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Northumberland County Council

Brownfield land

Reference Name Site address Deliverable Hazardous substances Hectares MinNetDwellings Minimum net dwellings Maximum net dwellings Ownership status Planning permission date Planning permission type Planning permission history Planning permission status Site plan URL Point Notes OrganisationLabel Organisation Entry date Start date End date
9144 9144 26 North End, Longhoughton 0.200049 0 0 not owned by a public authority not permissioned POINT(-1.616072 55.430287) Existing single-storey retail unit in Longhoughton that historically had been a Naafi store servicing RAF Boulmer, serving the community since the 1940s. The building has latterly comprised of one large shop and a smaller unit, alongside associated storage space. Until recently, the main unit was operated by Spar and also provided the village Post Office, but was vacant following closure in 2016. The smaller premises have continued to be occupied as a hairdressing salon. The site was owned by the MoD for many years and has been identified in the past as having potential for redevelopment. Demolition would be required prior to such a redevelopment. However, the site was sold in 2019 with new owner confirmed that the building had been earmarked for alternative uses. An application for conversion of the existing retail unit to a cafe has recently been permitted (20/00229/FUL). As a result, this site is no longer available for redevelopment for residential use. No future delivery is now forecast from the site. 2020-12-17 2019-11-19 2020-12-05
9145 9145 1 The Avenue, Berwick-upon-Tweed 0.05 5 5 not owned by a public authority not permissioned POINT(-2.001244 55.767001) Site located within urban area, currently being occupied by an existing building although it is now vacant. Potential urban infill scheme, with demolition and clearance likely to be required, although there could be scope for a conversion scheme. 2019-12-17 2019-11-19
9146 9146 Bedlington Council Offices 0.342258 13 14 owned by a public authority not permissioned POINT(-1.597366 55.130545) Former local authority offices and associated car parking facilities within town centre location. Largely vacant and out of use and the building is highly likely to be surplus to requirements in the medium-term. However, a small element of the building is occupied by a tenant - understood the lease is extant until 2022. Demolition and clearance of the existing buildings will be required prior to progression of a scheme. An above average density could be suitable given the central location within Bedlington. As a result, the site is not immediately available and would represent a longer-term option for redevelopment once vacant. Currently considered developable later in the plan period. 2020-12-17 2019-11-19
9152 9152 Old Colliery Yard, Melkridge 0.743159 12 13 not owned by a public authority not permissioned POINT(-2.402356 54.968552) Land to the eastern edge of a very small settlement. Historically the site of a small colliery and now part hardstanding with an existing storage building also in situ. The latter would need to be cleared prior to any redevelopment. A lower yield could well be appropriate given the rural location. It has recently been confirmed that the landowner is considering the options for a residential scheme on the land. Development will have to be mindful of the rural context and market. Currently considered developable later in the plan period. 2020-12-17 2019-11-19
9173 9173 Former Haulage Yard adjoining The Lamb, Ancroft 0.32318 4 4 not owned by a public authority not permissioned POINT(-2.001922 55.70046) Site of a former haulage yard that is part occupied by an existing storage shed, but the site is now largely unused. The existing building will require clearance before a scheme could be progressed. The highly rural setting is recognised the site may offer opportunity for a small infill development, at an appropriate scale for the village. The landowner is considering the options for redevelopment and is understood to be looking to progress a residential development in the short-term. However, the most recent information provided suggests the intention is to pursue a smaller development of 4 homes. As a result of the lower yield it is now classified as a small site in the SHLAA. 2020-12-17 2019-11-19 2020-12-05
9225 9225 Dennis Common Garage, Longframlington 0.287368 4 4 not owned by a public authority 2020-02-10 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-1.798966 55.302195) Commercial garage site comprising of car showroom and workshops for car servicing and accident repair. The site is now available for redevelopment following closure of the garage business. The existing buildings would require demolition proper to redevelopment, with remediation likely to be necessary due to the previous use. In an residential area, with existing dwellings surrounding the site. An initial application for erection of 9 residential units following clearance was refused and then dismissed on appeal (18/02671/FUL). A revised proposal for construction of 4 dwellings was then submitted and approved. (19/04560/FUL). Now classified as a small site in the SHLAA. 2020-12-17 2019-11-19 2020-12-05
9461 9461 Land known as Foggon's Yard, Rothbury yes 0.136064 5 5 not owned by a public authority 2018-11-02 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-1.910558 55.310384) Site occupied by a redundant brick storage building and hardstanding. Last utilised as a haulage yard but now out of use and available. Demolition of the existing industrial buildings required prior to redevelopment. Permission granted for building of 5 homes after clearance (18/01144/FUL). Site has since been marketed and the landowner has outline that a deal to sell to the County Council was agreed in December 2019. It is understood that both parties are currently concluding the purchase. The intention is to deliver a scheme of cottages for retired/elderly people. Development is yet to commence but forecast for completion within 5 years. 2021-12-17 2019-11-19
9477 9477 Quayside, Amble Harbour A 0.877316 0 0 not owned by a public authority not permissioned POINT(-1.57567 55.336255) Area of land at Amble Harbour, currently part vacant and part occupied by car parking facilities. Site has been identified in the past as providing opportunity for mixed-use development. Could potentially offer a highly attractive location for new housing, with a flatted scheme being any option to maximise the use of the setting. Any successful scheme would have to carefully consider the relationship with adjacent uses, particularly the business and operational needs of the harbour. The site is proposed for designation as priority open space in the Local Plan. The current availability of the site is uncertain. There still may be potential in the long-term but no residential development is forecast within the plan period at present. 2020-12-17 2019-11-19
9502 9502 Garages East Of 3-6 Greenwich Gardens and Land North Of 62 Langley Gardens, Haydon Bridge yes 0.222187 0 0 not owned by a public authority 2018-02-28 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-2.252275 54.972924) Land is currently part occupied by domestic garage blocks with the remainder vacant. Located in an established residential area. Clearance will be required prior to any redevelopment occurring. An application for development of 6 units has now been permitted (17/04061/FUL). Construction of semi-detached affordable homes commenced in 2019. Development of 6 dwellings completed in 2020/21. 2021-12-17 2019-11-19 2021-12-06
9503 9503 Land south of James Street, Seahouses yes 0.164947 0 0 not owned by a public authority 2019-03-25 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-1.655004 55.578045) Site currently being occupied by 6 houses but is understood to be available for redevelopment following clearance. Incorporated in a proposal for redevelopment in Seahouses, comprising two linked but spatially separate land parcels (9502, 9105). Part of project for renewal and regeneration of social housing stock, replacing existing homes with new units better meeting current housing need,. A proposal for the construction of 9 affordable homes across the two sites permitted in 2019 (18/03787/FUL). The works for this site involve demolition of 6 existing dwellings and construction of 6 new homes in replacement. Development of 9 dwellings (3 net) completed in 2019/20. 2020-12-17 2019-11-19 2020-12-06
9507 9507 Whytrig Community Middle School, Seaton Delaval 1.28 36 40 owned by a public authority not permissioned POINT(-1.530801 55.073599) Former middle school site now vacant following closure and relocation to a new site. Now comprises the footprint of former buildings and areas of hardstanding, the site having already been cleared. The identified yield excludes the adjacent open space, only being based on capacity of the brownfield element. The demolition of the redundant schools buildings followed approval in 2016 (16/01969/DEMGDO). Partly local authority owned with the remainder in private control. Recently confirmed that the site remains available and that residential development so preferred. Both parties looking to propose a scheme in due course. Currently considered developable later in the plan period. Identified as a preferred allocation in the draft Local Plan (submitted May 2019). 2020-12-17 2019-11-19
9508 9508 Seghill Social Club yes 0.12 0 0 not owned by a public authority 2018-04-06 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-1.554855 55.063245) Seghill Social Club site, comprising a large two-storey building and small car parking area. Now vacant following closure and available for redevelopment. Provides an opportunity for a small infill scheme. Demolition of the redundant club required. An application for redevelopment of the site for 8 homes following clearance was secured in 2018 (17/03368/FUL). Scheme of terraced houses. Development of 8 dwellings completed in 2020/21. 2021-12-17 2019-11-19 2021-12-06
9512 9512 7C Netherton Lane and land to the east and south east, Bedlington 0.39 16 16 not owned by a public authority pending decision POINT(-1.614424 55.131919) Land within an existing residential area that is part occupied by an existing dwelling with the remainder being vacant hardstanding and rough ground, occupied by a single dilapidated outbuilding. The western part of the site is occupied by a bungalow and associated land, the central and eastern elements are derelict land previously occupied by commercial uses. This land had a number of uses prior to clearance, included a gym, supermarket and stables, all now cleared. Potential to provide an infill scheme, either in whole or part. If the whole site is redevelopment, demolition of the existing property likely to be part of an intensification scheme. Identified for redevelopment for a number of years. An outline permission was secured in 2003 for construction of 10 homes on the vacant land (03/00250/OUT). This lapsed without a start being made. More recently, an outline application has been submitted for clearance and development of 16 dwellings was submitted for consideration (18/02329/OUT). This proposal encompasses the whole site. This application has been approved in November 2021 (post current monitoring base-date). Reserved matters required to establish details of the scheme in due course. Deliverability will be fully assessed when the 5-year housing land supply position is next reappraised (after 1 April 2022). 2021-12-17 2019-11-19
9532 9532 Land north of Bassington Avenue, Cramlington 1.25 31 34 not owned by a public authority not permissioned POINT(-1.606932 55.089031) Vacant site on an industrial estate in Cramlington and currently allocated as employment land. This is part of a wider site granted permission for mixed-use development and, whilst residential development has been completed on the eastern part of the site (6037), this section was permitted for employment uses. However, it is understood that future options for the site are being considered and that potential for residential development may exist. This will depend on future requirements for employment land in the locality. 2019-12-17 2019-11-19
9546 9546 Land at Lyndon Walk, Blyth 0.33 5 6 owned by a public authority not permissioned POINT(-1.548781 55.128934) Mixed site within the urban area which is currently occupied by office units and 2 bungalows, with the remainder being taken up for car parking. Once the existing buildings are cleared there should be no impediment to delivery of an urban infill scheme. There is known interest in taking forward a scheme for the site, potentially providing extra-care facilities and/or affordable homes. A redevelopment proposal will involve demolition of 2 existing dwellings but, once the new-build element is complete, an overall net gain will result. Recently confirmed that the site is available and work is progressing on proposals for a future housing scheme. Currently considered developable later in the plan period. The site is identified as a preferred allocation in the draft Local Plan (submitted May 2019). 2020-12-17 2018-12-31
9548 9548 St Mary's C Of E Middle School, Belford 0.6 0 0 owned by a public authority not permissioned POINT(-1.832922 55.596585) Former middle school site comprising of buildings, playground and areas of hardstanding. Now surplus and offers potential for redevelopment following closure in 2018. Any scheme would be limited to the footprint of existing buildings, excluding the adjacent playing fields. A residential scheme had been considered initially but now commercial purposes are preferred. An application for use of site for storage and office purposes now approved (19/04179/COU). As a result, this site is no longer available for redevelopment for residential use. No future delivery is forecast from the site. 2020-12-17 2018-12-31 2020-12-05
9561 9561 Artique at The Marine, Marina Arms, The Wynd yes 0.23 7 7 not owned by a public authority 2020-09-09 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-1.590295 55.333857) Land occupied by existing commercial premises and adjacent car parking within an established residential area. The building has had numerous past uses, including as a pub and restaurant, but has latterly been occupied by an antiques business and associated cafe. The site potentially offers a highly attractive location for a residential scheme. Demolition of the existing building required prior to redevelopment. An application for site clearance and construction of 7 homes was approved in September 2020 (19/00730/FUL).the S106. The proposal is for a scheme of high-quality, sustainable terraced homes. The demolition aspect is also covered by a further approval (21/01045/DEM). Works commenced May 2021 with demolition of the cafe. Forecast for completion within the next 5 years. 2021-12-17 2019-11-19
9562 9562 Athol House, Callerton Lane, Ponteland 0.31 34 34 not owned by a public authority pending decision POINT(-1.740454 55.048915) Existing three-storey care home facility situated within the centre of Ponteland. This currently provides flats for elderly persons but has been identified for clearance and replacement. Part of a scheme to renew social housing stock and provide more fitting accommodation. There are presently 35 bedsits and very small flats, all 1-bed in nature, and not suitable for modern needs. An application was submitted in 2019 for demolition of the existing building and construction of a new care home of 34 units (19/01223/FUL). The current accommodation are considered self-contained units, so the clearance will result in a corresponding loss. Therefore, the net impact will be a loss of 1 units from the overall housing stock on completion of the new complex of flats. This application has been approved in November 2021 (post current monitoring base-date). Reserved matters required to establish details of the scheme in due course. Deliverability will be fully assessed when the 5-year housing land supply position is next reappraised (after 1 April 2022). 2021-12-17 2019-11-19
9565 9565 Oddfellows Arms, 35 Narrowgate, Alnwick yes 0.08 6 6 not owned by a public authority 2018-12-02 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-1.709294 55.41541) Town centre public house and adjoining land that is now vacant following closure. Now identified for redevelopment, offering a chance to provide new housing in the centre of Alnwick. Project likely to be through combination of a conversion of the existing building and potentially some additional new-build. Permission now secured for a scheme of 6 units (18/01400/FUL). The approved scheme comprises of alteration and conversion of the former pub into 4 flats, along with a further 2 new-build cottages on the land to the rear. Work commenced on both the conversion and new-build elements in autumn 2019. Developer forecasts completion of the project in 2021/22. 2021-12-17 2019-11-19
9566 9566 Foggons Yard, Providence Lane, Rothbury yes 0.12 5 5 not owned by a public authority 2018-11-02 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-1.910626 55.310474) Brownfield site within Rothbury comprising an area of hardstanding and a small outbuilding. The site has been identified as a good opportunity to redevelop to provide new housing within the town. A planning application was approved in November 2018 for 5 new-build bungalows (18/01144/FUL). Whilst yet to commence, delivery is expected within 5 years. 2019-12-17 2019-11-19
9567 9567 8a Front Street, Prudhoe yes 0.06 0 0 not owned by a public authority 2019-02-26 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-1.850078 54.961657) Retail premises in Prudhoe town centre comprising a supermarket at ground-floor level and underused storage space above. Could offer scope for residential use through conversion of the upper floors to flats. An application was approved for alteration and conversion of the first-floor to provide 6 apartments (18/04526/FUL).The existing shop unit will remain in situ and will not be impacted by the proposal. . Works commenced shortly after approval, with 1 completion identified to date, leaving 5 outstanding. However, the developer recently confirmed these outstanding units were actually completed in 2019/20. NB - for monitoring purposes, the 5 outstanding completions are recorded in 2021/22 to avoid retrospective change to figures. 2021-12-17 2019-11-19
9568 9568 Tulips Yard, Heddon-on-the-Wall yes 0.18 0 0 not owned by a public authority 2018-11-01 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-1.79005 54.996976) Site that had operating as a haulage years since the 1950s but is has now been vacant since the business ceased trading in 2009. Premises comprises of a number of semi-derelict traditional stone buildings and areas of hardstanding. Identified for redevelopment, with clearance and remediation required prior to an infill scheme progressing. An initial application for demolition of the remaining workshops and outbuildings and construction 4 cottages was permitted in 2016 (15/03380/FUL). A revised proposal was then submitted and approved, which increased the yield to 5 homes (18/01897/FUL). This supersedes an earlier consent for 4 homes following clearance. Scheme comprises 2 detached properties and 3 terraced homes and site works commenced in 2019. Development of 5 dwellings completed in 2020/21. 2021-12-17 2020-12-17 2021-12-06
0220a 0220a Land west of former Willis Garage, South Road, Alnwick yes 1.27 9 9 not owned by a public authority 2018-11-30 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-1.693659 55.405527) Site formerly occupied by a commercial garage, including a showroom and sales forecourt. Another vacant building lay to the west of the site, although the whole site has now been cleared. The site has long been identified for redevelopment and a range applications for redevelopment were made prior to this, including proposals to redevelop for retail use. This includes an application for a supermarket refused after being called-in by the secretary of state (A/2001/0331). Two independent proposals for redevelopment have been progressed since clearance, with two sub-parcels identified to reflect this. The western parcel (0220a) now has planning permission for 9 dwellings (17/02409/FUL). Site has now been sold. Development yet to commence but forecast for completion within the next 5 years. Also note recent development of a supermarket and another small retail unit on the adjacent land (0220b) - now completed (13/02550/FUL). 2021-12-17 2019-11-19
244 244 The Drill Hall, Scott Street, Amble 0.04 0 0 not owned by a public authority 2011-11-22 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-1.590275 55.330853) Former drill hall, and an associated office, now both surplus and vacant. Identified as available for redevelopment with clearance likely to be required. Permission granted, initially in 2008 and later renewed, for demolition of the main hall, and construction of 4 new-build dwellings, alongside the conversion and extension of the adjacent office, to create a further dwelling (A/2008/0028, 11/01700/FUL). Development of 5 dwellings completed in 2019/20. 2020-12-17 2017-12-17 2020-11-17
292 292 Former nursery and 21 Whin Hill, Craster yes 0.39 0 0 not owned by a public authority 2014-04-04 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-1.590275 55.330853) Potential for redevelopment of a former commercial nursery which is now largely vacant. The site is also part occupied by an existing dwelling. An initial outline application was permitted in 2005 (A/2003/0576). A reserved matters consent followed for demolition of the existing house and construction of 9 dwellings in replacement (A/2008/0289). The proposal will result in the net gain of 8 dwellings on completion. Development has commenced. A further application for construction of 1 dwelling was approved in 2014 (14/00205/FUL). This relates to part of the wider site and is identified as the replacement for the former dwelling, which has already been cleared (known as plot 9). Despite there being no substantive progress to date on the residential aspect of the development, the permission has been implemented through initial highways/access works. However, landowner has recently advised the site is no longer available for development, and whilst permission will not lapse, all outstanding units are currently discounted. 2021-12-17 2017-12-17
323 323 Percy Mews, Mews Towers, Park View, Park View (Windsor Park), Alnwick 0.8 0 0 not owned by a public authority 2006-03-13 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-1.701085 55.408841) Site of a former council depot, now redundant and surplus to requirements. Comprising depot buildings and associated land close to the centre of Alnwick. Clearance and remediation required. Permission secured for construction of 61 dwellings (A/2005/0595). This follows demolition of the depot buildings. A mixed residential development is to be provided, comprises of 18 flats, 14 terraced houses, and a detached cottage, along with 28 sheltered housing apartments. The latter are specialist flats for the elderly, but are self-contained dwellings (C3). Scheme of 61 dwellings completed in 2019/20. 2020-12-17 2017-12-17 2020-11-17
351 351 Amble Boat Yard & land adjacent to Coquet Street 0.12 0 0 not owned by a public authority 2014-08-08 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-1.58268 55.335887) Largely vacant land that has been utilised as an overflow space for the adjacent boatyard. Offers a highly attractive location for new housing at Amble harbour. A higher density flatted scheme may be fitting to maximise the location and potential. This land had been included as part of proposals for redevelopment of a much larger site. Earlier permission included provision for 127 apartments and associated retail and office development, but lapsed without implementation (A/2006/0500). A revised scheme construction of 17 apartments, in three 5-storey blocks, as part of a mixed-use redevelopment permitted (13/03731/FUL). This only related to this particular parcel. It also included construction of commercial units providing a mix of retail and office space (A1, A2, B1). Development of 17 dwellings completed in 2017/18. 2020-12-17 2017-12-17 2019-11-19
1046a 1046a Land at Governors Garden, Palace Street East, Berwick-upon-Tweed 0.35 0 0 not owned by a public authority 2011-07-20 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-2.001427 55.766776) Site within Berwick town centre, historically occupied by a brewery, then a museum, but latterly now disused. A range of industrial and commercial buildings remain on-site, all now vacant and somewhat dilapidated. The site lies immediately adjacent to the Grade II* listed Governor's House and, although not directly impacted by the proposal, it remains important for context and setting. The complex comprises of 12 discreet but largely inter-connected buildings. Some of these require demolition prior to redevelopment of the site. The history of this site is linked to an associated but geographically separate parcel of land to the north (1046b). An initial application for 66 dwellings covered both site and was permitted in 2011 (06/B/0714). Since then, the two schemes have largely progressed independently, essentially as two phases to a wider development. However, the two parcels remained linked and are being delivered by the same developer. This record is for phase-1. Specifically for this parcel, the original permission was for selective demolition of redundant non-listed buildings and construction of 15 new-build homes, alongside the alteration and conversion of a Grade II listed former pottery to create 6 further dwellings. The conversion element was also subject to separate listed building consent, first permitted in 2009 and renewed in 2012 (06/B/0719, 12/01222/LBC). Phase-1 of the scheme has now been delivered, after a development of 21 dwellings was completed in 2016 (1046a). There has been no progress to date with the residential aspect of phase-2 (1046b). However, the original 2006 permission for the remaining site will not lapse, as the overall permission has been implemented. Taking account of amendments to the original scheme, the overall scheme will see the delivery of 66 dwellings on final completion. Phase-1 one completed in 2016/17. Phase-2 is forecast for completion in 2026/27 (year-6). 2021-12-17 2016-06-30 2020-12-08
1046b 1046b Blackburn and Price, Silver Street, Berwick-upon-Tweed yes 0.28 45 45 not owned by a public authority 2011-07-20 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-2.001562 55.766974) Site within Berwick town centre, historically occupied by a brewery, then later a commercial garage for repair and sale of cars, but now disused. A range of industrial and commercial buildings remain on-site, all now vacant and somewhat dilapidated. These require demolition prior to redevelopment of the site. The history of this site is linked to an associated but geographically separate parcel of land to the south (1046a). An initial application for 66 dwellings covered both site and was permitted in 2011 (N/06/B/0714). Since then, the two schemes have largely progressed independently, essentially as two phases to a wider development. However, the two parcels remained linked and are being delivered by the same developer. This record is for phase-2. Specifically for this parcel, the original permission was for demolition of the redundant garage, workshops and outbuildings, remediation and construction of a mix of 45 new-build houses and apartments. A subsequent application to amend the initial scheme, reducing this phase to 37 units, was permitted in 2013 (13/00471/FUL). Phase-1 of the scheme has now been delivered, after a development of 21 dwellings was completed in 2016 (1046a). There has been no progress to date with the residential aspect of phase-2 (1046b). The 2013 amendment to the scheme has now lapsed. However, the original 2011 permission remains extant, through implementation and completion of phase-1. This means the yield reverts to the original total, 66 dwellings overall, with 45 outstanding for phase-2 (1046b). Recently confirmed that the site has been sold in 2021, with the new owner looking to take forward redevelopment. Phase-2 is forecast for completion in 2026/27 (year-6). 2021-12-17 2016-06-30
1414a 1414a Site 5 - Sandstell Road, Dock Road, Spittal A yes 1.57 0 0 not owned by a public authority 2017-09-25 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-1.99726 55.760541) Industrial and commercial land in Spittal. Occupied by a range of existing buildings, largely vacant, but some of which are part occupied by temporary tenants. The premises include two Grade II listed former smokehouses, some more modern commercial blocks and also an existing dwelling. Opportunity exists for redevelopment, likely to involve a combination of conversion of some buildings, demolition of others, and new-build construction. Planning permission is now in place for development of 13 units after selected clearance (15/03346/FUL). Works proposed involve demolition of Herrings Yard and the low-quality dilapidated 1960s industrial buildings to the north of the site. The latter are in disrepair and considered an eyesore. The listed smokehouses to the south of the site will see work to form a wing of one of the residential properties. The final element is for works to the existing residential property and corner office, which will be retained and renovated. Site works not yet commenced. Two revision applications submitted March 2021 for smaller elements of overall site: conversion of unlisted 'Bay View' to 1 dwelling (21/01048/FUL) - building previously identified for demolition in 2015 scheme; conversion of existing 'unit-2' to create 2 dwellings also pending (21/01150/FUL) - property earmarked for similar works in original scheme. As there is no indication that a start has been made, and with two revised applications recently submitted, there is little to support deliverability of the original scheme. It is likely that the smaller redevelopment projects will be progressed if/when approved. Future delivery discounted until further evidence is available. 2021-12-17 2017-12-17
2034 2034 East Land Ends, Haydon Bridge yes 1.09 18 18 not owned by a public authority 2020-07-22 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-2.252115 54.969169) Site comprising a range of traditional and more modern agricultural buildings at a farmstead to the western fringe of Haydon Bridge. Availability for redevelopment recently highlighted, with options for conversion and/or new-build having potential. Hybrid application now approved for demolition of modern agricultural buildings, conversion of remaining traditional farm buildings to create 2 units and construction of a further 16 new-build homes permitted July 2020 (19/04097/FUL). Scheme comprises of full permission for conversion and outline permission for the remaining new-build homes following clearance. On completion of works, 18 net additional homes will be delivered. Development yet to commence but landowner anticipates a start being made shortly, before being sold to a developer. Deliverable within the next 5 years, with final completion currently forecast for 2026/27 (year-6). 2021-12-17 2020-12-17
2345a 2345a Hospital land at Dean Street, Hexham (east) yes 0.38 43 43 owned by a public authority 2020-01-03 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-2.093188 54.97059) Extensive former workhouse and hospital buildings and land to the east of Hexham town centre that have been under-utilised in recent years. Now surplus and offers opportunity for extensive redevelopment. An initial outline permission was granted a number of years ago for redevelopment of the whole hospital site, but lapsed without a start being made (T/980896). Site now split into two adjacent parcel (2345a, 2345b). This eastern parcel is occupied by the former 'fever building' for the workhouse but the vast majority is now utilised for car parking following earlier clearance of a number of single-storey buildings. The demolition was enabled by an earlier consent (T/20080945). Permission recently granted for construction of 43 apartments for 'retirement living' (19/01296/FUL). Construction underway, with developer anticipating completion in late 2021. Identified as a preferred allocation in the Reg.19 Local Plan (submitted May 2019) and also in the draft Hexham Neighbourhood Plan. Also see separate proposal for 34 flats on adjacent site (2345b) 2021-12-17 2016-06-30
2345b 2345b Hospital land at Dean Street, Hexham (west) yes 0.76 34 34 owned by a public authority 2019-12-11 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-2.093188 54.97059) Extensive former workhouse and hospital buildings and land to the east of Hexham town centre that have been under-utilised in recent years. Now surplus and offers opportunity for extensive redevelopment. An initial outline permission was granted a number of years ago for redevelopment of the whole hospital site, but lapsed without a start being made (T/980896). Site now split into two adjacent parcel (2345a, 2345b). This western parcel is occupied by the former 19th Century workhouse, although the buildings had been utilised by the NHS since the late 1940s, and have been extended at various times over the years. The site has not been in full-time occupation since 2005 and has been completely vacant since 2015. An application for part demolition, extension, alteration and conversion of the former workhouse buildings to create 34 apartments is now in place (19/01380/FUL). The buildings considered to make a limited contribution to the conservation area will be demolished, those, but the remainder are be retained for conversion. Development yet to commence but forecast for completion within the next 5 years. Recently confirmed that the site has been sold on for development. Identified as a preferred allocation in the Reg.19 Local Plan (submitted May 2019) and also in the draft Hexham Neighbourhood Plan. Also see separate proposal for 43 flats on adjacent site (2345a). 2021-12-17 2016-06-30
2365b 2365b Land at former Byrness County First School, Byrness 0.41 5 6 not owned by a public authority not permissioned POINT(-2.375642 55.317873) Former school site in a highly rural location that was declared surplus follow closure in 2004. Offers opportunity for small-scale residential development. The redevelopment of the vacant school buildings was completed in 2016 following permission for alteration, conversion and extension to create a single dwelling (14/00717/FUL). The remainder of the site comprises of hardstanding, former car parking and playground areas adjacent to the former school building. A number of proposals have been submitted in the past. An initial outline application for 12 dwellings was refused (T/20050579). A revised scheme, also for construction of 12 dwellings in the grounds of the former school, was then permitted in 2007 but lapsed (T/200664079). Opportunity is still considered for a residential development, noting the context of the isolated location. The lower yield reflects this. Recently confirmed that the current landowner will consider options for redevelopment in due course. Currently considered developable later in the plan period. The completed conversion project is identified on a separate SHLAA record (2365a). 2020-12-17 2019-11-19
2628x 2628x Land at Chareway, Hexham (brownfield parcel) 1.1 25 30 not owned by a public authority not permissioned POINT(-2.10891 54.977324) Mixed site to edge of town centre that consists of both brownfield and greenfield land. Currently part utilised for caravan storage. A number of constraints are identified but if these can be addressed then a residential development could be taken forward, likely to be in the medium-term. Brownfield in part (0.19ha) - indicative yield of around 5 dwellings appropriate for this parcel. For indicative purposes in the BF Register, the original SHLAA site (ref 2628) is split to reflect brownfield and greenfield elements - total area of 1.10ha. Redevelopment could potentially be progressed a s part of a group of adjacent sites (2040, 2628, 9136). Recently confirmed that redevelopment of the land is being considered and that a residential scheme is likely to be proposed in due course. Currently considered developable later in the plan period. Identified a preferred allocation in the Reg.19 Local Plan (submitted May 2019) and also in the Hexham Neighbourhood Plan. 2020-12-17 2017-12-17
2736 2736 Hexham House, Gilesgate, Hexham 0.05 0 0 owned by a public authority 2016-07-05 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-2.103831 54.972669) Grade II* listed building originally dating from 1723, that has been utilised as local authority office space for many years. Now vacant and surplus to requirements. Scope for redevelopment of the existing building through a sensitive conversion scheme. Permission now secured for alteration to provide a new register office and 7 holiday apartments (16/00959/FUL). Works also include the demolition of modern extensions to the historic building. The proposed residential units are for tourist accommodation (not C3) and not available for permanent occupancy (no net gain). The flats will be spread across the building, 2 on the ground-floor, 4 apartments at first-floor level and a further unit on the second-floor. Completion forecast within the next 5 years, but no additions to the housing stock will result. 2020-12-17 2017-12-17
3207 3207 Garage Site, Main Street, Red Row 0.35 0 0 not owned by a public authority 2006-07-19 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-1.604305 55.28794) Site of a former petrol station, commercial garage and an associated bungalow. An application for construction of 8 homes was permitted in 2006 (CM/06/D/395). The site was vacant at the time of this proposal, demolition and clearance having already taken place. Development of 8 dwellings completed in 2019/20. 2020-12-17 2017-12-17 2020-11-17
3289 3289 Coningsby House, Salisbury Street yes 0.48 0 0 not owned by a public authority 2005-10-18 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-1.674382 55.164955) Vacant land forming the grounds of the adjacent large residential dwelling. This has been identified for redevelopment for a number of years. Initial outline consent was granted a number of years ago (CM/04/D/854). A reserved matters permission for 11 dwellings followed (CM/05/D/522). A subsequent application made an amendment to the original scheme, reducing the overall total to 9 homes (15/01216/FUL). A further application for demolition of the main Coningsby House and erection 1 dwelling as replacement was also permitted (CM/06/D/202). There is no net gain as a result of these additional works. The existing house was demolished prior to redevelopment. Works commenced in 2006 and majority of scheme was completed some time ago, the last unit in 2017/18 and only 1 plot now remains outstanding. Whilst permission will not lapse, this position has not changed for a number of years, and deliverability/developability is currently considered questionable. Future delivery discounted until further evidence is available. 2021-12-17 2017-12-17
4573a 4573a Former Bates Colliery Site (Phase/Area 1), Blyth yes 13.8 142 142 not owned by a public authority 2017-10-06 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-1.523369 55.13333) Former Bates Colliery site, the majority of which has been vacant for many years following the final closure of the pit 1986. All the former colliery buildings have been cleared with only a few remnants of industrial infrastructure remain across the wider site. This offers a significant redevelopment opportunity to the north of Blyth town centre. The land requires extensive remediation due to the former use. The original outline permission for 327 homes across the whole site was granted in 2009 (08/00169/OUT). A detailed permission for 257 homes then followed (12/03370/REM). The remediation works have been carried out following this. A revised application was then approved in 2017 for phase-1 of the development (16/04622/FUL). This involves development of 142 two-, three- and four-bed semi and detached dwellings, on a smaller element of the site (4573a). Development has now commenced and completion is forecast within the next 5 years. The remainder of the site, theoretically having a yield of 115 homes, is identified on a separate record (4573b). NB - since securing the initial reserved matters, the eastern part of the site initially identified for residential development, but subsequently excluded from the 2017 revised scheme, has been sold to the Port of Blyth (4573b). This parcel is to be utilised for port-related employment uses and is no longer available for housing residential development. As a result, the indicative balance of 115 dwellings from the original permission for 257 homes is now discounted in the SHLAA. A further sub-parcel covered by the original outline consent, now the site of a new school, is also identified separately (4573c). 2021-12-17 2016-06-30
4608 4608 Northern Yard, Pitt Lane, Seghill yes 0.34 5 5 not owned by a public authority 2019-10-22 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-1.551594 55.068155) Part of the former Seghill Colliery site, although this parcel of land has been vacant for many years. There is a complex planning history to this site, with proposals for redevelopment going back a number of years. An initial outline application for 7 dwellings was secured in 2014 (11/00791/OUT). Construction of a residential scheme was then started, despite detailed permission not having been approved. A retrospective reserved matters application for construction of 5 dwellings was finally permitted in 2019 (19/01893/REM). This was necessary, despite the scheme being underway. Completion is forecast with the next 5 years. The overall development is for 8 homes, with three other dwellings permitted on a plot-by-plot basis (plots 1, 7 & 8). These are identified on separate SHLAA records in the small site category. 2020-12-17 2017-12-17
4736a 4736a Commissioners Quay, Quay Road, Blyth yes 2.11 49 49 not owned by a public authority 2016-03-31 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-1.499901 55.12612) Former industrial site that is vacant following clearance of the last derelict buildings. Predominantly hardstanding and grassed areas remain. Offers a good opportunity for redevelopment in the urban area, with scope to provide a residential scheme in an attractive waterfront location. Planning permission for scheme of 49 two- three- and four-bed dwellings secured in 2016 (15/01941/FUL). Part of a wider area of land, with the remainder occupied and utilised for industrial/commercial purposes, and which is neither suitable or available for residential development (4736b, 4736c). Construction works commenced in October 2020. Developer anticipates first completions during 2021/22 and completion is forecast within the next 5 years. 2021-12-17 2016-06-30
4783a 4783a Former Dam Dykes Farm and associated buildings, South of Arcot Lane (west), Cramlington yes 0.69 19 19 not owned by a public authority 2011-11-04 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-1.600722 55.068349) Land and buildings at a vacant farmstead, on the edge of Cramlington. This includes the Grade II listed Damdykes Farmhouse and outbuildings, additional outbuildings further to the north with the remainder a paddock/grazing land. grassland to the west. The existing buildings were occupied until 2005 but have since deteriorated significantly, with much of the dressed stone and original roofs having been removed. This has rapidly accelerating the structural decay of the listed buildings. The farmstead has been identified for redevelopment for a number of years. An initial application for conversion of the listed agricultural buildings to create 5 dwellings was permitted in 2007 (B/07/00143/RES). However, given the deterioration, it was not considered viable to restore the majority of the listed buildings and this consent lapsed. A revised proposal was put forward, as reappraisal meant new-build development was seen as necessary to support any restoration. Permission was later secured for a total of 20 dwellings, 19 new-build dwellings and a further unit through conversion and restoration of the Grade II listed farmhouse (11/01273/FUL). Subsequently, a partial revision to the scheme, relating only to the existing farmhouse, was permitted in 2017 (16/01624/FUL). This involved an amendment to the proposed works, with the listed farmhouse being converted to provide 4 dwellings, rather than a single home as previously permitted. To provide clarity, the new-build and conversion projects have been split into separate but associated records (4783a, 4783b). The impact on this is therefore to reduced the yield of the main record for the new-build scheme to 19 dwellings. Development commenced in 2016 and to date 12 units have been completed. Remaining homes anticipated to be completed within the next 5 years. NB - the remaining 4 units at the steading (barn conversions) permitted in 2017 are now recorded as a small site in the SHLAA (4783b). Works commenced for this project in 2019 but are yet to be completed. 2021-12-17 2017-12-17
4790 4790 Land adjacent to 795 Plessey Road, Blyth 0.06 5 5 not owned by a public authority not permissioned POINT(-1.536859 55.110521) Vacant land at the very western edge of Blyth. Immediately adjacent to established terraced residential development, the site is rough ground and partly overgrown . A previous permission for construction of 5 homes lapsed without being implemented (B/07/00242/FUL). The current availability of the site is uncertain. There still may be potential in the long-term but no residential development is forecast within the plan period at present. 2020-12-17 2017-12-17
5193 5193 246 Hawthorn Road, Ashington 0.04 0 0 not owned by a public authority 2007-11-26 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-1.558838 55.177123) Vacant building, last utilised for retail and commercial uses, that had become semi-derelict in the years unoccupied. Located within an established residential area in Ashington. Identified for demolition and redevelopment a number of years ago. Initial permission was granted for 8 flats following clearance of the site (06/00263/FUL). This was then superseded by a revised proposal for construction of 6 dwellings (07/00412/FUL). The scheme comprised 4 houses and 2 flats. Construction commenced in 2008 and the 4 houses were completed in 2010. A start was made on the pair of 1-bed flats before works halted. A subsequent application was permitted to amend the permitted scheme, substituting the 1 house for the 2 apartments (13/01475/FUL). Whilst either option could have been delivered, it is the revised proposal that was progressed. The overall development therefore totals 5 units and has now been completed. NB - final unit was completed in 2014/15, although an error in the monitoring process meant that 1 unit remained recorded as outstanding. This has now been rectified and the site is recorded as fully complete. 2021-12-17 2017-12-17 2021-12-01
5198 5198 Mansion House, Bedlington 0.17 0 0 not owned by a public authority 2003-08-27 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-1.568152 55.13595) Industrial premises and associated outbuildings and land, latterly utilised as premises for a timber merchant, but originally a joiners workshop. The site has also been utilised for storage of caravans. Permission granted for redevelopment of site for 6 homes following demolition of the existing buildings (03/00336/FUL). Subject to long build-out programme, will 3 units completed in 2009 and 2010, followed by a number of years of inactivity prior to the next unit being finished in 2018. Development of 6 dwellings completed in 2019/20. 2020-12-17 2017-12-17 2020-11-17
6326 6326 Newton Hall, Newton-On-The-Moor yes 0.39 3 5 not owned by a public authority 2011-06-01 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-1.736708 55.336795) Site comprises a mix of redundant and vacant buildings that are part of the Grade II listed Newton Hall residence. Stables, barns and outbuildings have been identified for alteration and conversion. Two applications have been approved. First is for conversion of disused buildings and adjoining stables to create 5 dwellings (A/2010/0484). Another permission was secured for works including renovation and conversion of existing vacant building to create 3 units, along with alteration to the main house (14/00647/FUL). Both applications have been implemented and therefore either scheme could be delivered. It is now understood that only 3 new homes will be created. As a result, although theoretically still permitted, the remaining 2 dwellings are discounted from the future housing supply. 2020-12-17 2017-12-17
6403 6403 Thorburns Yard, South Street, Seahouses yes 0.09 0 0 not owned by a public authority 2010-06-07 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-1.648496 55.581567) Site occupied by existing commercial buildings that have latterly only been utilised for storage purposes. Identified for potential redevelopment following demolition. An application for clearance of the site construction of 7 dwellings was permitted in 2010 (09/B/0553). A further application to amend the permitted scheme, adding another dwelling was permitted in 2013 (13/00403/FUL). This increased the total yield to 8 homes. The final unit was commenced in 2015 but remained outstanding for some time, although works have now been concluded. Development of 8 dwellings complete in 2020/21. 2021-12-17 2017-12-17 2021-12-01
6928 6928 Royal Hotel, Hexham yes 0.05 12 12 not owned by a public authority 2014-07-11 full planning permission permissioned POINT(-2.099061 54.970429) Grade II listed former hotel within the centre of Hexham. The building had latterly being utilised as a restaurant, following closure of the hotel, although it has been completely out of use since 2013. Identified for redevelopment, with a sensitive conversion scheme being appropriate. Permission is in place for alteration and conversion of the vacant building to create 12 flats and commercial units (14/01128/FUL). The proposed works include the provision of 2 retail units at ground-floor level and flats on the remainder of the ground-floor and across the two upper floors. Works commenced in 2014 and have slowly progressed. Subsequently, the scheme has been reduced to 8 flats following approval of a variation (May 2019). This change also altered the nature of the retail space (Class A1 to A1/A3). Forecast for completion within the next 5 years. 2021-12-17 2017-12-17
9142x 9142x Hexham Middle School (brownfield parcel) 1.42 57 57 owned by a public authority not permissioned POINT(-2.098475 54.967557) Hexham Middle School site. This comprises a range of buildings and extensive grounds, including outbuildings, playing fields and hardstanding. The original school building is Grade II listed and there may be potential for residential use, providing apartments through a sensitive conversion and alteration. Possibly scope for additional new-build development to supplement this, although it would be focused on the brownfield aspect of the site. The existing open space and playing fields will be retained and there would be no intention for development on the greenfield land. The identified yield recognises a conversion of the main listed building. The site is currently in use and is not available in the immediate term. However, future options for the site may be explored, as part of project for consolidation of education facilities in Hexham. There may be scope for future redevelopment, but only if the site, or part of it, is no longer required for educational purposes. Currently considered developable later in the plan period. 2020-12-17 2020-12-17
9551 9551 Former Police Houses, Fairfield, Tynedale Terrace, Hexham 0.87 5 6 owned by a public authority not permissioned POINT(-2.112603 54.969953) Complex of redundant police houses that have been earmarked for redevelopment. Homes have been unoccupied since around 2017 and are now derelict following a period of deterioration. If pursued, new development is likely to take the form of a more intensive housing scheme more in keeping with local characteristics. Disposal options are now being reviewed by the Police Authority. A redevelopment proposal would involve demolition of the existing dwellings, with corresponding loss to stock, but, once the new-build element is complete, will constitute an overall net gain. The whole site is now being marketed with the intention that it is redeveloped following sale. Currently considered developable later in the plan period. The site is identified as a preferred allocation in the draft Local Plan (submitted May 2019) and also in the emerging Hexham Neighbourhood Plan. 2021-12-17 2018-12-31

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