Plymouth City Council
Listed building outline
Reference | Name | Listed building | Geometry | Notes | Organisation | Entry date | Start date | End date |
740-1/54/138 | DUKE STREET, Devonport, (North side) Nos.4-16 (Even) | MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.173924 50.369738,-4.173897 50.369801,-4.173924 50.369806,-4.173903 50.369858,-4.173970 50.369871,-4.173997 50.369813,-4.174016 50.369816,-4.174000 50.369850,-4.174107 50.369863,-4.174095 50.369891,-4.174133 50.369898,-4.174144 50.369870,-4.174202 50.369880,-4.174189 50.369909,-4.174227 50.369916,-4.174240 50.369887,-4.174300 50.369899,-4.174272 50.369961,-4.174313 50.369968,-4.174307 50.369982,-4.174355 50.369990,-4.174389 50.369914,-4.174436 50.369923,-4.174474 50.369840,-4.173924 50.369738))) | Planned terrace of houses. Mid C19. Stucco with probable slate or asbestos roofs behind stuccoed parapet with moulded entablature; brick end stacks. Double-depth plan. 3 storeys; overall regular 12-window range with plinth, end pilasters and mouLded hood | 1975-05-01 | 1975-05-01 | |||
740-1/54/139 | DUKE STREET, Devonport, (North side) Nos.18 AND 20 Devonport Library | MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.174402 50.369999,-4.174442 50.370006,-4.174451 50.369985,-4.174605 50.370013,-4.174596 50.370033,-4.174668 50.370046,-4.174675 50.370028,-4.174707 50.370034,-4.174698 50.370051,-4.174836 50.370075,-4.174912 50.369919,-4.174474 50.369840,-4.174402 50.369999))) | (Formerly Listed as: DUKE STREET, Devonport Devonport Library) Library incorporating the former Devonport Mechanics Institute. Library 1849-50, institute 1843-44. Stucco walls and slate roofs where visible; moulded stuccoed end stacks to library. Fairly | 1975-05-01 | 1975-05-01 | |||
740-1/75/566 | DUNSTONE ROAD, Plymstock, (South side) No.67 Courthouse and Barn | MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.085056 50.358639,-4.085074 50.358671,-4.085058 50.358674,-4.085080 50.358715,-4.085133 50.358703,-4.085168 50.358766,-4.085260 50.358747,-4.085186 50.358610,-4.085056 50.358639))) | House. C17. Render on rubble; steep dry slate roofs; large rubble lateral stack at rear. Shallow-depth plan. 3 storeys and 2-storey wing on right; overall 4-window 1st-floor range. 2nd floor has only 1 window, a probable C18 12-pane 2-light casement wit | 1975-05-01 | 1975-05-01 | |||
740-1/75/568 | DUNSTONE ROAD, Plymstock, (North side) No.74 | MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.085491 50.358964,-4.085459 50.358876,-4.085383 50.358887,-4.085412 50.358976,-4.085491 50.358964))) | Wing of former larger house. C17. Stone rubble and timber framing, now entirely roughcast. Steep slate roof; large original rubble end stack on left. Small plan. 2 storeys; 1-window range. Late C18 2-light casements with glazing bars; doorway on right wi | 1975-05-01 | 1975-05-01 | |||
740-1/60/880 | DURNFORD STREET, Stonehouse, (East side) Nos.5 AND 7 | MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.162417 50.368943,-4.162450 50.369065,-4.162485 50.369061,-4.162487 50.369071,-4.162586 50.369071,-4.162551 50.368941,-4.162417 50.368943))) | (Formerly Listed as: DURNFORD STREET, Stonehouse Nos.3-11 AND 17 (Odd)) 2 town houses with later shops. Late C18 or early C19. Stucco with stucco detail; roof hidden behind parapet with moulded cornice; 2 dormers breaking parapet to No.5 (left), dormer | 1975-01-09 | 1975-01-09 | |||
740-1/60/881 | DURNFORD STREET, Stonehouse, (East side) Nos.9 AND 11 | MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.162551 50.368941,-4.162504 50.368768,-4.162373 50.368786,-4.162393 50.368862,-4.162263 50.368863,-4.162277 50.368915,-4.162410 50.368915,-4.162417 50.368943,-4.162551 50.368941))) | (Formerly Listed as: DURNFORD STREET, Stonehouse Nos.3-11 AND 17 (Odd)) Pair of town houses with later shops. Late C18. Stucco on probable studwork; dry slate mansard roof with 3 segmental-arched roof dormers with late C19 4-pane horned sashes; brick en | 1975-01-09 | 1975-01-09 | |||
740-1/60/753 | DURNFORD STREET, Stonehouse, (West side) No.40 and attached forecourt walls and railings | MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.162297 50.366692,-4.162117 50.366711,-4.162091 50.366714,-4.162106 50.366770,-4.162462 50.366732,-4.162454 50.366701,-4.162306 50.366717,-4.162297 50.366692))) | House in terrace. Probably late C18. Stucco on probable rubble; dry slate and tiled roof, later altered to mansard roof with 2 mansard dormers; brick end stack on the left. Double-depth plan plus service wing at rear right. 2 storeys plus attic over ba | 1975-05-01 | 1975-05-01 | |||
740-1/60/754 | DURNFORD STREET, Stonehouse, (West side) Nos.42, 44 AND 46 and attached forecourt walls and railings | MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.162091 50.366714,-4.162297 50.366692,-4.162477 50.366672,-4.162472 50.366651,-4.162434 50.366655,-4.162433 50.366649,-4.162279 50.366666,-4.162274 50.366652,-4.162316 50.366647,-4.162310 50.366626,-4.162264 50.366631,-4.162257 50.366603,-4.162233 50.366599,-4.162227 50.366573,-4.162397 50.366554,-4.162388 50.366524,-4.162249 50.366539,-4.162240 50.366505,-4.162041 50.366526,-4.162091 50.366714))) | 3 terraced houses. Probably very early C19. Render replacing stucco on probable rubble; dry slate roof with dentilled eaves cornice; 3 hipped dormers; large brick end stacks. Double-depth plan plus deep rear service wings, Nos 44 and 46 as mirror-image | 1954-01-25 | 1954-01-25 | |||
740-1/60/755 | DURNFORD STREET, Stonehouse, (West side) No.48 and attached forecourt walls and railings | MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.162041 50.366526,-4.162241 50.366505,-4.162225 50.366439,-4.162334 50.366427,-4.162328 50.366405,-4.162343 50.366403,-4.162339 50.366389,-4.162132 50.366411,-4.162115 50.366402,-4.162092 50.366405,-4.162095 50.366417,-4.162015 50.366426,-4.162041 50.366526))) | House in terrace. Probably very early C19. Render replacing stucco on rubble; dry slate roof with dentilled eaves cornice; 3 hipped roof dormers; large brick end stacks. Double-depth plan plus rear service wing at left and right. 2 storeys plus attic o | 1975-05-01 | 1975-05-01 | |||
740-1/60/756 | DURNFORD STREET, Stonehouse, (West side) Nos.52-64 (Even) and attached forecourt walls and railings | MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.162020 50.366338,-4.162021 50.366344,-4.162095 50.366336,-4.162099 50.366350,-4.162148 50.366344,-4.162145 50.366331,-4.162471 50.366296,-4.162460 50.366248,-4.162193 50.366280,-4.162190 50.366268,-4.162172 50.366257,-4.162166 50.366237,-4.162145 50.366239,-4.162163 50.366224,-4.162158 50.366204,-4.162138 50.366195,-4.162154 50.366193,-4.162149 50.366175,-4.162133 50.366177,-4.162145 50.366162,-4.162139 50.366137,-4.162116 50.366127,-4.162304 50.366107,-4.162293 50.366068,-4.162133 50.366087,-4.162101 50.366063,-4.162118 50.366048,-4.162114 50.366033,-4.162097 50.366024,-4.162248 50.366005,-4.162243 50.365982,-4.162252 50.365980,-4.162245 50.365956,-4.162204 50.365961,-4.162201 50.365953,-4.162084 50.365967,-4.162087 50.365934,-4.162231 50.365917,-4.162226 50.365897,-4.162204 50.365900,-4.162197 50.365874,-4.162094 50.365885,-4.162054 50.365864,-4.162049 50.365845,-4.162172 50.365832,-4.162165 50.365806,-4.162003 50.365823,-4.161999 50.365809,-4.161934 50.365817,-4.161940 50.365834,-4.161865 50.365843,-4.161999 50.366340,-4.162020 50.366338))) | Planned terrace of houses. Probably very early C19 plus some C20 alteration. Stucco and render; dry slate or asbestos slate roofs, No.56 with later mansard roof, hipped dormers to the others; deep-plan brick end stacks. Double-depth plan plus service w | 1954-01-25 | 1954-01-25 | |||
740-1/65/757 | DURNFORD STREET, Stonehouse, (West side) Nos.68-78 (Even) and attached forecourt walls and railings to Nos.68-76 | MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.161864 50.365759,-4.161913 50.365756,-4.161917 50.365770,-4.161977 50.365764,-4.161973 50.365751,-4.162130 50.365736,-4.162122 50.365703,-4.162009 50.365715,-4.162005 50.365699,-4.162049 50.365694,-4.162044 50.365677,-4.162150 50.365665,-4.162143 50.365638,-4.162003 50.365652,-4.161996 50.365625,-4.162031 50.365621,-4.162029 50.365608,-4.162090 50.365602,-4.162083 50.365574,-4.161988 50.365584,-4.161988 50.365561,-4.162024 50.365557,-4.162017 50.365528,-4.161982 50.365531,-4.161964 50.365509,-4.162039 50.365501,-4.162054 50.365495,-4.162049 50.365473,-4.162073 50.365470,-4.162065 50.365442,-4.161957 50.365454,-4.161946 50.365431,-4.162059 50.365419,-4.162055 50.365404,-4.162036 50.365405,-4.162031 50.365388,-4.161938 50.365398,-4.161940 50.365382,-4.161929 50.365373,-4.161937 50.365369,-4.161931 50.365347,-4.161735 50.365368,-4.161837 50.365763,-4.161864 50.365759))) | Planned terrace of houses. 1807 rainwater head to No.78. Stucco to front, slatehanging to rear of Nos 72-78; slurried slate and dry slate roofs with dentilled eaves cornice; large brick end stacks. Double-depth plan, each house with 1 large room at the | 1975-05-01 | 1975-05-01 | |||
740-1/65/758 | DURNFORD STREET, Stonehouse, (West side) Nos.84 AND 86 and attached forecourt walls and railings | MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.161699 50.365235,-4.161957 50.365206,-4.162000 50.365202,-4.161990 50.365169,-4.161897 50.365177,-4.161893 50.365161,-4.161982 50.365151,-4.161976 50.365131,-4.161906 50.365139,-4.161899 50.365112,-4.161864 50.365116,-4.161858 50.365096,-4.161923 50.365087,-4.161917 50.365064,-4.161660 50.365093,-4.161699 50.365235))) | Part of planned terrace. Probably 1807 (date on rainwater head of No.78, qv). Stucco; dry slate roofs with dentilled eaves cornice; 2 hipped roof dormers; original cast-iron rainwater head to No.86 (left). Double-depth plan, each house with one large r | 1975-05-01 | 1975-05-01 | |||
740-1/65/759 | DURNFORD STREET, Stonehouse, (West side) Nos.85-93 (Odd) and attached forecourt walls and railings | MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.161485 50.365132,-4.161506 50.365130,-4.161427 50.364820,-4.161284 50.364836,-4.161287 50.364845,-4.161278 50.364857,-4.161294 50.364866,-4.161209 50.364875,-4.161210 50.364882,-4.161170 50.364887,-4.161175 50.364905,-4.161297 50.364892,-4.161298 50.364925,-4.161218 50.364933,-4.161226 50.364965,-4.161311 50.364956,-4.161314 50.364964,-4.161308 50.364969,-4.161311 50.364982,-4.161241 50.364990,-4.161251 50.365024,-4.161328 50.365016,-4.161330 50.365025,-4.161324 50.365042,-4.161242 50.365050,-4.161250 50.365085,-4.161276 50.365083,-4.161279 50.365100,-4.161347 50.365094,-4.161355 50.365130,-4.161330 50.365132,-4.161333 50.365146,-4.161485 50.365132))) | Planned terrace of houses. Late C18. Stucco fronts except for Nos 87 and 93 which are slate hung; steep slate roofs, No.91 with fluted eaves; hipped dormers and large brick end stacks. Double-depth plan, each house with reception room at the front and | 1975-05-01 | 1975-05-01 | |||
740-1/65/760 | DURNFORD STREET, Stonehouse, (West side) No.88 and attached forecourt walls and railings | MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.161838 50.365073,-4.161827 50.365029,-4.161886 50.365022,-4.161882 50.365007,-4.161643 50.365031,-4.161660 50.365093,-4.161838 50.365073))) | House in terrace. Late C18 with some later alteration. Stucco to front; dry slate roof; brick stack on left. Double-depth plan with front reception room on the left and entrance hall on the right. 2 storeys over basement; 2-window range. Late C19 horne | 1975-05-01 | 1975-05-01 | |||
740-1/65/761 | DURNFORD STREET, Stonehouse, (West side) No.90 and attached forecourt walls and railings | MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.161643 50.365031,-4.161668 50.365029,-4.161920 50.365003,-4.161914 50.364977,-4.161823 50.364987,-4.161816 50.364961,-4.161834 50.364959,-4.161831 50.364949,-4.161885 50.364943,-4.161880 50.364928,-4.161868 50.364929,-4.161623 50.364956,-4.161643 50.365031))) | House in planned terrace. Late C18 with later alterations. Stucco with stucco detail; dry slate roof behind balustraded parapet with modillion cornice; brick stack on right. Double-depth plan with reception room to front right and entrance hall on the | 1975-05-01 | 1975-05-01 | |||
740-1/65/762 | DURNFORD STREET, Stonehouse, (West side) No.92 | MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.161844 50.364932,-4.161841 50.364920,-4.161797 50.364924,-4.161794 50.364913,-4.161807 50.364901,-4.161807 50.364886,-4.161888 50.364873,-4.161886 50.364855,-4.161603 50.364882,-4.161623 50.364956,-4.161844 50.364932))) | House in planned terrace. Late C18 with later alterations. Stucco front; dry slate roof behind plain stucco parapet; 3 hipped roof dormers; brick stack on left. Double-depth plan with front room on the left and entrance hall on the right. ,EXTERIOR: 2 st | 1975-05-01 | 1975-05-01 | |||
740-1/65/763 | DURNFORD STREET, Stonehouse, (West side) No.94 and attached forecourt wall and railings | MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.161781 50.364863,-4.161769 50.364819,-4.161866 50.364807,-4.161857 50.364781,-4.161583 50.364809,-4.161603 50.364882,-4.161781 50.364863))) | House in planned terrace. Late C18, but repaired following damage in the Blitz. Render replacing stucco; dry slate roof with 3 C20 dormers; brick stack on right. Double-depth plan with front room on the right and entrance hall on the left. 2 storeys pl | 1975-05-01 | 1975-05-01 | |||
740-1/65/764 | DURNFORD STREET, Stonehouse, (West side) No.96 | MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.161824 50.364784,-4.161819 50.364763,-4.161759 50.364770,-4.161746 50.364723,-4.161710 50.364727,-4.161707 50.364716,-4.161617 50.364726,-4.161619 50.364738,-4.161566 50.364746,-4.161583 50.364809,-4.161824 50.364784))) | House at end of planned terrace. Late C18. Render replacing stucco; dry slate roof with half-hipped end on left; 2 hipped roof dormers and large brick stack on right. Double-depth plan with entrance hall behind front room. 2 storeys plus attic over basem | 1975-05-01 | 1975-05-01 | |||
740-1/65/765 | DURNFORD STREET, Stonehouse, (East side) Nos.97, 99 AND 101 including 99A and 101A | MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.161199 50.364565,-4.161233 50.364691,-4.161373 50.364675,-4.161340 50.364550,-4.161199 50.364565))) | (Formerly Listed as: DURNFORD STREET, Stonehouse Nos.97, 99 AND 101) 2 houses at end of planned terrace, now combined as flats. Late C18. Slatehanging on studwork to left and render replacing stucco on studwork to right. Dry slate roof with hipped end o | 1975-05-01 | 1975-05-01 | |||
740-1/65/767 | DURNFORD STREET, Stonehouse, (West side) Nos.102-118 (Even) and attached forecourt walls and railings | MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.161711 50.364568,-4.161703 50.364536,-4.161777 50.364526,-4.161767 50.364494,-4.161696 50.364502,-4.161689 50.364472,-4.161682 50.364473,-4.161677 50.364453,-4.161755 50.364445,-4.161742 50.364398,-4.161659 50.364407,-4.161652 50.364384,-4.161669 50.364382,-4.161663 50.364362,-4.161749 50.364352,-4.161745 50.364336,-4.161728 50.364338,-4.161725 50.364327,-4.161650 50.364335,-4.161645 50.364316,-4.161656 50.364314,-4.161653 50.364304,-4.161768 50.364291,-4.161762 50.364267,-4.161658 50.364278,-4.161651 50.364252,-4.161639 50.364253,-4.161630 50.364223,-4.161693 50.364216,-4.161687 50.364195,-4.161645 50.364199,-4.161639 50.364173,-4.161606 50.364177,-4.161598 50.364148,-4.161691 50.364138,-4.161686 50.364116,-4.161624 50.364121,-4.161617 50.364095,-4.161587 50.364098,-4.161580 50.364070,-4.161669 50.364060,-4.161662 50.364034,-4.161589 50.364041,-4.161584 50.364020,-4.161566 50.364022,-4.161558 50.363990,-4.161619 50.363983,-4.161613 50.363960,-4.161377 50.363986,-4.161537 50.364588,-4.161711 50.364568))) | Planned terrace of houses. Late C18/early C19. Stucco except where replaced with render; dry slate roofs, most with hipped roof dormers and brick end stacks; original rainwater heads and downpipes to Nos 108-118. Double-depth plan, each house with fron | 1954-01-25 | 1954-01-25 | |||
740-1/65/770 | DURNFORD STREET, Stonehouse, (West side) Nos.124 AND 126 and attached forecourt walls and railings | MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.161640 50.363738,-4.161608 50.363607,-4.161432 50.363623,-4.161467 50.363757,-4.161640 50.363738))) | Pair of town houses. Late C18. Stucco with stucco detail; dry slate mansard roof with mansard dormers behind stuccoed parapet with moulded cornice. EXTERIOR: Double-depth plan, each house with front room on its right and entrance hall on its left. 3 stor | 1954-01-25 | 1954-01-25 | |||
740-1/65/772 | DURNFORD STREET, Stonehouse, (West side) Nos.154 AND 156 and railings and steps to No.154 | MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.161175 50.363193,-4.161334 50.363186,-4.161467 50.363193,-4.161470 50.363165,-4.161422 50.363162,-4.161420 50.363153,-4.161309 50.363148,-4.161301 50.363097,-4.161488 50.363084,-4.161481 50.363047,-4.161135 50.363069,-4.161156 50.363195,-4.161175 50.363193))) | Pair of town houses. Late C18. Stuccoed fronts; rubble to right-hand return with slatehanging to 1st floor of rear wing; steep dry slate roof with 4 hipped dormers behind plain parapet; brick end stack to left of each house. Double-depth plan, front roo | 1954-01-25 | 1954-01-25 | |||
740-1/65/773 | DURNFORD STREET, Stonehouse, (East side) Church of St Paul | MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.160847 50.363541,-4.160760 50.363555,-4.160758 50.363549,-4.160715 50.363558,-4.160713 50.363552,-4.160697 50.363554,-4.160698 50.363560,-4.160650 50.363560,-4.160651 50.363566,-4.160632 50.363568,-4.160630 50.363562,-4.160579 50.363572,-4.160561 50.363568,-4.160563 50.363575,-4.160540 50.363577,-4.160537 50.363566,-4.160439 50.363578,-4.160433 50.363583,-4.160446 50.363621,-4.160409 50.363625,-4.160428 50.363684,-4.160422 50.363685,-4.160424 50.363693,-4.160457 50.363690,-4.160465 50.363722,-4.160460 50.363727,-4.160470 50.363731,-4.160582 50.363719,-4.160579 50.363711,-4.160617 50.363712,-4.160616 50.363705,-4.160883 50.363681,-4.160880 50.363668,-4.160929 50.363665,-4.160933 50.363658,-4.160921 50.363631,-4.160937 50.363629,-4.160940 50.363622,-4.160938 50.363613,-4.160926 50.363615,-4.160920 50.363590,-4.160933 50.363589,-4.160930 50.363580,-4.160905 50.363578,-4.160899 50.363555,-4.160907 50.363547,-4.160901 50.363543,-4.160850 50.363553,-4.160847 50.363541))) | Anglican church. 1831 by John Foulston, extended at E end 1890 by Hine & Odgers. Coursed Plymouth limestone rubble with limestone dressings; dry slate roof with moulded copings. Gothic style. PLAN: aisle-less plan with W gallery and central W tower plus | 1954-01-25 | 1954-01-25 | |||
740-1/60/776 | DURNFORD STREET, Stonehouse, (East side) Royal Marine Barracks: Archway Block | MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.161375 50.366571,-4.161363 50.366669,-4.161321 50.366667,-4.161317 50.366700,-4.161359 50.366701,-4.161354 50.366750,-4.161866 50.366780,-4.161872 50.366733,-4.161908 50.366735,-4.161912 50.366700,-4.161876 50.366699,-4.161881 50.366649,-4.161500 50.366628,-4.161511 50.366539,-4.161702 50.366548,-4.161704 50.366491,-4.161736 50.366493,-4.161738 50.366475,-4.161708 50.366474,-4.161710 50.366419,-4.161685 50.366417,-4.161696 50.366329,-4.161735 50.366330,-4.161747 50.366227,-4.161704 50.366225,-4.161725 50.366082,-4.161749 50.366084,-4.161752 50.366065,-4.161728 50.366064,-4.161734 50.366012,-4.161594 50.366005,-4.161596 50.365984,-4.161564 50.365983,-4.161572 50.365918,-4.161633 50.365921,-4.161639 50.365875,-4.161685 50.365875,-4.161689 50.365840,-4.161641 50.365838,-4.161646 50.365794,-4.161451 50.365787,-4.161449 50.365829,-4.161411 50.365827,-4.161406 50.365866,-4.161446 50.365868,-4.161430 50.366037,-4.161471 50.366038,-4.161465 50.366100,-4.161429 50.366099,-4.161425 50.366150,-4.161461 50.366151,-4.161437 50.366322,-4.161447 50.366323,-4.161439 50.366389,-4.161400 50.366387,-4.161392 50.366497,-4.161386 50.366496,-4.161375 50.366571))) | Guard house, officer's quarters and divisional offices, school, now chapel, including entrance block to marine barracks. 1867-71, by Colonel G Greene, Director of the Admiralty Works Department. MATERIALS: Plymouth limestone ashlar with limestone dressin | 1975-05-01 | 1975-05-01 | |||
740-1/60/777 | DURNFORD STREET, Stonehouse, (East side) Royal Marine Barracks: Boundary Wall to north | MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.160142 50.367136,-4.160140 50.367145,-4.160887 50.367263,-4.161186 50.367189,-4.161699 50.367134,-4.161824 50.367121,-4.161928 50.367111,-4.161825 50.367111,-4.161701 50.367129,-4.161696 50.367110,-4.161641 50.367116,-4.161644 50.367132,-4.161533 50.367144,-4.161530 50.367128,-4.161479 50.367132,-4.161483 50.367152,-4.161362 50.367165,-4.161352 50.367144,-4.161281 50.367151,-4.161278 50.367171,-4.161232 50.367176,-4.161219 50.367160,-4.161143 50.367168,-4.161148 50.367187,-4.160886 50.367254,-4.160142 50.367136))) | Boundary wall of marine barracks. c1857. Tall battered retaining and boundary wall of Plymouth limestone rubble with widely-spaced buttresses. HISTORY: the former Bunkers Hill was excavated in 1857 to make room for the 1860s extension of the barracks. T | 1998-07-08 | 1998-07-08 | |||
740-1/60/786 | DURNFORD STREET, Stonehouse, (East side) Royal Marine Barracks: East Barrack Block and forecourt railings | MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.160395 50.366983,-4.160419 50.366984,-4.160605 50.365669,-4.160419 50.365659,-4.160293 50.366554,-4.160238 50.366552,-4.160233 50.366589,-4.160254 50.366591,-4.160239 50.366711,-4.160223 50.366710,-4.160217 50.366750,-4.160233 50.366751,-4.160218 50.366864,-4.160204 50.366864,-4.160198 50.366905,-4.160213 50.366905,-4.160204 50.366973,-4.160395 50.366983))) | Formerly known as: N and E Blocks, Officers Mess, Dining Hall & Single Officer's Accom. DURNFORD STREET Stonehouse, R M Barracks. Barrack block at Marines barracks. 1781-83, built for the Ordnance Board by Templer & Parlby, and extended 1818 and c1860; | 1975-05-01 | 1975-05-01 | |||
740-1/66/775 | DURNFORD STREET, Stonehouse, (East side) Royal Marine Barracks: Emma's Cottage, Building No.9 & attached walls | MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.159212 50.363876,-4.159262 50.363916,-4.159311 50.363892,-4.159346 50.363920,-4.159417 50.363884,-4.159397 50.363868,-4.159410 50.363862,-4.159346 50.363809,-4.159286 50.363839,-4.159277 50.363831,-4.159252 50.363844,-4.159260 50.363851,-4.159212 50.363876))) | Formerly known as: No.9 (Officers' Quarters House) DURNFORD STREET Stonehouse, R M Barracks. Detached house, used as assistant surgeon's on Marine's barracks. c1861, designed by Col. G Greene, Director of the Admiralty Works Department. Stuccoed walls; | 1975-05-01 | 1975-05-01 | |||
740-1/65/778 | DURNFORD STREET, Stonehouse, (East side) Royal Marine Barracks: Equipment Shed | MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.159631 50.364189,-4.159610 50.364200,-4.160043 50.364588,-4.160179 50.364527,-4.159743 50.364134,-4.159711 50.364150,-4.159697 50.364139,-4.159669 50.364155,-4.159676 50.364167,-4.159658 50.364154,-4.159612 50.364175,-4.159631 50.364189))) | Store, later garage and store at Marines barracks. Mid C19. Plymouth limestone rubble and dry slate roof. Long rectangular plan. EXTERIOR: Single storey; 15-bay front carried on a colonnade of cast-iron Tuscan columns, partly walled in with wide windows | 1998-07-08 | 1998-07-08 | |||
740-1/60/787 | DURNFORD STREET, Stonehouse, (East side) Royal Marine Barracks: North Barrack Block and attached basement railings | MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.160551 50.366846,-4.160528 50.366985,-4.161832 50.367060,-4.161825 50.367111,-4.161891 50.367115,-4.161892 50.367108,-4.161951 50.367107,-4.161977 50.366922,-4.161975 50.366891,-4.160604 50.366816,-4.160571 50.366821,-4.160551 50.366846))) | Formerly known as: N & E Blocks, Officers Mess, Dining Hall & Single Officers Accom. DURNFORD STREET Stonehouse, R M Barracks. Barrack block at Marines barracks. c1860, designed by Colonel G Greene, Director of the Admiralty Works Department; altered la | 1975-05-01 | 1975-05-01 | |||
740-1/65/780 | DURNFORD STREET, Stonehouse, (East side) Royal Marine Barracks: Officer's Mess | MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.160683 50.365480,-4.160695 50.365400,-4.160597 50.365394,-4.160589 50.365448,-4.160497 50.365443,-4.160523 50.365264,-4.160352 50.365253,-4.160323 50.365445,-4.160361 50.365448,-4.160354 50.365497,-4.160345 50.365497,-4.160321 50.365658,-4.160584 50.365668,-4.160585 50.365658,-4.160611 50.365652,-4.160623 50.365661,-4.160648 50.365649,-4.160637 50.365638,-4.160656 50.365628,-4.160717 50.365633,-4.160739 50.365518,-4.160678 50.365514,-4.160683 50.365480))) | Formerly known as: N & E Blocks, Officers Mess, Dining Hall & Single Officer's Accom. DURNFORD STREET Stonehouse, R M Barracks. Officer's mess, dining hall, ante room, galley and courtyard at Marines barracks. 1779-85, built for the Board of Ordnance by | 1975-05-01 | 1975-05-01 | |||
740-1/65/781 | DURNFORD STREET, Stonehouse, (East side) Royal Marine Barracks: SW block & attached front basement railings | MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.161170 50.365644,-4.161556 50.365669,-4.161579 50.365484,-4.161444 50.365477,-4.161436 50.365538,-4.161420 50.365536,-4.161418 50.365551,-4.161431 50.365552,-4.161428 50.365573,-4.161382 50.365570,-4.161383 50.365562,-4.161359 50.365561,-4.161358 50.365568,-4.161183 50.365557,-4.161170 50.365644))) | Formerly known as: Officers' Residence (7 flats) DURNFORD STREET Stonehouse, R M Barracks. Married officer's quarters at Marines barracks, now flats. c1860, designed by Colonel G Greene, Director of the Admiralty Works Department; converted to flats 190 | 1975-05-01 | 1975-05-01 | |||
740-1/66/774 | DURNFORD STREET, Stonehouse, (East side) Royal Marine Barracks: Seagate House, Building No.8 | MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.158866 50.364028,-4.158984 50.363977,-4.158964 50.363960,-4.158999 50.363942,-4.158948 50.363900,-4.158975 50.363887,-4.159026 50.363928,-4.159050 50.363917,-4.158942 50.363830,-4.158851 50.363876,-4.158873 50.363894,-4.158840 50.363911,-4.158854 50.363922,-4.158781 50.363958,-4.158866 50.364028))) | Formerly known as: No 8 (Officers' Quarters House) DURNFORD STREET Stonehouse, R M Barracks. Detached house, now part of Marines barracks. 1850-60. Stuccoed walls; dry slate roof behind coped parapet overmoulded cornice which continues as string under c | 1975-05-01 | 1975-05-01 | |||
740-1/65/783 | DURNFORD STREET, Stonehouse, (East side) Royal Marine Barracks: South block and attached basement railings | MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.160739 50.365518,-4.160717 50.365633,-4.161168 50.365657,-4.161185 50.365540,-4.161173 50.365526,-4.161145 50.365525,-4.161143 50.365541,-4.161016 50.365533,-4.161017 50.365523,-4.160979 50.365521,-4.160977 50.365531,-4.160846 50.365523,-4.160847 50.365514,-4.160808 50.365512,-4.160807 50.365522,-4.160739 50.365518))) | Formerly known as: N & E Blocks, Officer's Mess, Dining Hall & Single Officers Accom. DURNFORD STREET Stonehouse, R M Barracks. Officers' accommodation at Marines barracks. 1780-83, built for the Ordnance Board by Messrs Templer & Parlby; extended c1860 | 1975-05-01 | 1975-05-01 | |||
740-1/60/784 | DURNFORD STREET, Stonehouse, (East side) Royal Marine Barracks: The Globe Theatre | MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.160029 50.366642,-4.160153 50.366648,-4.160164 50.366584,-4.160175 50.366570,-4.160176 50.366554,-4.160162 50.366528,-4.160165 50.366488,-4.160030 50.366481,-4.160034 50.366452,-4.159898 50.366444,-4.159874 50.366634,-4.160029 50.366642))) | Racquet court, later extended and converted to theatre on Marines barracks. c1830, remodelled after 1860, restored c1990. MATERIALS: squared, snecked Plymouth limestone below impost level at entrance front, otherwise Plymouth limestone rubble with limes | 1975-05-01 | 1975-05-01 | |||
740-1/66/785 | DURNFORD STREET, Stonehouse, (East side) Royal Marine Barracks: The Longroom | MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.159234 50.363999,-4.159186 50.364022,-4.159295 50.364113,-4.159315 50.364103,-4.159499 50.364258,-4.159539 50.364238,-4.159553 50.364249,-4.159595 50.364229,-4.159578 50.364216,-4.159610 50.364200,-4.159445 50.364063,-4.159486 50.364042,-4.159461 50.364022,-4.159437 50.364034,-4.159336 50.363949,-4.159281 50.363976,-4.159263 50.363961,-4.159217 50.363985,-4.159234 50.363999))) | Assembly rooms, then mess, later infirmary, school, now gymnasium. 1760, officer's mess from 1805, school from 1818; extended slightly early C19. MATERIALS: red brick laid to Flemish bond with rusticated stone quoins; dry slate hipped roofs behind brick | 1975-05-01 | 1975-05-01 | |||
740-1/33/107 | EGG BUCKLAND ROAD, Compton, (South side) Pearn Convalescent Home | MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.125849 50.391597,-4.126015 50.391567,-4.125975 50.391479,-4.126077 50.391460,-4.126098 50.391504,-4.126159 50.391492,-4.126152 50.391473,-4.126193 50.391464,-4.126181 50.391429,-4.126289 50.391407,-4.126286 50.391402,-4.126304 50.391390,-4.126290 50.391360,-4.126266 50.391356,-4.126263 50.391348,-4.126097 50.391379,-4.126085 50.391352,-4.126036 50.391362,-4.126042 50.391373,-4.125965 50.391387,-4.125946 50.391379,-4.125912 50.391385,-4.125902 50.391399,-4.125880 50.391389,-4.125846 50.391395,-4.125834 50.391413,-4.125748 50.391429,-4.125742 50.391415,-4.125696 50.391424,-4.125707 50.391454,-4.125543 50.391485,-4.125521 50.391507,-4.125534 50.391534,-4.125568 50.391538,-4.125572 50.391545,-4.125634 50.391533,-4.125650 50.391566,-4.125669 50.391562,-4.125677 50.391580,-4.125736 50.391569,-4.125726 50.391549,-4.125796 50.391539,-4.125787 50.391513,-4.125887 50.391495,-4.125905 50.391537,-4.125826 50.391552,-4.125849 50.391597))) | Convalescent home. 1892 for Alonzo Pearn, opened 1895. MATERIALS: stucco with various stucco and ceramic details; asbestos slate hipped roofs with sprocketed eaves to wings and copper octagonal domes with finials over the cupolas of the 2 entrance towers | 1998-11-09 | 1998-11-09 | |||
740-1/52/1 | EMBANKMENT ROAD, Arnolds Point, (North West side) No.3 | MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.107049 50.378200,-4.106987 50.378138,-4.106934 50.378159,-4.106925 50.378150,-4.106905 50.378158,-4.106914 50.378167,-4.106876 50.378183,-4.106938 50.378245,-4.107049 50.378200))) | House in row. Early C19. Slatehanging to front; dry slate roof with crested red clay ridge tiles; rendered brick end stacks. Double-depth plan. 2 storeys; symmetrical 3-window front with blind pointed-arched central window over doorway. Original 16-pane | 1998-11-09 | 1998-11-09 | |||
740-1/58/364 | EMBANKMENT ROAD, Plymouth, (North side) South Devon Place Nos.37-79 (odd) | MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.121227 50.370764,-4.121304 50.370948,-4.121332 50.370943,-4.121328 50.370934,-4.121335 50.370932,-4.121319 50.370894,-4.121333 50.370891,-4.121308 50.370836,-4.121350 50.370829,-4.121388 50.370915,-4.121443 50.370905,-4.121405 50.370820,-4.121438 50.370814,-4.121485 50.370923,-4.121503 50.370923,-4.121497 50.370912,-4.121535 50.370905,-4.121491 50.370804,-4.121530 50.370797,-4.121579 50.370913,-4.121753 50.370885,-4.121743 50.370861,-4.121792 50.370848,-4.121752 50.370759,-4.121786 50.370753,-4.121823 50.370838,-4.121877 50.370829,-4.121839 50.370743,-4.121872 50.370737,-4.121907 50.370818,-4.121961 50.370809,-4.121925 50.370728,-4.121961 50.370721,-4.122013 50.370840,-4.122181 50.370812,-4.122164 50.370774,-4.122146 50.370777,-4.122110 50.370695,-4.122145 50.370688,-4.122199 50.370809,-4.122289 50.370793,-4.122274 50.370759,-4.122238 50.370765,-4.122201 50.370680,-4.122272 50.370667,-4.122326 50.370788,-4.122378 50.370780,-4.122324 50.370657,-4.122361 50.370651,-4.122393 50.370724,-4.122401 50.370723,-4.122405 50.370733,-4.122449 50.370725,-4.122412 50.370640,-4.122545 50.370617,-4.122583 50.370707,-4.122636 50.370698,-4.122596 50.370608,-4.122630 50.370602,-4.122650 50.370648,-4.122659 50.370646,-4.122672 50.370677,-4.122711 50.370670,-4.122678 50.370593,-4.122721 50.370586,-4.122754 50.370663,-4.122802 50.370655,-4.122768 50.370577,-4.122808 50.370570,-4.122827 50.370615,-4.122836 50.370614,-4.122851 50.370647,-4.122889 50.370640,-4.122855 50.370562,-4.122889 50.370556,-4.122924 50.370636,-4.122973 50.370627,-4.122938 50.370547,-4.122975 50.370540,-4.123017 50.370618,-4.123061 50.370610,-4.123039 50.370561,-4.123057 50.370558,-4.123044 50.370527,-4.123060 50.370525,-4.123081 50.370575,-4.123089 50.370574,-4.123102 50.370603,-4.123115 50.370600,-4.123118 50.370608,-4.123063 50.370616,-4.123086 50.370669,-4.123276 50.370643,-4.123167 50.370421,-4.121227 50.370764))) | Planned terrace of 22 houses. Early-mid C19. Stucco with stucco detail; some slate roofs but most replaced with asbestos slate; parapets with moulded cornices; dormer windows, the 2-storey houses with mansard roofs and mansard dormers, some with segmenta | 1971-08-09 | 1971-08-09 | |||
740-1/61/788 | EMMA PLACE, Stonehouse, (South side) Nos.39-48 (Consecutive) and forecourt railings to No.39 and Nos.43-47 | MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.158484 50.368009,-4.158488 50.368023,-4.158604 50.368012,-4.158601 50.367997,-4.158682 50.367989,-4.158686 50.368003,-4.158716 50.368000,-4.158713 50.367987,-4.158798 50.367978,-4.158801 50.367992,-4.158835 50.367988,-4.158832 50.367975,-4.158911 50.367967,-4.158915 50.367980,-4.159458 50.367925,-4.159455 50.367913,-4.159563 50.367902,-4.159551 50.367856,-4.159565 50.367855,-4.159561 50.367836,-4.159547 50.367837,-4.159532 50.367779,-4.159496 50.367782,-4.159503 50.367809,-4.159466 50.367813,-4.159461 50.367795,-4.159451 50.367796,-4.159448 50.367788,-4.159395 50.367798,-4.159401 50.367820,-4.159336 50.367827,-4.159330 50.367802,-4.159295 50.367806,-4.159299 50.367821,-4.159268 50.367819,-4.159244 50.367836,-4.159233 50.367836,-4.159223 50.367794,-4.159188 50.367797,-4.159200 50.367840,-4.159130 50.367847,-4.159123 50.367821,-4.159088 50.367825,-4.159062 50.367728,-4.158990 50.367737,-4.159015 50.367832,-4.158980 50.367835,-4.158989 50.367861,-4.158922 50.367868,-4.158916 50.367845,-4.158877 50.367849,-4.158882 50.367872,-4.158806 50.367880,-4.158800 50.367857,-4.158762 50.367861,-4.158768 50.367884,-4.158690 50.367892,-4.158683 50.367867,-4.158652 50.367871,-4.158658 50.367895,-4.158577 50.367904,-4.158570 50.367876,-4.158453 50.367882,-4.158470 50.367948,-4.158456 50.367949,-4.158461 50.367970,-4.158473 50.367968,-4.158484 50.368009))) | Planned terrace of houses. Early C19. Stucco with stucco detail; dry slate or asbestos slate roofs behind stuccoed parapet with moulded entablature; hipped roof dormers; brick or rendered end stacks plus stacks over the pediments of the 2 end houses. Dou | 1975-05-01 | 1975-05-01 | |||
740-1/60/789 | EMMA PLACE, Stonehouse, (South side) Nos.49-54 (Consecutive) | MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.159747 50.367884,-4.160292 50.367828,-4.160255 50.367674,-4.160212 50.367678,-4.160226 50.367738,-4.160112 50.367750,-4.160107 50.367731,-4.160071 50.367734,-4.160068 50.367722,-4.160038 50.367725,-4.160041 50.367737,-4.160007 50.367747,-4.159993 50.367682,-4.159956 50.367686,-4.159967 50.367730,-4.159936 50.367733,-4.159940 50.367748,-4.159901 50.367759,-4.159890 50.367713,-4.159851 50.367717,-4.159860 50.367750,-4.159846 50.367778,-4.159803 50.367782,-4.159790 50.367726,-4.159752 50.367730,-4.159764 50.367781,-4.159742 50.367780,-4.159709 50.367795,-4.159669 50.367799,-4.159692 50.367890,-4.159747 50.367884))) | Remains of planned terrace of houses (Nos 55-59 demolished). Early C19. Stucco or render with stucco detail; dry slate or asbestos slate roofs behind stuccoed parapet with moulded entablature; hipped roof dormers; brick or rendered end stacks plus stacks | 1975-05-01 | 1975-05-01 | |||
740-1/60/790 | EMMA PLACE, Stonehouse, (South side) No.61 | MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.161348 50.367608,-4.161342 50.367585,-4.161296 50.367591,-4.161302 50.367614,-4.161215 50.367623,-4.161232 50.367579,-4.161169 50.367586,-4.161201 50.367707,-4.161236 50.367704,-4.161245 50.367736,-4.161463 50.367711,-4.161434 50.367599,-4.161348 50.367608))) | Probable warehouse. Mid C19. Stucco with stucco detail; roof hidden behind stucco parapet with moulded entablature. Classical style. Rectangular plan. 2-storey elevations; symmetrical 3-bay front with giant pilasters dividing the bays plus rusticated quo | 1998-11-09 | 1998-11-09 | |||
740-1/57/792 | ETON PLACE, Stonehouse, (South West side) Nos.3, 5 AND 7 | MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.144554 50.375105,-4.144624 50.375166,-4.144745 50.375108,-4.144685 50.375053,-4.144709 50.375050,-4.144776 50.375020,-4.144757 50.375004,-4.144717 50.375012,-4.144660 50.375038,-4.144580 50.374965,-4.144638 50.374938,-4.144618 50.374920,-4.144653 50.374904,-4.144645 50.374896,-4.144605 50.374906,-4.144597 50.374899,-4.144567 50.374912,-4.144552 50.374931,-4.144485 50.374870,-4.144355 50.374929,-4.144436 50.375002,-4.144447 50.374998,-4.144549 50.375089,-4.144541 50.375093,-4.144554 50.375105))) | Planned terrace of 3 houses. Mid C19. Stucco with stucco detail; dry slate and asbestos slate roofs, behind stuccoed parapets with moulded cornices and modillions, hipped at the ends; stuccoed or rendered end stacks. Double-depth plan, each house with 2 | 1998-11-09 | 1998-11-09 | |||
740-1/58/367 | EXETER STREET, Plymouth, (South side) Church of St John the Evangelist | MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.128539 50.370337,-4.128560 50.370305,-4.128520 50.370294,-4.128536 50.370292,-4.128538 50.370287,-4.128526 50.370284,-4.128541 50.370259,-4.128555 50.370257,-4.128551 50.370249,-4.128534 50.370252,-4.128407 50.370220,-4.128413 50.370211,-4.128401 50.370208,-4.128396 50.370215,-4.128267 50.370182,-4.128272 50.370174,-4.128260 50.370171,-4.128255 50.370179,-4.128211 50.370167,-4.128202 50.370157,-4.128191 50.370161,-4.128198 50.370169,-4.128184 50.370191,-4.128140 50.370175,-4.128126 50.370177,-4.128121 50.370184,-4.128130 50.370188,-4.128107 50.370225,-4.128093 50.370221,-4.128089 50.370231,-4.128110 50.370245,-4.128114 50.370238,-4.128147 50.370246,-4.128127 50.370278,-4.128115 50.370275,-4.128110 50.370283,-4.128121 50.370286,-4.128118 50.370291,-4.128182 50.370301,-4.128178 50.370308,-4.128193 50.370312,-4.128197 50.370305,-4.128210 50.370309,-4.128197 50.370330,-4.128308 50.370359,-4.128328 50.370328,-4.128344 50.370332,-4.128330 50.370353,-4.128375 50.370365,-4.128388 50.370345,-4.128460 50.370363,-4.128465 50.370373,-4.128477 50.370371,-4.128474 50.370360,-4.128488 50.370339,-4.128499 50.370342,-4.128497 50.370326,-4.128539 50.370337))) | (Formerly Listed as: SUTTON-ON-PLYM EXETER STREET Church of St John the Evangelist) Anglican church. 1851-5 by B Ferrey; N Lady Chapel 1883, rebuilt 1955. Roughly coursed and squared limestone with ashlar dressings; dry slate roofs with coped gable end | 1991-10-14 | 1991-10-14 | |||
740-1/43/243 | FORD PARK, Ford Park, Mannamead House Nos.1 and 2 | MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.135439 50.383113,-4.135269 50.383125,-4.135277 50.383167,-4.135233 50.383171,-4.135239 50.383203,-4.135283 50.383200,-4.135299 50.383271,-4.135254 50.383275,-4.135260 50.383308,-4.135306 50.383304,-4.135322 50.383375,-4.135279 50.383379,-4.135287 50.383411,-4.135329 50.383409,-4.135338 50.383446,-4.135506 50.383432,-4.135498 50.383390,-4.135504 50.383388,-4.135485 50.383326,-4.135482 50.383290,-4.135493 50.383287,-4.135486 50.383260,-4.135476 50.383260,-4.135467 50.383220,-4.135461 50.383221,-4.135456 50.383156,-4.135449 50.383156,-4.135439 50.383113))) | Formerly known as: Anglesey Villas FORD PARK. Includes: Colson House No.3 FORD PARK Ford Park. Pair of villas in planned group, now part of Plymouth College. c1850s-60s, probably by George Wightwick. Stucco; dry Delabole slate roofs behind stuccoed balus | 1998-11-09 | 1998-11-09 | |||
740-1/43/247 | FORD PARK, Ford Park, Mannamead House Nos.3 and 4 | MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.135532 50.383588,-4.135525 50.383541,-4.135543 50.383539,-4.135530 50.383472,-4.135497 50.383473,-4.135493 50.383451,-4.135422 50.383457,-4.135426 50.383477,-4.135339 50.383483,-4.135347 50.383525,-4.135304 50.383529,-4.135310 50.383560,-4.135354 50.383556,-4.135370 50.383642,-4.135328 50.383647,-4.135335 50.383681,-4.135378 50.383678,-4.135385 50.383715,-4.135471 50.383710,-4.135476 50.383730,-4.135548 50.383723,-4.135546 50.383705,-4.135573 50.383703,-4.135560 50.383630,-4.135538 50.383631,-4.135532 50.383588))) | Pair of villas in planned group, now part of Plymouth College. c1850s-60s, probably by George Wightwick. Stucco with channelled rustication to basement plinth; dry slate roofs: central roof behind balustraded parapet on modillion cornice, cross wing roof | 1998-11-09 | 1998-11-09 | |||
740-1/43/249 | FORD PARK, Ford Park, Shaftsbury Villas Nos.1 and 2 | MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.136630 50.383964,-4.136469 50.383933,-4.136473 50.383924,-4.136399 50.383910,-4.136394 50.383917,-4.136361 50.383911,-4.136340 50.383956,-4.136327 50.383954,-4.136315 50.383978,-4.136306 50.383976,-4.136280 50.384031,-4.136467 50.384063,-4.136453 50.384095,-4.136509 50.384107,-4.136526 50.384072,-4.136704 50.384113,-4.136730 50.384060,-4.136734 50.384038,-4.136712 50.384034,-4.136736 50.383986,-4.136714 50.383981,-4.136717 50.383974,-4.136634 50.383956,-4.136630 50.383964))) | Pair of villas, now part of Plymouth College. c1850s-60s, probably by George Wightwick. Stucco; dry slate roofs with moulded eaves cornices and modillion cornices to most of the pedimented gables; many stuccoed axial, gable and slightly-projecting latera | 1998-11-09 | 1998-11-09 | |||
740-1/43/245 | FORD PARK, Ford Park, The Headmaster's House | MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.136398 50.383448,-4.136204 50.383413,-4.136200 50.383421,-4.136150 50.383412,-4.136127 50.383474,-4.136148 50.383478,-4.136126 50.383526,-4.136107 50.383523,-4.136081 50.383588,-4.136129 50.383597,-4.136124 50.383612,-4.136141 50.383617,-4.136125 50.383651,-4.136174 50.383661,-4.136224 50.383553,-4.136246 50.383556,-4.136215 50.383635,-4.136347 50.383658,-4.136384 50.383576,-4.136369 50.383573,-4.136393 50.383522,-4.136410 50.383525,-4.136418 50.383504,-4.136430 50.383506,-4.136449 50.383463,-4.136394 50.383454,-4.136398 50.383448))) | Pair of villas in planned group, now part of Plymouth College. c1850s-60s, probably by George Wightwick. Stucco with channelled rustication to plinth; asbestos slate roofs: central roof behind stuccoed balustraded parapet with modillioned cornices and fl | 1998-11-09 | 1998-11-09 | |||
740-1/43/248 | FORD PARK, Ford Park, Wedgwood Villas Nos.2 and 3 | MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.136222 50.383990,-4.136250 50.383930,-4.136206 50.383921,-4.136215 50.383901,-4.136146 50.383887,-4.136149 50.383879,-4.136135 50.383870,-4.136099 50.383862,-4.136066 50.383871,-4.135919 50.383843,-4.135922 50.383836,-4.135902 50.383824,-4.135868 50.383817,-4.135840 50.383820,-4.135837 50.383828,-4.135771 50.383815,-4.135760 50.383835,-4.135725 50.383828,-4.135697 50.383891,-4.135733 50.383898,-4.135717 50.383933,-4.135774 50.383945,-4.135761 50.383974,-4.135808 50.383983,-4.135822 50.383955,-4.135865 50.383963,-4.135874 50.383943,-4.135924 50.383954,-4.135908 50.383985,-4.135959 50.383995,-4.135975 50.383964,-4.136020 50.383973,-4.136012 50.383991,-4.136060 50.384001,-4.136046 50.384031,-4.136094 50.384040,-4.136109 50.384011,-4.136204 50.384029,-4.136222 50.383990))) | Unequal pair of villas in planned group, now part of Plymouth College. c1850s-60s, probably by George Wightwick. Stucco; bitumen-grouted slate and asbestos slate roofs with modillion eaves cornices and projecting verges; stuccoed end and axial stacks wit | 1998-11-09 | 1998-11-09 | |||
740-1/43/250 | FORD PARK ROAD, Ford Park, (North side) Ford Park Lodge | MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.135180 50.382782,-4.135176 50.382760,-4.135205 50.382757,-4.135197 50.382720,-4.135164 50.382722,-4.135161 50.382707,-4.135120 50.382710,-4.135123 50.382724,-4.135084 50.382728,-4.135091 50.382766,-4.135061 50.382769,-4.135065 50.382791,-4.135180 50.382782))) | (Formerly Listed as: FORD PARK ROAD, Plymouth Ford Park Lodge) Lodge at entrance to park and to planned group of villas. c1850s-60s by George Wightwick. Dressed Plymouth limestone with painted dressings; dry slate low-pitched roof with projecting eaves; | 1975-05-01 | 1975-05-01 | |||
740-1/42/251 | FORD PARK ROAD, Ford Park, (North side) South-west Lodge & walls & railings at Plymouth Devonport & Stonehouse Cemetery | MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.144621 50.381547,-4.144661 50.381535,-4.144574 50.381384,-4.144564 50.381384,-4.144523 50.381414,-4.144531 50.381420,-4.144501 50.381442,-4.144482 50.381430,-4.144419 50.381474,-4.144514 50.381530,-4.144481 50.381552,-4.144537 50.381586,-4.144585 50.381554,-4.144599 50.381562,-4.144621 50.381547))) | (Formerly Listed as: FORD PARK ROAD, Plymouth South west Lodge at Plymouth, Devonport and Stonehouse Cemetery) Lodge at entrance to cemetery. Mid C19. Plymouth limestone rubble with limestone dressings; dry slate roofs with coped gable ends; irregularl | 1975-05-01 | 1975-05-01 |
Showing rows 151 to 200 of 756