Plymouth City Council
Listed building outline
Reference | Name | Listed building | Geometry | Notes | Organisation | Entry date | Start date | End date |
740-1/54/140 | FORE STREET, Devonport, (South East side) The Western Public House | MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.174427 50.372895,-4.174392 50.372901,-4.174401 50.372919,-4.174304 50.372938,-4.174359 50.373059,-4.174396 50.373071,-4.174493 50.373039,-4.174427 50.372895))) | Public house on street corner. Mid-late C19. Stucco; Dry slate roof hipped at the front end behind stuccoed parapet with moulded entablature with heavy cornice; brick end stack on left and stack over apex of hip; many old pots. Deep rectangular plan with | 1998-11-09 | 1998-11-09 | |||
740-1/50/468 | FORE STREET, Plympton St Maurice, (North side) No.2 Parade House | MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.046740 50.383124,-4.046762 50.383121,-4.046764 50.383148,-4.046808 50.383147,-4.046806 50.383089,-4.046839 50.383082,-4.046825 50.383045,-4.046753 50.383059,-4.046748 50.383050,-4.046718 50.383055,-4.046723 50.383065,-4.046648 50.383079,-4.046660 50.383118,-4.046741 50.383103,-4.046740 50.383124))) | Town house. C18. Rough-cast render with plinth and mid-floor bands; dry slate roof, hipped on the right, with moulded eaves cornice. Single-depth plan plus deep wing at rear left. 3 storeys; symmetrical 3-window front with keyblocks visible over some of | 1975-05-01 | 1975-05-01 | |||
740-1/50/469 | FORE STREET, Plympton St Maurice, (North side) No.4 South Neuk and attached railings | MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.047073 50.383024,-4.046906 50.383043,-4.046902 50.383038,-4.046825 50.383045,-4.046858 50.383133,-4.047096 50.383104,-4.047073 50.383024))) | Town house with later shop. Late C18. Stucco on probable rubble with rusticated segmental arches; steep dry slate roof with moulded eaves cornice; 2 hipped dormers with slate-hung cheeks and late C19 or C20 6-pane horned sashes; brick axial stack toward | 1975-05-01 | 1975-05-01 | |||
740-1/50/470 | FORE STREET, Plympton St Maurice, (South side) No.9 The Rectory | MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.047371 50.382926,-4.047350 50.382796,-4.047301 50.382800,-4.047297 50.382778,-4.047205 50.382783,-4.047219 50.382885,-4.047076 50.382898,-4.047085 50.382940,-4.047128 50.382937,-4.047132 50.382955,-4.047372 50.382934,-4.047371 50.382926))) | Town house. Mid C18. Incised stucco on probable rubble to front with plinth and moulded mid-floor string and 1st-floor sill string; slatehanging to upper part of right-hand return; very steep dry slate roof with sprocketed eaves over a moulded and modil | 1952-04-23 | 1952-04-23 | |||
740-1/50/471 | FORE STREET, Plympton St Maurice, (North side) No.10 Chapel House | MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.047679 50.382974,-4.047694 50.383037,-4.047735 50.383036,-4.047737 50.383061,-4.047773 50.383061,-4.047802 50.383186,-4.047890 50.383175,-4.047857 50.383070,-4.047857 50.382979,-4.047679 50.382974))) | Probably originally a pair of town houses, later a house with shop. Mid C18. Killas rubble with some limestone dressings, keyed flat arches to original ground-floor openings; tall rendered or stuccoed plinth and sills on stucco brackets; very steep conc | 1960-03-29 | 1960-03-29 | |||
740-1/49/475 | FORE STREET, Plympton St Maurice, (North side) No.18 The Cage | MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.048123 50.382987,-4.048123 50.383064,-4.048132 50.383116,-4.048165 50.383116,-4.048161 50.383065,-4.048186 50.383065,-4.048186 50.383074,-4.048178 50.383073,-4.048183 50.383115,-4.048211 50.383115,-4.048199 50.382973,-4.048124 50.382970,-4.048123 50.382987))) | Reputed to have been the town lock-up, now a house. C17 or C18. Render on probable studwork to projecting upper floor on colonnade; render on probable rubble to ground-floor wall set back to rear of pavement; dry slate roof with central roof dormer with | 1952-04-23 | 1952-04-23 | |||
740-1/49/476 | FORE STREET, Plympton St Maurice, (North side) No.20 The Pent House | MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.048199 50.382973,-4.048203 50.383038,-4.048290 50.383041,-4.048288 50.383068,-4.048341 50.383070,-4.048344 50.382976,-4.048199 50.382973))) | Pair of small merchants' houses or tenements of cottages, now 1 house. Probably C17. Rubble walls except for deep-projecting 1st floor which is render on probable timber frame; dry slate roof; brick end stacks. Originally a U-shaped plan with near centr | 1952-04-23 | 1952-04-23 | |||
740-1/49/477 | FORE STREET, Plympton St Maurice, (North side) No.22 | MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.048344 50.382992,-4.048344 50.383125,-4.048366 50.383125,-4.048368 50.383091,-4.048394 50.383091,-4.048394 50.383101,-4.048386 50.383101,-4.048385 50.383129,-4.048395 50.383130,-4.048394 50.383141,-4.048371 50.383140,-4.048369 50.383183,-4.048469 50.383185,-4.048480 50.382995,-4.048344 50.382992))) | Town house or merchant's house with later shop. C16 or C17 core behind a C18 or C18 remodelled front. Stucco on probable rubble; low-pitched slate roof behind parapet with entablature with lower band; rendered end stacks. Deep plan including rear wing. 2 | 1975-05-01 | 1975-05-01 | |||
740-1/49/478 | FORE STREET, Plympton St Maurice, (North side) No.24 | MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.048480 50.382995,-4.048477 50.383053,-4.048487 50.383053,-4.048485 50.383095,-4.048514 50.383096,-4.048512 50.383137,-4.048489 50.383137,-4.048489 50.383150,-4.048552 50.383166,-4.048560 50.382997,-4.048480 50.382995))) | Town house. C18, the front remodelled late C18. Render on probable rubble on plinth to front, rubble walls to rear; low-pitched slate roof behind parapet with entablature and lower band; Brick end stack on the left with old clay pots; hipped roof to rear | 1975-05-01 | 1975-05-01 | |||
740-1/49/480 | FORE STREET, Plympton St Maurice, (North side) No.28 Brick House | MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.048632 50.382999,-4.048631 50.383075,-4.048746 50.383082,-4.048744 50.383118,-4.048693 50.383114,-4.048691 50.383128,-4.048787 50.383135,-4.048791 50.383089,-4.048770 50.383088,-4.048774 50.383006,-4.048632 50.382999))) | Town house, later fitted with a shopfront, now a house again. Late C18. Red brick front; dry slate hipped roof with moulded eaves cornice; rendered end stacks; cast-iron ogee gutters with carved joints. Probable double-depth plan with 2 rooms at the fro | 1975-05-01 | 1975-05-01 | |||
740-1/50/481 | FORE STREET, Plympton St Maurice, (South side) No.29 Pellow Cottage | MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.047641 50.382909,-4.047740 50.382902,-4.047725 50.382801,-4.047711 50.382803,-4.047709 50.382840,-4.047687 50.382841,-4.047682 50.382804,-4.047637 50.382806,-4.047641 50.382909))) | Small town house. C18. Render on probable rubble or brick; asbestos slate roof; brick end stack on right. Deep plan including rear wing, 1 room at the front and entrance hall on the left. 2 storeys; 2-window range. C20 horned sashes; fielded panel door | 1975-05-01 | 1975-05-01 | |||
740-1/50/482 | FORE STREET, Plympton St Maurice, (South side) No.31 | MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.047756 50.382902,-4.047816 50.382899,-4.047810 50.382841,-4.047818 50.382834,-4.047816 50.382800,-4.047808 50.382800,-4.047806 50.382782,-4.047742 50.382784,-4.047756 50.382902))) | Small town house. Early C19. Splatterdash on stucco and render; asbestos slate roof with projecting eaves; brick end stacks. Deep plan including rear wing; probably 2 small rooms at the front with entrance hall between and an ope (passage) on the left. 2 | 1975-05-01 | 1975-05-01 | |||
740-1/49/483 | FORE STREET, Plympton St Maurice, (North side) Nos.34 AND 36 Scotia & Edina | MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.048907 50.383013,-4.048904 50.383096,-4.048912 50.383095,-4.048912 50.383104,-4.048939 50.383105,-4.048940 50.383096,-4.048993 50.383090,-4.049034 50.383095,-4.049033 50.383105,-4.049051 50.383106,-4.049057 50.383021,-4.048907 50.383013))) | 2 attached small town houses. C18. Render on probable rubble with plinth; steep dry slate roof with 2 hipped roof dormers with C20 windows; central rendered front lateral stack. Shallow-depth plan, the house on the left with 2 rooms at the front and a c | 1975-05-01 | 1975-05-01 | |||
740-1/49/484 | FORE STREET, Plympton St Maurice, (North side) No.38 Castle House | MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.049057 50.383021,-4.049051 50.383111,-4.049066 50.383112,-4.049065 50.383123,-4.049083 50.383122,-4.049084 50.383113,-4.049100 50.383112,-4.049099 50.383121,-4.049117 50.383112,-4.049118 50.383067,-4.049186 50.383067,-4.049186 50.383022,-4.049057 50.383021))) | Town house. C18. Roughcast render on probable rubble with stucco or render surrounds to openings; steep dry slate roof heightened probably late C19 with 2 late C19 gabled dormers with shaped barge boards and terracotta finials. Single-depth plan plus re | 1975-05-01 | 1975-05-01 | |||
740-1/49/486 | FORE STREET, Plympton St Maurice, (North side) No.42 The Guildhall | MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.049486 50.383026,-4.049489 50.383004,-4.049327 50.382996,-4.049320 50.383023,-4.049294 50.383022,-4.049291 50.383053,-4.049313 50.383053,-4.049309 50.383109,-4.049324 50.383109,-4.049328 50.383221,-4.049449 50.383228,-4.049486 50.383026))) | Guildhall. 1696 datestone, for George Treby (and the Strode family). MATERIALS: roughly coursed rubble with dressed granite rusticated quoins, dressed granite arcade and granite ashlar arcade abutments and 1st-floor sill course and string; steep dry slat | 1952-04-23 | 1952-04-23 | |||
740-1/49/487 | FORE STREET, Plympton St Maurice, (South side) No.43 Carlton House | MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.048045 50.382801,-4.048049 50.382891,-4.048218 50.382889,-4.048208 50.382747,-4.048163 50.382747,-4.048165 50.382775,-4.048187 50.382776,-4.048189 50.382801,-4.048145 50.382801,-4.048144 50.382791,-4.048108 50.382791,-4.048109 50.382801,-4.048045 50.382801))) | Town house. Early C19. Incised stucco front with plinth; concrete tile roof behind parapet with stucco band. Double-depth plan with 2 rooms at the front flanking a central entrance hall. 2 storeys; symmetrical 3-window front. Original 16-pane hornless s | 1975-05-01 | 1975-05-01 | |||
740-1/49/489 | FORE STREET, Plympton St Maurice, (North side) No.48 Milton House | MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.049742 50.383040,-4.049739 50.383132,-4.049780 50.383134,-4.049779 50.383143,-4.049812 50.383146,-4.049815 50.383135,-4.049861 50.383138,-4.049856 50.383168,-4.049790 50.383164,-4.049786 50.383190,-4.049866 50.383196,-4.049897 50.383045,-4.049742 50.383040))) | Town house with later shop. C18. Incised stucco; asbestos slate roof with modillion eaves cornice and 2 gabled roof dormers with turned finials and old casement windows with glazing bars; brick end stacks. Double-depth plan. 2 storeys plus attic; 3-wind | 1975-05-01 | 1975-05-01 | |||
740-1/49/490 | FORE STREET, Plympton St Maurice, (South side) No.49 Tan Cottage | MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.048326 50.382748,-4.048330 50.382692,-4.048271 50.382698,-4.048271 50.382687,-4.048254 50.382687,-4.048254 50.382698,-4.048200 50.382698,-4.048208 50.382750,-4.048326 50.382748))) | Small house, later used as a tannery, now a house. C17 with later remodelling. Painted rubble walls; dry slate roof; . 2-room plan. 2 storeys; 2-window range. C20 windows in original or old openings. Large projection on left probably the original latera | 1998-11-09 | 1998-11-09 | |||
740-1/49/495 | FORE STREET, Plympton St Maurice, (South side) No.57 Old Brewery Cottage | MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.048609 50.382870,-4.048607 50.382913,-4.048734 50.382918,-4.048736 50.382844,-4.048712 50.382844,-4.048712 50.382830,-4.048670 50.382830,-4.048667 50.382871,-4.048609 50.382870))) | Pair of cottages, now 1 house. Early C19. Roughcast render; dry slate roof with brick stack over party wall rear of ridge. Double-depth plan, each cottage originally with 1 room at the front and with entrance passages at left and right, the right-hand pa | 1975-05-01 | 1975-05-01 | |||
740-1/49/497 | FORE STREET, Plympton St Maurice, (North side) No.62 The Retreat | MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.050451 50.383148,-4.050395 50.383267,-4.050471 50.383281,-4.050490 50.383240,-4.050542 50.383254,-4.050574 50.383192,-4.050451 50.383148))) | Probable farmhouse at edge of town. C18. Roughcast render; asbestos slate roof with central hipped dormer with mid-late C19 4-pane hornless sash. 2 rooms at the front flanking a central entrance hall and service room at rear left. 2 storeys plus attic; | 1975-05-01 | 1975-05-01 | |||
740-1/49/498 | FORE STREET, Plympton St Maurice, (South side) No.63 Tudor Lodge | MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.048734 50.382917,-4.048815 50.382920,-4.048818 50.382813,-4.048736 50.382815,-4.048734 50.382917))) | (Formerly Listed as: FORE STREET, Plympton St Maurice Tudor Lodge) Merchant's house. Late C17. Timber-framed and boarded to 1st floor, rendered rubble to ground floor; very steep asbestos slate roof with a deep moulded bracketed eaves cornice; 2 hipped | 1960-03-29 | 1960-03-29 | |||
740-1/49/499 | FORE STREET, Plympton St Maurice, (North side) No.64 Mainstone House | MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.050714 50.383228,-4.050578 50.383185,-4.050542 50.383254,-4.050555 50.383259,-4.050544 50.383283,-4.050631 50.383296,-4.050619 50.383321,-4.050611 50.383319,-4.050595 50.383363,-4.050649 50.383373,-4.050714 50.383228))) | Town house. C18. Stuccoed front with plinth and mid-floor band; steep dry slate roof behind parapet with lower band; 3 hipped roof dormers with shaped terracotta hip finials and slate-hung cheeks; brick end stacks. Double-depth plan with probably 2 room | 1975-05-01 | 1975-05-01 | |||
740-1/49/500 | FORE STREET, Plympton St Maurice, (North side) No.66 Seale House | MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.050660 50.383345,-4.050784 50.383365,-4.050802 50.383318,-4.050835 50.383267,-4.050714 50.383228,-4.050660 50.383345))) | (Formerly Listed as: FORE STREET, Plympton St Maurice No.68 Seal House) Town house. C18, refronted mid C19. Render on probable rubble; asbestos slate roof; 2 raking roof dormers with C20 12-pane 2-light casements; outbuilt breast of former end stack on | 1975-05-01 | 1975-05-01 | |||
740-1/49/501 | FORE STREET, Plympton St Maurice, (South side) No.67 Painswick House | MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.048850 50.382921,-4.048994 50.382925,-4.048995 50.382819,-4.048859 50.382814,-4.048850 50.382921))) | Town house. Mid C19. Stucco with stucco detail; dry slate roof with stuccoed end stacks with dentilled cornices. Double-depth plan with probably 2 rooms at the front flanking a central entrance hall. 2 storeys; symmetrical 3-window front. Segmental arch | 1952-04-23 | 1952-04-23 | |||
740-1/49/502 | FORE STREET, Plympton St Maurice, (South side) No.69 Legassick House | MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.048994 50.382925,-4.049208 50.382933,-4.049213 50.382841,-4.049148 50.382841,-4.049148 50.382796,-4.049065 50.382796,-4.049074 50.382852,-4.049030 50.382852,-4.049031 50.382796,-4.048995 50.382796,-4.048994 50.382925))) | (Formerly Listed as: FORE STREET, Plympton St Maurice Nos.69 AND 71 Legassick House (No.69) and Ivy Cottage (No.71)) Town house. Late C18. Incised stucco with plinth; steep dry slate roof with dentilled eaves cornice; brick end stacks with some old clay | 1960-03-29 | 1960-03-29 | |||
740-1/49/503 | FORE STREET, Plympton St Maurice, (South side) No.71 Ivy Cottage and attached shop | MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.049299 50.382842,-4.049278 50.382842,-4.049277 50.382873,-4.049227 50.382872,-4.049223 50.382933,-4.049374 50.382939,-4.049376 50.382876,-4.049299 50.382874,-4.049299 50.382842))) | (Formerly Listed as: FORE STREET, Plympton St Maurice Nos.69 AND 71 Legassick House (No.69) and Ivy Cottage (No.71)) Pair of cottages and attached shop. Mid C19 plus late C19 shop. Incised stucco; dry slate roof with stuccoed end stack on the right; cas | 1960-03-29 | 1960-03-29 | |||
740-1/49/505 | FORE STREET, Plympton St Maurice, (South side) Nos.85-91 (Odd) Caroline Place | MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.049898 50.382967,-4.049897 50.382800,-4.049877 50.382799,-4.049874 50.382818,-4.049863 50.382817,-4.049853 50.382885,-4.049799 50.382883,-4.049808 50.382820,-4.049787 50.382820,-4.049784 50.382840,-4.049772 50.382839,-4.049765 50.382880,-4.049743 50.382879,-4.049755 50.382803,-4.049733 50.382803,-4.049731 50.382818,-4.049708 50.382817,-4.049699 50.382876,-4.049676 50.382875,-4.049690 50.382798,-4.049671 50.382797,-4.049669 50.382812,-4.049641 50.382811,-4.049633 50.382872,-4.049594 50.382870,-4.049592 50.382950,-4.049898 50.382967))) | Terrace of 4 cottages. Mid C19. Incised stucco and some render; asbestos slate roofs with brick end stacks. ,EXTERIOR: Double-depth plan plus rear service wings, each house with 1 room at the front and entrance hall on its right; No.89 is wider with carr | 1975-05-01 | 1975-05-01 | |||
740-1/49/506 | FORE STREET, Plympton St Maurice, (South side) No.93 Somercotes | MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.049897 50.382849,-4.049898 50.382971,-4.050021 50.382981,-4.050036 50.382864,-4.050018 50.382863,-4.050016 50.382882,-4.049965 50.382879,-4.049966 50.382865,-4.049918 50.382862,-4.049919 50.382850,-4.049897 50.382849))) | Town house. C18. Rendered front with mid C19 stucco detail including plinth; slatehanging to right-hand return; steep dry slate hipped roof over a modillioned and dentilled eaves cornice. Double-depth plan with probably 2 rooms at the front flanking a c | 1960-03-29 | 1960-03-29 | |||
740-1/49/507 | FORE STREET, Plympton St Maurice, (South side) No.95 Cedar Lodge | MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.050021 50.382981,-4.050213 50.382992,-4.050228 50.382885,-4.050148 50.382879,-4.050147 50.382888,-4.050034 50.382883,-4.050021 50.382981))) | Town house or merchant's house. C17 or C18. Render on probable rubble; late C19 dry slate pair of roofs end-on to the street and with a wide valley flat between; crested clay ridge tiles and turned finials; shaped and pierced barge boards; 2 rendered la | 1960-03-29 | 1960-03-29 | |||
740-1/49/508 | FORE STREET, Plympton St Maurice, (South side) Garden wall immediately west of No.95 | MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.050244 50.382948,-4.050197 50.382948,-4.050160 50.382962,-4.050143 50.382988,-4.050153 50.383015,-4.050186 50.383033,-4.050440 50.383073,-4.050482 50.383066,-4.050509 50.383044,-4.050511 50.383017,-4.050502 50.383004,-4.050468 50.382986,-4.050244 50.382948))) | Garden wall to road frontage. Probably C18. Killas rubble with rendered rubble coping, about 3 metres high. Included for group value. | 1975-05-01 | 1975-05-01 | |||
740-1/49/509 | FORE STREET, Plympton St Maurice, (South side) Outbuilding approx. 25m west of No.95 | MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.050443 50.383028,-4.050535 50.383052,-4.050561 50.382963,-4.050494 50.382947,-4.050443 50.383028))) | Outbuilding. Probably C18. Killas rubble walls, 1 wall rendered; steep roof with slate at the garden front and corrugated asbestos to the road elevation. Small rectangular plan. Single storey plus attic loft with loading doorway at E end. INTERIOR: not | 1975-05-01 | 1975-05-01 | |||
740-1/49/510 | FORE STREET, Plympton St Maurice, (South side) No.101 Plympton St Maurice House & former St Maurice Cottage | MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.050559 50.383048,-4.050600 50.383041,-4.050644 50.383058,-4.050636 50.383066,-4.050733 50.383101,-4.050743 50.383092,-4.050788 50.383109,-4.050763 50.383137,-4.050859 50.383172,-4.050898 50.383127,-4.050856 50.383112,-4.050919 50.383037,-4.050865 50.383017,-4.050849 50.383034,-4.050824 50.383013,-4.050797 50.383013,-4.050736 50.382991,-4.050720 50.382978,-4.050668 50.382966,-4.050639 50.382997,-4.050559 50.382969,-4.050535 50.383052,-4.050559 50.383048))) | (Formerly Listed as: FORE STREET, Plympton St Maurice Plympton St Maurice House. Former St Maurice Cottage) House and attached service cottage. C18. Stucco with some stucco detail; steep dry slate hipped roofs behind parapet with plain entablature; irr | 1952-04-23 | 1952-04-23 | |||
740-1/49/511 | FORE STREET, Plympton St Maurice, (South side) No.103 The Lodge | MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.051235 50.383179,-4.051374 50.383050,-4.051323 50.383027,-4.051304 50.383044,-4.051290 50.383037,-4.051275 50.383050,-4.051209 50.383019,-4.051223 50.383006,-4.051191 50.382992,-4.051066 50.383103,-4.051144 50.383139,-4.051129 50.383152,-4.051159 50.383165,-4.051174 50.383152,-4.051235 50.383179))) | (Formerly Listed as: FORE STREET, Plympton St Maurice The Lodge) Detached villa. Early-mid C19. Render replacing stucco; dry slate hipped roof with projecting eaves. Double-depth plan with probably 2 rooms at the front flanking a central entrance hall. | 1975-05-01 | 1975-05-01 | |||
740-1/49/512 | FORE STREET, Plympton St Maurice, (South side) Garden boundary wall to No.103 The Lodge, NE along Fore Street | MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.050975 50.383162,-4.050894 50.383133,-4.050852 50.383127,-4.050798 50.383150,-4.050790 50.383177,-4.050795 50.383191,-4.050825 50.383211,-4.050913 50.383243,-4.051091 50.383336,-4.051155 50.383332,-4.051182 50.383310,-4.051184 50.383282,-4.051175 50.383269,-4.050975 50.383162))) | (Formerly Listed as: FORE STREET, Plympton St Maurice Garden Boundary Wall of The Lodge to north-east along Fore Street) Garden boundary wall to road frontage. C18 or early C19. Tall (about 3m) rubble wall with slate coping. Included for group value. | 1975-05-01 | 1975-05-01 | |||
740-1/49/513 | FORE STREET, Plympton St Maurice, (North side) The Forester's Arms | MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.049485 50.383033,-4.049461 50.383160,-4.049484 50.383161,-4.049487 50.383136,-4.049525 50.383138,-4.049523 50.383159,-4.049585 50.383164,-4.049600 50.383036,-4.049485 50.383033))) | Public house. C17 or C18 with front remodelled late C19. Stucco with plinth; steep red asbestos slate roof with eaves projecting over large stucco consoles; 2 hipped dormers with casements. Double-depth plan with 2 unequal rooms at the front flanking a t | 1975-05-01 | 1975-05-01 | |||
740-1/62/8 | FRIARS LANE, Barbican, (East side) No.3 Trinity House | MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.136976 50.367341,-4.137062 50.367351,-4.137085 50.367249,-4.137002 50.367239,-4.136976 50.367341))) | (Formerly Listed as: FRIARS LANE, Plymouth No.3 (Trinity House)) Town house, now offices. Mid C18. Render on probable rubble; steep dry slate hipped roof with slightly projecting eaves and 3 pedimented roof dormers with 16-pane horned sashes, similar wi | 1954-01-25 | 1954-01-25 | |||
740-1/82/569 | FURZEHATT ROAD, Plymstock, (North side) No.100 Benhay | MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.085256 50.356152,-4.085324 50.356147,-4.085315 50.356098,-4.085400 50.356089,-4.085397 50.356073,-4.085446 50.356066,-4.085431 50.356025,-4.085447 50.356024,-4.085440 50.356006,-4.085424 50.356007,-4.085407 50.355962,-4.085286 50.355981,-4.085319 50.356067,-4.085302 50.356068,-4.085293 50.356021,-4.085231 50.356028,-4.085256 50.356152))) | Detached house. Early C19, extended in the C20. Roughcast render on probable rubble; dry slate roof; rendered end stacks. Double-depth plan since C20 extension, probably with 2 rooms at the front flanking a central entrance hall. 2 storeys; 3-window rang | 1975-05-01 | 1975-05-01 | |||
740-1/82/570 | FURZEHATT ROAD, Plymstock, (North side) No.102 Furzehatt House | MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.085700 50.355984,-4.085745 50.355980,-4.085754 50.356027,-4.085773 50.356025,-4.085776 50.356040,-4.085821 50.356037,-4.085825 50.356024,-4.085815 50.355975,-4.085905 50.355967,-4.085911 50.355995,-4.085931 50.355994,-4.085926 50.355965,-4.085942 50.355963,-4.085938 50.355942,-4.085970 50.355939,-4.085961 50.355899,-4.085929 50.355901,-4.085927 50.355893,-4.085686 50.355912,-4.085700 50.355984))) | Detached house. Late C18. Stone rubble with roughcast front; steep bitumen-grouted slate roofs, hipped on the left; brick end stack on the right. T-shaped plan including wing at rear centre. 2 storeys; 4-window range. Original or early/mid C19 hornless | 1975-05-01 | 1975-05-01 | |||
740-1/50/514 | GEORGE LANE, Plympton St Maurice, (West side) Nos.1 AND 2 | MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.046724 50.383966,-4.046757 50.384081,-4.046878 50.384067,-4.046867 50.383988,-4.046796 50.383988,-4.046791 50.383974,-4.046756 50.383977,-4.046753 50.383963,-4.046724 50.383966))) | Pair of houses. C18. Incised stucco; steep asbestos slate roof with heavy modillion eaves cornice, half-hipped on the left; 1 hipped dormer on the left and 3 roof-lights; rear lateral stacks. Single-depth plan, each house probably with 2 rooms flanking a | 1975-05-01 | 1975-05-01 | |||
740-1/50/517 | GEORGE LANE, Plympton St Maurice, (East side) Education Offices (former Grammar School) | MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.046357 50.383448,-4.046363 50.383377,-4.046072 50.383367,-4.046065 50.383436,-4.046085 50.383437,-4.046081 50.383489,-4.046269 50.383498,-4.046273 50.383445,-4.046357 50.383448))) | Grammar school, now education offices. 1664. Coursed polychrome rubble with granite dressings; steep slate roofs with coped gable ends with kneelers and finials. ,PLAN: overall T-shaped plan with an arcaded front range with schoolroom to 1st floor and sc | 1952-04-23 | 1952-04-23 | |||
740-1/50/518 | GEORGE LANE, Plympton St Maurice, (West side) Grange House | MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.046782 50.384183,-4.046869 50.384178,-4.046941 50.384183,-4.046926 50.384122,-4.046883 50.384127,-4.046873 50.384068,-4.046757 50.384081,-4.046782 50.384183))) | House in row. C18. Incised stucco on probable rubble; steep asbestos slate roof with heavy modillion eaves cornice; central hipped dormer with pair of sashes; rendered end stacks. Single-depth plan originally with 2 rooms flanking a central entrance hall | 1975-05-01 | 1975-05-01 | |||
740-1/50/519 | GEORGE LANE, Plympton St Maurice, (West side) Homeleigh | MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.046797 50.384263,-4.046898 50.384265,-4.046896 50.384218,-4.046923 50.384215,-4.046922 50.384209,-4.047029 50.384211,-4.047031 50.384191,-4.046889 50.384178,-4.046782 50.384183,-4.046797 50.384263))) | House at end of row. Late C18. Render on probable rubble; dry slate roof; brick end stacks. Shallow-depth plan with probably 2 rooms flanking a central entrance passage. 2 storeys; symmetrical 3-window front with blind central window. Mid C19 4-pane horn | 1975-05-01 | 1975-05-01 | |||
740-1/50/515 | GEORGE LANE, Plympton St Maurice, (East side) Victoria Cottages Nos.1 and 2 | MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.046375 50.383713,-4.046389 50.383785,-4.046481 50.383782,-4.046464 50.383711,-4.046375 50.383713))) | Pair of cottages. Early C19. Painted rubble front; rendered end stacks. Double-depth plan, each cottage with 1 room at the front and its entrance on the right. 2 storeys; 2-window range. Original 16-pane hornless sashes; C20 glazed doors. INTERIOR: not i | 1998-11-09 | 1998-11-09 | |||
740-1/54/141 | GEORGE STREET, Devonport, (West side) Nos.2, 4 AND 6 | MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.173622 50.369823,-4.173616 50.369852,-4.173622 50.369874,-4.173706 50.369983,-4.173759 50.370048,-4.173805 50.370059,-4.173846 50.369969,-4.173824 50.369938,-4.173846 50.369927,-4.173833 50.369909,-4.173810 50.369920,-4.173796 50.369901,-4.173820 50.369894,-4.173797 50.369861,-4.173770 50.369869,-4.173759 50.369850,-4.173622 50.369823))) | Planned terrace of 3 houses fronting the end of a tapered block of planned terraces; 2 later shops. Early-mid C19. Stucco; mansard roofs: slate roof to No.4, others replaced with asbestos slate 3:2:3 dormers behind modillion parapet cornice; stuccoed and | 1975-05-01 | 1975-05-01 | |||
740-1/54/142 | GEORGE STREET, Devonport, (East side) No.57 | MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.171875 50.368125,-4.171703 50.368181,-4.171723 50.368207,-4.171646 50.368233,-4.171667 50.368259,-4.171888 50.368186,-4.171894 50.368193,-4.171950 50.368175,-4.171943 50.368166,-4.172026 50.368139,-4.171984 50.368089,-4.171875 50.368125))) | House on street corner. Early-mid C19. Stucco with painted granite ashlar plinth; roof hidden behind plain parapet; stacks over rear wall. Wide single-depth plan with right-hand end to George Street. 3 storeys; 4:1:2-window Clowance Street front and 2-wi | 1975-05-01 | 1975-05-01 | |||
740-1/54/146 | PEMBROKE STREET, Devonport, (West side) No.60 The Kings Arms Public House | MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.172967 50.368652,-4.172923 50.368598,-4.172884 50.368611,-4.172870 50.368594,-4.172888 50.368588,-4.172868 50.368564,-4.172817 50.368581,-4.172851 50.368623,-4.172647 50.368692,-4.172681 50.368732,-4.172709 50.368738,-4.172967 50.368652))) | Includes: The Kings Arms Public House GEORGE STREET Devonport. Public house on street corner. Late C19. MATERIALS: polychrome brick with dressed stone, terracotta and glazed tile detail; roof hidden behind coped parapet with moulded cornices and turned | 1998-11-09 | 1998-11-09 | |||
740-1/36/427 | GLEN ROAD, Plympton, (North side (off)) Chaddlewood House | MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.028879 50.387046,-4.028918 50.387130,-4.028812 50.387150,-4.028838 50.387205,-4.029026 50.387169,-4.029051 50.387219,-4.029125 50.387205,-4.029111 50.387174,-4.029148 50.387167,-4.029098 50.387059,-4.029116 50.387041,-4.029106 50.387020,-4.029075 50.387011,-4.029022 50.386900,-4.028950 50.386914,-4.028944 50.386898,-4.028881 50.386910,-4.028888 50.386925,-4.028772 50.386948,-4.028800 50.387007,-4.028855 50.386996,-4.028867 50.387022,-4.028854 50.387025,-4.028866 50.387048,-4.028879 50.387046))) | (Formerly Listed as: RIDGEWAY, Plympton Chaddlewood) Country house. Early C19 and much restored late C20 following a serious fire which gutted the interior. Stucco with plinth, mid-floor string and slate hipped roofs behind parapet with moulded cornice; | 1960-03-29 | 1960-03-29 | |||
740-1/66/313 | GRAND PARADE, Hoe, West, (South side) Nos.23-39 (Odd) and attached forecourt walls and railings | MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.148523 50.362749,-4.148522 50.362758,-4.148588 50.362766,-4.148953 50.362782,-4.148952 50.362791,-4.149106 50.362799,-4.149107 50.362790,-4.149531 50.362812,-4.149546 50.362682,-4.148539 50.362632,-4.148514 50.362647,-4.148512 50.362668,-4.148531 50.362679,-4.148523 50.362749))) | (Formerly Listed as: GREAT WESTERN ROAD, Plymouth West Hoe Terrace Nos 1-9 (consec)) Planned terrace of houses, the rear elevation overlooking Plymouth Sound, several now used as hotels. c1860s. Stucco with stucco detail; roof hidden behind balustered p | 1975-05-01 | 1975-05-01 | |||
740-1/66/314 | GRAND PARADE, Hoe, West, (South side) The Waterfront | MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.147722 50.363068,-4.147603 50.363090,-4.147527 50.363119,-4.147506 50.363142,-4.147464 50.363169,-4.147430 50.363180,-4.147423 50.363193,-4.147395 50.363211,-4.147354 50.363326,-4.147367 50.363386,-4.147380 50.363395,-4.147876 50.363087,-4.147835 50.363069,-4.147722 50.363068))) | Harbourside pavilion, now a restaurant. Late C19. Stucco with Tuscan pilasters or half-columns dividing bays and moulded entablature; panelled parapet with moulded cornice; flat roof. Symmetrical plan with articulated front with bowed window bays flankin | 1998-11-09 | 1998-11-09 | |||
740-1/66/315 | GRAND PARADE, Hoe, West, West Hoe Pier | MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.146234 50.363737,-4.146246 50.363794,-4.146278 50.363806,-4.146454 50.363782,-4.146577 50.363796,-4.146661 50.363791,-4.146700 50.363802,-4.146799 50.363747,-4.146835 50.363718,-4.146895 50.363621,-4.147189 50.363254,-4.147473 50.363029,-4.146990 50.363035,-4.146739 50.363233,-4.146803 50.363265,-4.147008 50.363106,-4.147047 50.363088,-4.147146 50.363086,-4.147187 50.363116,-4.147189 50.363155,-4.146991 50.363399,-4.147029 50.363413,-4.146994 50.363453,-4.146950 50.363461,-4.146934 50.363472,-4.146810 50.363627,-4.146820 50.363633,-4.146800 50.363660,-4.146787 50.363656,-4.146757 50.363699,-4.146715 50.363729,-4.146628 50.363758,-4.146377 50.363751,-4.146337 50.363735,-4.146321 50.363718,-4.146317 50.363654,-4.146353 50.363608,-4.146701 50.363344,-4.146636 50.363310,-4.146240 50.363609,-4.146234 50.363737))) | (Formerly Listed as: GRAND PARADE, Plymouth West Hoe Pier) Piers and walls enclosing basin. 1880 datestone. Plymouth limestone rubble brought to course. Irregular plan basin with retaining wall to the landward side, short shaped return walls and 2 jetti | 1975-05-01 | 1975-05-01 |
Showing rows 201 to 250 of 756