 | 7 | not owned by a public authority | not permissioned | | POINT(-2.109327 54.969078) | Site to west of the town centre site comprising a number of buildings along with associated storage land. The eastern building is warehouse of traditional construction, currently occupied by an antique furniture restorer. The western part of the site is home to a car repair business, comprising two more modern workshop buildings. These operational businesses are likely to required relocation to new premises. Demolition of the buildings and any necessary remediation of the site would also be required prior to redevelopment. A scheme at a slightly higher yield may be suitable given the central location, potentially through an apartment/flatted scheme. Recently confirmed that the site is not being actively marketed by the landowner, but that future options are being appraised. Currently considered developable later in the plan period.. The site is identified as a preferred allocation in the draft Local Plan (submitted May 2019) and also in the Hexham Neighbourhood Plan (Site H 1-8). | 2020-12-17 | 2019-11-19 |
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